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From Computational Complexity

Travel Support for Students going to STOC 2011

If you are a grad student and want to goto STOC 2011 there is travel support money that you can apply for. See here for details. We are particularly interested...

From Computational Complexity

Update on 17x17 problem

Long time readers may recall that 17x17 problem that I posted on Nov 30, 2009 here. I am sometimes asked if the problem is still open. Alas it is. Is the bounty...

From Computational Complexity

TAMC conference accepts are out/What does a name tell you about a general theory conference?

The TAMC conference list-of-accepts is posted here. TAMC stands for Theory and Application of Models of Computation. For general theory conferences does theFoundations...

From Computational Complexity

Three Questions that I think Watson would have trouble with

Here are two questions that were on Jeopardy (the shows slogan: Watch "Jeopardy!", Alex Trebek's fun TV quiz game show!) that I do not think Watson would have gotten...

From Computational Complexity

A good article on how science is publicized gets the science wrong

(Guest Post by John Rogers) I have just been reading the recently published book "Seeing Further". Edited by Bill Bryson, it contains essays commissioned for...

From Computational Complexity

Interesting Math related to the Unexpected Hanging Paradox

In a prior post I pondered if there was interesting MATH that relates to the Unexpected Hanging Paradox. At the time none of the comments really had any and, alas...

From Computational Complexity

Aaron Sterling starts his own blog!

Aaron Sterling recently had an AWESOME guest post about Cheminformatics. That got such a great response that he has started his own blog Nanoexplanations. It shot...

From Computational Complexity

Lincoln's Dog-Tail question (in honor of Presidents Day)

(Posted in Honor of Presidents Day.) The following is NOT a trick question; however, I have heard two different answers for it. How many legs would a dogPlay...

From Computational Complexity

CCC 2011 papers- you heard it here first

The complexity papers for CCC 2011 are posted HERE. (They might not be at the official CCC site yet; however, I have permission to post here.) Kudos to Omer....

From Computational Complexity

If I tweeted here is what I would tweet

If I tweeted there is what I would tweet: There was an interesting blog post that responded to Aaron Sterling's Chemoinformatics Post. See here for this interesting...

From Computational Complexity

PROS and CONS of being on a Program Committee

What are the PROS and CONS of being on a program committee? PRO: Looks good on your resume. Is this true at your school? This PRO may be more relevant forunturned...

From Computational Complexity

STOC 2011 accepte papers posted.You heard it here...12th!

For those who did not read yesterdays comments or Lance's Tweet (the empty set?) the list of accepted STOC papers is here. 84 papers accepted. I personallygrow...

From Computational Complexity

All the news that fit to tweet

The Daily Shows Slogan used to be When news break we fix it! This raises the question: When does breaking news actually break? (My memory of this may be hazy...

From Computational Complexity

Is Cheminformatics the new Bioinformatics? (Guest Post by Aaron Sterling)

Chemoinformatics for Computer Scientists Guest Post by Aaron Sterling I recently completed a review of Handbook of Chemoinformatics Algorithms (HCA)here...

From Computational Complexity

Does Tiger Woods know what Venn Diagram is?

In prior blogs I noted that the terms Turing Test and Prisoner's Dilemma have been used in articles for non-math people. In the age of Google people can look...

From Computational Complexity

Are you a Ringer? A Reverse Ringer?

A ringer is an impostor, especially one whose pretense is intended to gain an advantage in a competition. This definition is from Wikipedia and agrees with what...

From Computational Complexity

LICS and TAMC call for papers

Two Call For Papers Announcements: LICS 2011 (Logic in Computer Science) has posted its call-for-papers here. (It was probably posted a while back- the submission...

From Computational Complexity

What is a breakthrough? Lets have an intelligent discussion!!!!!!

In 2010 this blog announced the following Breakthrough!!!! results: (Listed chronologically.) Better Algorithms for Unique Games, by Arora, Barak, Steurer. (We...

From Computational Complexity

BREAKTHROUGH in algorithms: Improved algorithm for Metric TSP!!!!!!!!

BREAKTHROUGH in Algorithms: Improved Algorithm for Metric TSP, (Guest Blog by Mohammad Hajiaghayi) We all recently heard about the breakthrough complexity...

From Computational Complexity

Low, Superlow, supersuperlow sets, and Paywalls

Recall the following: If A is a set then A' (pronounced 'A jump') is the halting set relative to A. Formally it is: { e | MeA(e) converges } A set A is ...
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