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xkcd on PGP
From Schneier on Security

xkcd on PGP

How security interacts with users.

Stuxnet is Much Older than We Thought
From Schneier on Security

Stuxnet is Much Older than We Thought

Symantec has found evidence of Stuxnet variants from way back in 2005. That's much older than the 2009 creation date we originally thought it had. More here and...

On Secrecy
From Schneier on Security

On Secrecy

Interesting law paper: "The Implausibility of Secrecy," by Mark Fenster. Abstract: Government secrecy frequently fails. Despite the executive branch’s obsessive...

Nationalism on the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Nationalism on the Internet

For technology that was supposed to ignore borders, bring the world closer together, and sidestep the influence of national governments the Internet is fostering...

Security Theater on the Wells Fargo Website
From Schneier on Security

Security Theater on the Wells Fargo Website

Click on the "Establishing secure connection" link at the top of this page. It's a Wells Fargo page that displays a progress bar with a bunch of security phrases...

Hacking Best-seller Lists
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Best-seller Lists

It turns out that you can buy a position for your book on best-seller lists.

Cisco IP Phone Hack
From Schneier on Security

Cisco IP Phone Hack

Nice work: All current Cisco IP phones, including the ones seen on desks in the White House and aboard Air Force One, have a vulnerability that allows hackers...

"The Logic of Surveillance"
From Schneier on Security

"The Logic of Surveillance"

Interesting essay: Surveillance is part of the system of control. "The more surveillance, the more control" is the majority belief amongst the ruling elites....

Dead Drop from the 1870s
From Schneier on Security

Dead Drop from the 1870s

Hats: De Blowitz was staying at the Kaiserhof. Each day his confederate went there for lunch and dinner. The two never acknowledged one another, but they hung...

Is Software Security a Waste of Money?
From Schneier on Security

Is Software Security a Waste of Money?

I worry that comments about the value of software security made at the RSA Conference last week will be taken out of context. John Viega did not say that software...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid/Whale Yin-Yang
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid/Whale Yin-Yang

Pretty. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Ross Anderson's <i>Security Engineering</i> Online
From Schneier on Security

Ross Anderson's Security Engineering Online

The second edition of Ross Anderson's fantastic book, Security Engineering, is now free online. Required reading for any security engineer.

Oxford University Blocks Google Docs
From Schneier on Security

Oxford University Blocks Google Docs

Google Docs is being used for phishing. Oxford University felt that it had to block the service because Google isn't responding to takedown requests quickly enough...

How the FBI Intercepts Cell Phone Data
From Schneier on Security

How the FBI Intercepts Cell Phone Data

Good article on "Stingrays," which the FBI uses to monitor cell phone data. Basically, they trick the phone into joining a fake network. And, since cell phones...

Browser Security
From Schneier on Security

Browser Security

Interesting discussion on browser security from Communications of the ACM. Also, an article on browser and web privacy from the same issue.

The NSA's Ragtime Surveillance Program and the Need for Leaks
From Schneier on Security

The NSA's Ragtime Surveillance Program and the Need for Leaks

A new book reveals details about the NSA's Ragtime surveillance program: A book published earlier this month, "Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry...

Al Qaeda Document on Avoiding Drone Strikes
From Schneier on Security

Al Qaeda Document on Avoiding Drone Strikes

Interesting: 3 – Spreading the reflective pieces of glass on a car or on the roof of the building. 4 – Placing a group of skilled snipers to hunt the drone, especially...

Marketing at the RSA Conference
From Schneier on Security

Marketing at the RSA Conference

Marcus Ranum has an interesting screed on "booth babes" in the RSA Conference exhibition hall: I'm not making a moral argument about sexism in our industry orsame...

Technologies of Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Technologies of Surveillance

It's a new day for the New York Police Department, with technology increasingly informing the way cops do their jobs. With innovation comes new possibilities but...

New Internet Porn Scam
From Schneier on Security

New Internet Porn Scam

I hadn't heard of this one before. In New Zealand, people viewing adult websites -- it's unclear whether these are honeypot sites, or malware that notices thepop...
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