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From Computational Complexity

Sam Roweis (1972-2010)

Sam Roweis, an NYU CS professor specializing in machine learning, took his own life last Tuesday night. Jennifer Linden and Maneesh Sahani set up a weblog to share...

From Computational Complexity

2009 Complexity Year in Review

We go all the way back to January for the paper of the year, Mark Braverman's Poly-logarithmic independence fools AC0 circuits. Runners up include the Moser-Tardos...

From Computational Complexity

A Blog Sabbatical

With the end of the fall quarter I will take a break from the blog for a few months. This is not another End, just a chance to move my creative juices in another...

From Computational Complexity


After a talk on derandomization at Midwest Theory Day, someone asked if those techniques could also be used in quantum computing.  In classical randomness under ...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Vidcast 3

Quick announcement: If you are a student who wants to go to SODA but doesn't have the funds, click here. I had forgotten we did this. Here's a video of my daughter...

From Computational Complexity

The Probability of P=NP

Dean Foster asked me for a probability that P=NP. Now P=NP is not a probabilistic event, either P=NP or P?NP (if it's independent it's still equal or unequal in...

From Computational Complexity

Who Pays for Trips?

If Professor Alice at Faber College visits Dr. Bob at the University of Southern North Dakota, who should cover Alice's expenses? It depends on who does the asking...

From Computational Complexity

Birthday Paradox Variance

First a message from David Johnson for proposals on locations for SODA 2012 both in and outside the US. Here's an interesting approach to the birthday paradox...

From Computational Complexity

DIMACS at 20

Last Friday DIMACS celebrated its 20th anniversary. Muthu summarizes the event. DIMACS has served the theoretical computer science community well over these two...

From Computational Complexity

Citing Papers

A student asked me which version of a research paper to cite, a journal (the last reviewed version) or a conference (the first reviewed version) of a paper. I generally...

From Computational Complexity

FOCS Videos

As I tweeted yesterday, the videos of talks from the 2009 FOCS conference are now online. Thanks to FOCS PC chair Daniel Spielman and Georgia Tech's ARC Centercollected...

From Computational Complexity

A Prayer Book for the Internet Generation

As a young kid in the Reform Jewish community we used the Union Prayer Book, a traditional book with Hebrew on the right and English on the left with lots of instructions...

From Computational Complexity


As many university's still feel the effect of the financial crises, many have limited or no positions to hire new tenure-track faculty so I expect the academicUniversity...

From Computational Complexity

Breaking Walls

Many of you readers don't remember a time when there were two Germanys or when we didn't think IP = PSPACE. Two walls collapsed in November of 1989 that changed...

From Computational Complexity

Button Button

Here is the offer: If you press the button you will receive $200,000. The caveat: Someone you don't know will die. I was born during run of the original Twilight...

From Computational Complexity


The new Innovations in Computer Science conference announced their accepted papers earlier this week including my paper with Rahul Santhanam "Bounding Rationality...

From Computational Complexity

Amir Pnueli (1941-2009)

Amir Pnueli, an expert in temporal logic and program verification who won the 1996 Turing Award, passed away Monday from a brain hemorrhage. His colleague Lenore...

From Computational Complexity


Last month I suggested that students should go to FOCS even if they didn't have a paper there. I doubt my post had much to do with it, but I heard FOCS did attract...

From Computational Complexity

Proud to be a Monomath

A girl told her father that history was much easier when he was in school. "Why?" he asked. She responded "Because there was so much less of it." An old joke, but...

From Computational Complexity

FOCS Last Day

Last (but surely not least) day at FOCS 09!Jan Vondrak talked about some nice results that unify previous query complexity approaches in proving lower bounds for...
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