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Information-Age Law Enforcement Techniques
From Schneier on Security

Information-Age Law Enforcement Techniques

This is an interesting blog post: Buried inside a recent United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report titled Use of Internet for Terrorist Purposes one canHere's...

Nasty Samsung Phone Exploit
From Schneier on Security

Nasty Samsung Phone Exploit

There's a new exploit against Samsung Galaxy phones that allows a rogue app access to all memory. A hacker could copy all of your data, erase all of your data,...

Possible Decryption of World War II Pigeon Message
From Schneier on Security

Possible Decryption of World War II Pigeon Message

A Canadian claims that the message is based on a WWI codebook. A spokesman from GCHQ remains dubious, but says they'll be happy to look at the proposed solution...

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant PVC Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant PVC Squid

Neat art project. Another link. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Book Review: <i>Against Security</i>
From Schneier on Security

Book Review: Against Security

Against Security: How We Go Wrong at Airports, Subways, and Other Sites of Ambiguous Danger, by Harvey Molotch, Princeton University Press, 278 pages, $35 Security...

The History of Security Economics
From Schneier on Security

The History of Security Economics

Ross Anderson recalls the history of security economics (presentation and paper.)

The Internet in North Korea
From Schneier on Security

The Internet in North Korea

How Internet censorship works in North Korea.

QR Code Scams
From Schneier on Security

QR Code Scams

There's a rise in QR codes that point to fraudulent sites. One of the warning signs seems to be a sticker with the code, rather than a code embedded in an advertising...

Detecting Edited Audio
From Schneier on Security

Detecting Edited Audio

Interesting development in forensic analysis: Comparing the unique pattern of the frequencies on an audio recording with a database that has been logging these...

Drone Flights Over the US
From Schneier on Security

Drone Flights Over the US

The EFF has been prying data out of the government and analyzing it.

<i>The National Cyber Security Framework Manual</i>
From Schneier on Security

The National Cyber Security Framework Manual

This book is available as a free pdf download: The National Cyber Security Framework Manual provides detailed background information and in-depth theoretical frameworks...

Dictators Shutting Down the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Dictators Shutting Down the Internet

Excellent article: "How to Shut Down Internets." First, he describes what just happened in Syria. Then: Egypt turned off the internet by using the Border Gateway...

Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication

Yet another way two-factor authentication has been bypassed: For a user to fall prey to Eurograbber, he or she must first be using a computer infected with the...

Buy Your Own ATM Skimmer for $3000
From Schneier on Security

Buy Your Own ATM Skimmer for $3000

I have no idea if this is real. If I had to guess, I would say no.

Squids on the <i>Economist</i> Cover
From Schneier on Security

Squids on the Economist Cover

Four squids on the cover of this week's Economist represent the four massive (and intrusive) data-driven Internet giants: Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon. Interestingly...

Comedy and Cryptography
From Schneier on Security

Comedy and Cryptography

Not the sort of pairing I normally think of, but: Robin Ince and Brian Cox are joined on stage by comedian Dave Gorman, author and Enigma Machine owner Simon Singh...

Roger Williams' Cipher Cracked
From Schneier on Security

Roger Williams' Cipher Cracked

Another historical cipher, this one from the 1600s, has been cracked: Senior math major Lucas Mason-Brown, who has done the majority of the decoding, said his...

Feudal Security
From Schneier on Security

Feudal Security

It’s a feudal world out there. Some of us have pledged our allegiance to Google: We have Gmail accounts, we use Google Calendar and Google Docs, and we have Android...

Friday Squid Blogging: Possible Squid Eyeball Found in Florida
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Possible Squid Eyeball Found in Florida

It's the size of a softball. No sign of the squid it came from. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that...

Hacking by the Syrian Government
From Schneier on Security

Hacking by the Syrian Government

Good article on how the Syrian government hacked into the computers of dissidents: The cyberwar in Syria began with a feint. On Feb. 8, 2011, just as the Arabmanifesto...
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