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New Al Qaeda Encryption Software
From Schneier on Security

New Al Qaeda Encryption Software

The Web intelligence company Recorded Future is reporting -- picked up by the Wall Street Journal -- that al Qaeda is using new encryption software in the wake...

Computer Forensics in Fiction
From Schneier on Security

Computer Forensics in Fiction

New television show -- CSI: Cyber. I hope they have some good technical advisers, but I doubt they do....

New NSA Snowden Documents
From Schneier on Security

New NSA Snowden Documents

Glenn Greenwald's book, No Place to Hide, has been published today. There are about 100 pages of NSA documents on the book's website. I haven't gone through them...

Steganography in Tweets
From Schneier on Security

Steganography in Tweets

Clever, but make sure to heed the caveats in the final two paragraphs....

Internet Subversion
From Schneier on Security

Internet Subversion

In addition to turning the Internet into a worldwide surveillance platform, the NSA has surreptitiously weakened the products, protocols, and standards we all use...

Friday Squid Blogging: The Evolutionary Purpose of Pain
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: The Evolutionary Purpose of Pain

A new study shows that Doryteuthis pealei in pain -- or whatever passes for pain in that species -- has heightened sensory sensitivity and heightened reactions....

Putin Requires Russian Bloggers to Register with the Government
From Schneier on Security

Putin Requires Russian Bloggers to Register with the Government

This is not good news. Widely known as the "bloggers law," the new Russian measure specifies that any site with more than 3,000 visitors daily will be considered...

Retelling of Stories Increases Bias
From Schneier on Security

Retelling of Stories Increases Bias

Interesting experiment shows that the retelling of stories increases conflict and bias. For their study, which featured 196 undergraduates, the researchers created...

Correspondence Between the NSA and Google Leaked
From Schneier on Security

Correspondence Between the NSA and Google Leaked

Al Jazeera is reporting on leaked emails (not leaked by Snowden, but by someone else) detailing close ties between the NSA and Google. There are no smoking guns...

Fearing Google
From Schneier on Security

Fearing Google

Mathias Dopfner writes an open letter explaining why he fears Google: We know of no alternative which could offer even partially comparable technological prerequisites...

The Economics of Video Game Cheating
From Schneier on Security

The Economics of Video Game Cheating

Interesting article on the business of selling enhancements that allow you to cheat in online video games....

Friday Squid Blogging: How Flying Squid Fly
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: How Flying Squid Fly

Someone has finally proven how: How do these squid go from swimming to flying? Four phases of flight are described in the research: launching, jetting, gliding...

Unusual Electronic Voting Machine Threat Model
From Schneier on Security

Unusual Electronic Voting Machine Threat Model

Rats have destroyed dozens of electronic voting machines by eating the cables. It would have been a better story if the rats had zeroed out the machines after the...

Analysis of the FBI's Failure to Stop the Boston Marathon Bombings
From Schneier on Security

Analysis of the FBI's Failure to Stop the Boston Marathon Bombings

Detailed response and analysis of the inspectors general report on the Boston Marathon bombings: Two opposite mistakes in an after-the-fact review of a terrorist...

Really Weird Keith Alexander Interview
From Schneier on Security

Really Weird Keith Alexander Interview

Comedian John Oliver interviewed now-retired NSA director General Keith Alexander. It's truly weird....

The Federal Reserve System's Cyberdefense Force
From Schneier on Security

The Federal Reserve System's Cyberdefense Force

Interesting article on the cybersecurity branch of the Federal Reserve System....

Tracking People from Smartphone Accelerometers
From Schneier on Security

Tracking People from Smartphone Accelerometers

It's been long known that individual analog devices have their own fingerprints. Decades ago, individual radio transmitters were identifiable and trackable. Now...

The Quantified Toilet Hoax
From Schneier on Security

The Quantified Toilet Hoax

Good essay on the Quantified Toilet hoax, and the difference between public surveillance and private self-surveillance....

Details of Apple's Fingerprint Recognition
From Schneier on Security

Details of Apple's Fingerprint Recognition

This is interesting: Touch ID takes a 88x88 500ppi scan of your finger and temporarily sends that data to a secure cache located near the RAM, after the data is...

A New Pencil-and-Paper Encryption Algorithm
From Schneier on Security

A New Pencil-and-Paper Encryption Algorithm

Handycipher is a new pencil-and-paper symmetric encryption algorithm. I'd bet a gazillion dollars that it's not secure, although I haven't done the cryptanalysis...
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