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Facebook Privacy Guide
From Schneier on Security

Facebook Privacy Guide

It's actually pretty good. Also note that the site is redesigning its privacy. As we learned from Microsoft, nothing motivates a company to improve its security...

Details of the RSA Hack
From Schneier on Security

Details of the RSA Hack

We finally have some, even though the company isn't talking: So just how well crafted was the e-mail that got RSA hacked? Not very, judging by what F-Secure found...

Screenshots of Chinese Hacking Tool
From Schneier on Security

Screenshots of Chinese Hacking Tool

It's hard to know how serious this really is: The screenshots appear as B-roll footage in the documentary for six seconds

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishing in Ulleungdo, Korea
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishing in Ulleungdo, Korea

The industry is in decline: A generation ago, most of the island's 10,000 residents worked in the squid industry, either as sellers like Kim or as farmer-fishermen...

Preventing the Theft of Wire Cutters
From Schneier on Security

Preventing the Theft of Wire Cutters

This is a picture of a pair of wire cutters secured to a table with a wire. Someone isn't thinking this through....

The Problem with Using the Cold War Metaphor to Describe Cyberspace Risks
From Schneier on Security

The Problem with Using the Cold War Metaphor to Describe Cyberspace Risks

Nice essay on the problems with talking about cyberspace risks using "Cold War" metaphors: The problem with threat inflation and misapplied history is that there...

Terrorism in the U.S. Since 9/11
From Schneier on Security

Terrorism in the U.S. Since 9/11

John Mueller and his students analyze the 33 cases of attempted terrorism in the U.S. since 9/11. So few of them are actually real, and so many of them were created...

Funniest Joke at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
From Schneier on Security

Funniest Joke at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Nick Helm won an award for the funniest joke at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival: Nick Helm: "I needed a password with eight characters so I picked Snow White and...

Moving 211 Tons of Gold
From Schneier on Security

Moving 211 Tons of Gold

The security problems associated with moving $12B in gold from London to Venezuela. It seems to me that Ch

The Security Risks of Not Teaching Malware
From Schneier on Security

The Security Risks of Not Teaching Malware

Essay by George Ledin on the security risks of not teaching students malware.

Stealing ATM PINs with a Thermal Camera
From Schneier on Security

Stealing ATM PINs with a Thermal Camera

It's easy: Researchers from UCSD pointed thermal cameras towards plastic ATM PIN pads and metal ATM PIN pads to test how effective they were at stealing PIN numbers...

Smartphone Keystroke Logging Using the Motion Sensor
From Schneier on Security

Smartphone Keystroke Logging Using the Motion Sensor

Clever: "When the user types on the soft keyboard on her smartphone (especially when she holds her phone by hand rather than placing it on a fixed surface), the...

Security for Implanted Medical Devices
From Schneier on Security

Security for Implanted Medical Devices

Worried about someone hacking your implanted medical devices? Here's a signal-jamming device you can wear.

Cheating at Casinos with Hidden Cameras
From Schneier on Security

Cheating at Casinos with Hidden Cameras

Sleeve cameras aren't new, but they're now smaller than ever and the cheaters are getting more sophisticated: In January, at the newly opened $4-billion Cosmopolitan...

Movie-Plot Threat: Open Airplane Cockpit Doors During Bathroom Breaks
From Schneier on Security

Movie-Plot Threat: Open Airplane Cockpit Doors During Bathroom Breaks

James Fallows has a nice debunking of a movie-plot threat.

How Microsoft Develops Security Patches
From Schneier on Security

How Microsoft Develops Security Patches

I thought this was an interesting read.

From Schneier on Security


Long essay on the value of pseudonymity. From the conclusions: Here lies the huge irony in this discussion. Persistent pseudonyms aren't ways to hide who yoube...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Forks
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Forks

Squid forks.

Looking Backward at Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Looking Backward at Terrorism

Nice essay on the danger of too much security: The great lie of the war on terror is not that we can sacrifice a little liberty for greater security. It is that...

The Dilemma of Counterterrorism Policy
From Schneier on Security

The Dilemma of Counterterrorism Policy

Any institution delegated with the task of preventing terrorism has a dilemma: they can either do their best to prevent terrorism, or they can do their best toA...
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