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dateMore Than a Year Ago

Steven Pinker on Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Steven Pinker on Terrorism

It's almost time for a deluge of "Ten Years After 9/11" essays. Here's Steven Pinker: The discrepancy between the panic generated by terrorism and the deaths...

New Attack on AES
From Schneier on Security

New Attack on AES

"Biclique Cryptanalysis of the Full AES," by Andrey Bogdanov, Dmitry Khovratovich, and Christian Rechberger. Abstract. Since Rijndael was chosen as the Advanced...

Alarm Geese
From Schneier on Security

Alarm Geese

A prison in Brazil uses geese as part of its alarm system. There's a long tradition of this. Circa 400 BC, alarm geese alerted a Roman citadel to a Gaul attack...

Security by Default
From Schneier on Security

Security by Default

Nice essay by Christopher Soghoian on why cell phone and Internet providers need to enable security options by default.

Search Redirection and the Illicit Online Prescription Drug Trade
From Schneier on Security

Search Redirection and the Illicit Online Prescription Drug Trade

Really interesting research. Search-redirection attacks combine several well-worn tactics from black-hat SEO and web security. First, an attacker identifies high...

New, Undeletable, Web Cookie
From Schneier on Security

New, Undeletable, Web Cookie

A couple of weeks ago Wired reported the discovery of a new, undeletable, web cookie: Researchers at U.C. Berkeley have discovered that some of the net’s mostfinally...

Interview with Me
From Schneier on Security

Interview with Me

Here's an interview with me from the Homeland Security News Wire.

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Painted on Canal Narrowboat
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Painted on Canal Narrowboat

Pretty. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

<i>Liars and Outliers</i> Cover
From Schneier on Security

Liars and Outliers Cover

My new book, Liars and Outliers, has a cover. Publication is still scheduled for the end of February -- in time for the RSA Conference -- assuming I finish the...

Rat that Applies Poison to its Fur
From Schneier on Security

Rat that Applies Poison to its Fur

The African crested rat applies tree poison to its fur to make itself more deadly. The researchers made their discovery after presenting a wild-caught crestedAcokanthera...

Counterfeit Pilot IDs and Uniforms Will Now Be Sufficient to Bypass Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

Counterfeit Pilot IDs and Uniforms Will Now Be Sufficient to Bypass Airport Security

This seems like a really bad idea: ...the Transportation Security Administration began a program Tuesday allowing pilots to skirt the security-screening process...

Security Flaws in Encrypted Police Radios
From Schneier on Security

Security Flaws in Encrypted Police Radios

"Why (Special Agent) Johnny (Still) Can

GPRS Hacked
From Schneier on Security

GPRS Hacked

Just announced: Nohl's group found a number of problems with GPRS. First, he says, lax authentication rules could allow an attacker to set up a fake cellular base...

"Taxonomy of Operational Cyber Security Risks"
From Schneier on Security

"Taxonomy of Operational Cyber Security Risks"

I'm a big fan of taxonomies, and this -- from Carnegie Mellon -- seems like a useful one: The taxonomy of operational cyber security risks, summarized in Table...

Free-Riding on Plant Security Countermeasures
From Schneier on Security

Free-Riding on Plant Security Countermeasures

There's a security story from biology I've used a few times: plants that use chemicals to call in airstrikes by wasps on the herbivores attacking them. This is...

MRI Lie Detectors
From Schneier on Security

MRI Lie Detectors

An article from Salon -- lots of interesting research. My previous blog post on the topic.

New Bank-Fraud Trojan
From Schneier on Security

New Bank-Fraud Trojan

Nasty: The German Federal Criminal Police (the

<i>Business Week</i> on The Cyberwar Arms Race
From Schneier on Security

Business Week on The Cyberwar Arms Race

I've been using the phrase "arms race" to describe the world's militaries' rush into cyberspace for a couple of years now. Here's a good article on the topic that...

Friday Squid Blogging: Severed Hand is Actually A Dried Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Severed Hand is Actually A Dried Squid

I just can't make this stuff up: A report of a severed hand found at an Oahu seabird sanctuary has turned out to be dried squid. Remember: if you see something...

XKCD on the CIA Hack
From Schneier on Security

XKCD on the CIA Hack

So true.
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