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From Computational Complexity

Looking for people to review books for my column

I am looking for reviewers for the following books for my SIGACT NEWS book review column. I will try to edit this post to keep the list up to date; however, ifthis...

From Computational Complexity

Disproofing the Myth that many early logicians were a few axioms short of a complete set

While I was working on this post another blogger posted on the same topic here and I found a book review of Logicomix that touched on some of the same issues here...

From Computational Complexity

Math, the Universe, and Everythign: Max Tegmark's Interpretation of reality (guest post)

(This is a guest post by Nadia Jones who blogs at online college about education, college, student, teacher, money saving, movie related topics. You can reach her...

From Computational Complexity

A slightly diff take on Liptons use or Ramsey's Theorem

This post takes an idea of Dick Lipton's in a slightly different direction. ω(G) is the size of max clique in G. Recall that, for all 0 < δ1 < δ2 < 1, the...

From Computational Complexity

Scooped by 400 years

This article claims that finding the area under a curve by dividing up the region into rectangles is helpful. Maybe they could take some sort of... limiting process...

From Computational Complexity


MATH ON TV FUTURAMA mentions the Banach-Tarski Paradox! In the June 23, 2011 episode Professor Farnsworth invents a Banach-Tarski-Dupla-Shrinker which takeshere...

From Computational Complexity

FCRC 2011. Part 2 of... probably 2.

(A workshop on Coding, Complexity and Sparsity will be held at Ann Arbor, August 1-4, 2011. See this website.) More thoughts on FCRC. Russell Impagliazzo...

From Computational Complexity

I am conducing a NEW POLL on P vs NP

In 2002 I did a poll that appeared as SIGACT News Complexity Theory Column 36 on what people thought of P vs NP. See here. That article is now linked to on...

From Computational Complexity

FCRC 2011. Part I of... maybe I, maybe more.

I do not log on at conferences so I came back to 400 emails. Exactly 400- not sure how I managed that. TODAY I am posting about a few things from FCRC, I may post...

From Computational Complexity

RaTLoCC (Ramsey Theory in...)

I was at RatLoCC last week which stands for Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity. The idea was to bring in researchers for all three areas (actually...

From Computational Complexity

On demand Publishing (guest post)

Cambridge Press (and others) offers PRINT-ON-DEMAND for some books. This is a guest post by Lauren Cowles from Cambridge Books about this, and then my commentsWhats...

From Computational Complexity

President Regan (not Reagan)

Whose name (in firstname lastname form) appeared most often in the pages of Newsweek in the 1970's? Is it---? Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Ken Regan...

From Computational Complexity

How has the STRUCTURES, OH- I mean CCC Conference changed: Lets look at the Call For Papers

Complexity theory has changed over the years. How to really track these things? One way is to look at the list of topics on the Call For papers for the CCC conference...

From Computational Complexity

How important is Teaching Experience on the job market (guest post)

( Annoucements: New York Theory day May 13 and UMCP Theory Postdoc opening. ) This is an anon guest blogger. Even we don't know who this is! He or she emailed...

From Computational Complexity

What did Banach's Wife think of the Banach-Tarski Paradox?

I recently read and reviewed The Pea and The Sun by Leonard Wapner, which is about the Banach-Tarski Paradox. Recall that the Banach-Tarski Paradox is actually...

From Computational Complexity

Going off topic in class: I think it worked--- this time

Recently I went off topic in a class. I think it was okay but I want YOUR thoughts. On Monday I defined Primitive Recursive functions showed them that addition...

From Computational Complexity

Workshop/Award/Conference/Who wants to review books?

The Center for intractability at Princeton is having a Workshop on Approximation Algorithms. Here is the schedule of talks. Vijay Vazirani, one of the organizers...

From Computational Complexity

The Mathematics of Huging my great Niece Jordan

I have already blogged about (trying to) teach me Nephew Jason math here and my Great Nephew Justin math here. Now its my Great Niece Jordan's turn. I was at...

From Computational Complexity

Phillipe Flajolet passed away

Today I read on Lipton's Blog that Phillipe Flajolet passed away (1948-2011). Flajolet worked in Analytic Combinatorics. His book with Sedgewick on the field (see...

From Computational Complexity

An unusual Voting Scheme

(I want to thank Bobby Kleinberg for bringing this to my attention.) Consider the following voting scheme Choose a random person A1. A1 chooses a set at...
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