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From Computational Complexity

Chernoff Turns 100

Guest post by Ravi BoppanaHerman Chernoff celebrates a milestone today: he turns 100 years old.  We in theoretical computer science know Professor Chernoff primarily...

From Computational Complexity

Don't Negotiate with Logic

Computer science and mathematicians often try to use logic to negotiate whether it be at a university or life in general. I've tried it myself and it doesn't usually...

From Computational Complexity

Randomized Acceptances

NeurIPS recently released their 2021 consistency report, a sequel to the 2014 experiment. While the conference has grown dramatically, the results remain "consistent"...

From Computational Complexity

Finding Primes Pseudodeterministically

In 2003, Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena showed that primality testing is in P, i.e., you could test for primes without using any randomness.What if you want to findposted...

From Computational Complexity

Community Guidelines that Ignore History

Last week I got the following email from Blogger:As you may know, our Community Guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what...

From Computational Complexity

Winter is Coming

I fear we are heading to a computer science winter. Now why would I say that when CS enrollments are at record levels and AI is driving incredible excitement in...

From Computational Complexity

Breaking Ground in Isomorphism Testing: A Leap Forward for a Bottleneck Case of Group Isomorphism

Guest post by Josh Grochow and Youming QiaoThere has, quietly, been somewhat of a breakthrough in isomorphism testing. No, not as big as Babai's 2016 Graph Isomorphism...

From Computational Complexity

Comic Book Alignment

Talk about AI "alignment" makes me think of a time in the 1950s that a group of companies decided tocreate an industry organization to self-govern their work to...

From Computational Complexity

Health Tech

On Tuesday, at the behest of an alumnus, I spent the afternoon at HIMSS, a large health tech conference being held at the big convention center in Chicago. When...

From Computational Complexity

My Week at Simons

This week finds me at the Simons Institute for Theoretical Computer Science in Berkeley California. Simons started about the same time I joined the administrative...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity and Explainable AI

About six years ago, I posted on why it was important to understand machine learning, mentioning trust, fairness, security and causality. But I then I brought in...

From Computational Complexity

Neil Jones (1941-2023)

Eric Allender graciously agreed to write this remembrance of Neil Jones.Neil Jones passed away on March 27.Neil's work had a profound impact on the field of computational...

From Computational Complexity

Who's on April First

 Carlos May waving to the crowd on April 1, 1972Instead of the usual April Fools’ Day post, I present one of the best April Fools Day stunts ever. Here’s the text...

From Computational Complexity

Alan Turing, The Opera

 Last Thursday I attended the world premier of The Life and Death(s) of Alan Turing, a new production from Chicago Opera Theater composed by Justine Chen with the...

From Computational Complexity

A Strange Hiring Season

In my fall jobs post, I had trouble predicting this season's CS faculty job market but I didn't expect this:  strong supply and strong demand, something we haven't...

From Computational Complexity

Identities in Computational Complexity

Guest post by Josh Grochow On the birdsite, Jay Cummings tweeted: TOP 5 IDENTITIES OF ALL TIME5. You4. Can't 3. Rank2. Identities 1. eiπ + 1 = 0— Jay Cummings...

From Computational Complexity

Peer Review

I ran into a partner of a computer scientist at a social event who asked me "Is the publication system in CS screwed up or really screwed up?" If you don't know...

From Computational Complexity

Goodbye Dilbert

Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, had a racist rant in a video he posted last week. As a result most newspapers that carried the comic strip are dropping Dilbert...

From Computational Complexity

The Virtual Grad Student

Martin Haug, who is working on a LaTeX alternative Typst, asked me if I had updates on a LaTeX rant from 2011. I haven't seen any new serious backward compatibility...

From Computational Complexity

Blurry JPEG or Frozen Concentrate

Ted Chiang in a recent New Yorker article likened ChatGPT to a blurry JPEG, i.e. a "lossy compression" of the web. It's a good article but the analogy isn'tKolmogorov...
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