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From Computational Complexity

Vaughan Jones and Kaikoura

Vaughan Jones, one of the greatest mathematicians from New Zealand, passed away on September 6 at 67. Jones is an expert in knot theory among other areas and received...

From Computational Complexity


Lance: Perhaps we should do a post-election vidcast--what does it mean for complexity!Bill: Not sure if you are serious- but I doubt a Biden presidency will either...

From Computational Complexity

2020 Fall Jobs Post

My annual fall jobs posts, giving advice to PhDs looking for faculty positions, were getting repetitive. See last year's post for the usual stuff and feel freeTaulbee...

From Computational Complexity

50 Years of PBS

The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) launched fifty years ago this month in the United States. The New York Times talks about its fifty reasons how the network...

From Computational Complexity

MIP* = RE Redux

Everything pre-covid seems at least five years ago to me, so it's hard to believe that MIP* = RE is a 2020 result. To remind you, consider the model where we have...

From Computational Complexity

Remembering 2000

FOCS 2000 took place in Redondo Beach, just south of Los Angeles, November 12-14. Certainly some great results such as the Reingold-Vadhan-Wigderson Zig-Zag Graph...

From Computational Complexity

Simons Institute Gets Another Decade

 Great news out of the Simons Institute.The Simons Foundation has ensured a second decade of research and innovation for the Simons Institute for the Theory ofcollection...

From Computational Complexity

Virtual Complexity

The Complexity Complexity Conference, the conference that shares its name and URL with this blog, originally scheduled for Saarbrücken will be held virtually next...

From Computational Complexity

On Chain Letters and Pandemics

Guest post by Varsha Dani.My 11-year-old child received a letter in the mail. "Send a book to the first person named," it said, "then move everyone's name up the...

From Computational Complexity

And the winners are ....

The Computational Complexity Conference has announced the accepted papers for the 2020 now virtual conference. Check them out! Speaking of the complexity conference...

From Computational Complexity

Vidcast on Conferences

Bill and Lance have another socially-distanced vidcast, this time with Lance telling the story of two conferences (ACM Economics and Computation and the Game Theory...

From Computational Complexity

Predicting the Virus

As a complexity theorist I often find myself far more intrigued in what we cannot compute than what we can. In 2009 I posted on some predictions of the spread of...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Vidcast - Future Edition

Bill and Lance aim to talk about the future but can't escape the present.

From Computational Complexity

The Summer Virtual Conference Season

Both STOC and Complexity have announced they will go virtual for the summer. ICALP moved from Beijing to Stuttgart to online. I expect every major summer conference...

From Computational Complexity

Theoretical Computer Science for the Future

Guest post by the TCS4F initiative (Antoine Amarilli, Thomas Colcombet, Hugo Férée, Thomas Schwentick)  TCS4F is an initiative by theoretical computer scientists...

From Computational Complexity

Return of the Vidcast

Bill and I just have a discussion, virtually of course.

From Computational Complexity

Let's Hear It for the Cloud

Since March 19th I have worked out of home. I've had virtual meetings, sometimes seven or eight a day, on Zoom, Bluejeans, Google Hangouts, Google Meet, Blackboard...

From Computational Complexity

Robin Thomas

Graph Theorist and Georgia Tech Math Professor Robin Thomas passed away Thursday after his long battle with ALS. He was one of the giants of the field and aHadwiger...

From Computational Complexity

What to do while stuck at home Part I

First of all both the Turing award and Abel Prize announced yesterday. As we start moving from the panic phase of the coronavirus to the boring phase, what kinds...

From Computational Complexity

The Importance of Networking

People skip conferences because of the coronavirus or for global warming or just because conferences are too expensive and time consuming. I'm certainly no fanMarch...
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