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Shaming as Punishment for Repeated Drunk Driving
From Schneier on Security

Shaming as Punishment for Repeated Drunk Driving

Janesville, Wisconsin, has published information about repeated drunk driving offenders since 2010. The idea is that the public shame will reduce future incidents...

Identifying People from their Writing Style
From Schneier on Security

Identifying People from their Writing Style

It's called stylometry, and it's based on the analysis of things like word choice, sentence structure, syntax and punctuation. In one experiment, researchers were...

Identifying People from their DNA
From Schneier on Security

Identifying People from their DNA

Interesting: The genetic data posted online seemed perfectly anonymous ­- strings of billions of DNA letters from more than 1,000 people. But all it took was some...

The Security of the Mega File-Sharing Service
From Schneier on Security

The Security of the Mega File-Sharing Service

Ever since the launch of Kim Dotcom's file-sharing service, I have been asked about the unorthodox encryption and security system. I have not reviewed it, andthis...

Commenting on Aaron Swartz's Death
From Schneier on Security

Commenting on Aaron Swartz's Death

There has been an enormous amount written about the suicide of Aaron Swartz. This is primarily a collection of links, starting with those that use his death to...

Google's Authentication Research
From Schneier on Security

Google's Authentication Research

Google is working on non-password authentication techniques. But for Google's password-liberation plan to really take off, they’re going to need other websites...

Thinking About Obscurity
From Schneier on Security

Thinking About Obscurity

This essay is worth reading: Obscurity is the idea that when information is hard to obtain or understand, it is, to some degree, safe. Safety, here, doesn't mean...

TSA Removing Rapiscan Full-Body Scanners from U.S. Airports
From Schneier on Security

TSA Removing Rapiscan Full-Body Scanners from U.S. Airports

This is big news: The U.S. Transportation Security Administration will remove airport body scanners that privacy advocates likened to strip searches after OSItwo...

Friday Squid Blogging: The Search for the Colossal Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: The Search for the Colossal Squid

Now that videographers have bagged a giant squid, the search turns to the colossal squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security...

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Against Browser Encryption
From Schneier on Security

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Against Browser Encryption

Last week, a story broke about how Nokia mounts man-in-the-middle attacks against secure browser sessions. The Finnish phone giant has since admitted that it decrypts...

Essay on FBI-Mandated Backdoors
From Schneier on Security

Essay on FBI-Mandated Backdoors

Good essay by Matt Blaze and Susan Landau.

Cheating at Chess
From Schneier on Security

Cheating at Chess

There's a fascinating story about a probable tournament chess cheat. No one knows how he does it; there's only the facts that 1) historically he's not nearly as...

Lexical Warfare
From Schneier on Security

Lexical Warfare

This essay, which uses the suicide of Aaron Swartz as a jumping off point for how the term "hactivist" has been manipulated by various powers, has this to say about...

Anti-Surveillance Clothing
From Schneier on Security

Anti-Surveillance Clothing

It's both an art project and a practical clothing line. ...Harvey's line of "Stealth Wear" clothing includes an "anti-drone hoodie" that uses metalized material...

The Origins of War
From Schneier on Security

The Origins of War

Philosophy professor David Livingstone Smith on the origins of war.

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Video
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Video

Last week, I blogged about an upcoming Discovery Channel program with actual video footage of a live giant squid. ABC News has a tantalizingly short sneak peak...

Experimental Results: <i>Liars and Outliers</i> Trust Offer
From Schneier on Security

Experimental Results: Liars and Outliers Trust Offer

Last August, I offered to sell Liars and Outliers for $11 in exchange for a book review. This was much less than the $30 list price; less even than the $16 Amazon...

The Politics and Philosophy of National Security
From Schneier on Security

The Politics and Philosophy of National Security

This essay explains why we're all living in failed Hobbesian states: What do these three implications -- states have a great deal of freedom to determine what...

Denial-of-Service Attack Against Facebook
From Schneier on Security

Denial-of-Service Attack Against Facebook

Just claim the person is dead. All you need to do is fake an online obituary.

Cat Smuggler
From Schneier on Security

Cat Smuggler

Not a cat burglar, a cat smuggler. Guards thought there was something suspicious about a little white cat slipping through a prison gate in northeastern Brazil...
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