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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

The Mystical Bond Between Man and Machine

You just can't watch a movie these days without being inundated with trailers. First came Axl, a movie about a boys love for a military robotic dog.   "It's...

From Computational Complexity

Happy 90th Juris!

Juris Hartmanis turns 90 today. Hartmanis with Richard Stearns received the 1993 Turing Award for their seminar work On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms...

From Computational Complexity

STOC 50 Part II

On Wednesday, STOC had a great complexity session and the best complexity paper of the conference, Cody Murray and Ryan Williams extending Ryan’s celebrated result...

From Computational Complexity

STOC 50 Part I

This week I'm in Los Angeles attending the 50th Symposium on the Theory of Computing. Most attendees weren't even born before the first STOC. Many of them weren't...

From Computational Complexity


Thanks to Grigory Yaroslavtsev for taking over the Theory Jobs Spreadsheet. Details on Grigory's blog. Check out who is going where next year. My office...

From Computational Complexity

BQP not in the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy in Relativized Worlds

The quantum complexity world is a rocking with the paper released yesterday by Ran Raz and Avishay Tal, Oracle Separation of BQP and PH, resolving a question open...

From Computational Complexity

Seventh Grade Math Contest

I stumbled upon an old blog post on the Lesswrong weblog that quotes several famous mathematicians  on the connections, or lack thereof, between mathematics competitions...

From Computational Complexity

Kolmogorov Complexity and Causation

I got an interesting email question. Suppose I give you a set of points S of the form (x,y). He suggested ideally they would be pairs of a real numbers. Supposing...

From Computational Complexity

The Complexity of the Firm

In 1937, a year after Turing had his seminal paper, Ronald Coase published a paper The Nature of the Firm to give a framework to why we have companies and how large...

From Computational Complexity

Richard Feynman (1918-1988)

When I took cryptography from Manuel Blum, he handed out copies of the chapter "Safecracker Meets Safecracker" from Richard Feynman's book Surely You're Joking...

From Computational Complexity

Broader Impacts Redefined

The ACM Future of Computing Academy suggests that "peer reviewers should require that papers and proposals rigorously consider all reasonable broader impacts, both...

From Computational Complexity

Memory is Hot

A good number of the faculty candidates interviewing at Georgia Tech have a common theme: Memory. Memory connected to databases, to programming languages, to...

From Computational Complexity

Lance and Bill Gather for Gardner

Every two years in Atlanta, recreational mathematicians gather to honor Martin Gardner, whose Scientific American column Mathematical Games through the 60's and...

From Computational Complexity

Almost Famous Quantum Polynomial Time

I have been playing with a new complexity class AFQP, defined in a yet-to-be-published manuscript by Alagna and Fleming. A language L is in AFQP if there is a polynomial...

From Computational Complexity

A Reduced Turing Award

A Turing machine has an extremely simple instruction set: Move left, move right, read and write. If you want to do real programming, you need something a bit...

From Computational Complexity

Stephen Hawking (1942-2018)

Stephen Hawking passed away earlier this morning in Cambridge, England. As a brilliant theoretical physicist and best-selling author all while dealing withA...

From Computational Complexity

Data-Driven Programming

Five years ago I posted about Flash Fill, a then new Microsoft Excel feature that would reformat data based on examples. I just checked the latest version of Excel...

From Computational Complexity

Me and My Bolt

On Tuesday I got a knock on my car's window. Rolling it down someone asked if I liked my car as he was thinking of buying one himself. Was I driving the...

From Computational Complexity

NP is Hard

You don't get much press by stating conventional beliefs--there is no "round earth society". Nevertheless there are serious researchers out there trying to sayI...

From Computational Complexity

Corporate Education

First of all read the #metoo testimonial going around the TCS blogosphere. Our field is not immune. Last Sunday Frank Bruni wrote an op-ed column Corporations,...
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