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Detecting Adblocker Blockers
From Schneier on Security

Detecting Adblocker Blockers

Interesting research on the prevalence of adblock blockers: "Measuring and Disrupting Anti-Adblockers Using Differential Execution Analysis": Abstract: Millions...

Spectre and Meltdown Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Spectre and Meltdown Attacks

After a week or so of rumors, everyone is now reporting about the Spectre and Meltdown attacks against pretty much every modern processor out there. These are side...

Tamper-Detection App for Android
From Schneier on Security

Tamper-Detection App for Android

Edward Snowden and Nathan Freitas have created an Android app that detects when it's being tampered with. The basic idea is to put the app on a second phone and...

Fake Santa Surveillance Camera
From Schneier on Security

Fake Santa Surveillance Camera

Reka makes a "decorative Santa cam," meaning that it's not a real camera. Instead, it just gets children used to being under constant surveillance. Our Santa Cam...

Security Vulnerabilities in Star Wars
From Schneier on Security

Security Vulnerabilities in Star Wars

A fun video describing some of the many Federation security vulnerabilities in the first Star Wars movie. Happy New Year, everyone....

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Populations Are Exploding
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Populations Are Exploding

New research: "Global proliferation of cephalopods" Summary: Human activities have substantially changed the world's oceans in recent decades, altering marine food...

Profile of Reality Winner
From Schneier on Security

Profile of Reality Winner

New York Magazine published an excellent profile of the single-document leaker Reality Winner....

The "Extended Random" Feature in the BSAFE Crypto Library
From Schneier on Security

The "Extended Random" Feature in the BSAFE Crypto Library

Matthew Green wrote a fascinating blog post about the NSA's efforts to increase the amount of random data exposed in the TLS protocol, and how it interacts with...

Post-Quantum Algorithms
From Schneier on Security

Post-Quantum Algorithms

NIST has organized a competition for public-key algorithms secure against a quantum computer. It recently published all of its Round 1 submissions. (Details of...

Acoustical Attacks against Hard Drives
From Schneier on Security

Acoustical Attacks against Hard Drives

Interesting destructive attack: "Acoustic Denial of Service Attacks on HDDs": Abstract: Among storage components, hard disk drives (HDDs) have become the most commonly...

"Santa Claus is Coming to Town" Parody
From Schneier on Security

"Santa Claus is Coming to Town" Parody


Friday Squid Blogging: Gonatus Squid Eating a Dragonfish
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Gonatus Squid Eating a Dragonfish

There's a video: Last July, Choy was on a ship off the shore of Monterey Bay, looking at the video footage transmitted by an ROV many feet below. A Gonatus squid...

Amazon's Door Lock Is Amazon's Bid to Control Your Home
From Schneier on Security

Amazon's Door Lock Is Amazon's Bid to Control Your Home

Interesting essay about Amazon's smart lock: When you add Amazon Key to your door, something more sneaky also happens: Amazon takes over. You can leave your keys...

Security Vulnerability in Apple's HomeKit
From Schneier on Security

Security Vulnerability in Apple's HomeKit

The story of the recent vulnerability in Apple's HomeKit....

Details on the Mirai Botnet Authors
From Schneier on Security

Details on the Mirai Botnet Authors

Brian Krebs has a long article on the Mirai botnet authors, who pled guilty....

GCHQ Found -- and Disclosed -- a Windows 10 Vulnerability
From Schneier on Security

GCHQ Found -- and Disclosed -- a Windows 10 Vulnerability

Now this is good news. The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) -- part of GCHQ -- found a serious vulnerability in Windows Defender (their anti-virus component)...

Lessons Learned from the Estonian National ID Security Flaw
From Schneier on Security

Lessons Learned from the Estonian National ID Security Flaw

Estonia recently suffered a major flaw in the security of their national ID card. This article discusses the fix and the lessons learned from the incident: In the...

Friday Squid Blogging: Baby Sea Otters Prefer Shrimp to Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Baby Sea Otters Prefer Shrimp to Squid

At least, this one does. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting...

Tracking People Without GPS
From Schneier on Security

Tracking People Without GPS

Interesting research: The trick in accurately tracking a person with this method is finding out what kind of activity they're performing. Whether they're walking...

Security Planner
From Schneier on Security

Security Planner

Security Planner is a custom security advice tool from Citizen Lab. Answer a few questions, and it gives you a few simple things you can do to improve your security...
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