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Communications of the ACM



Real time Cloud Retail Data Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Real time Cloud Retail Data Analysis

This site was recently brought to my attention.  I am currently in the process of helping a retail marketing operation better understand how well it is doing when...

Become a Master of Creativity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Become a Master of Creativity

In Linkedin:   Looks to be of interest, though I have not read it yet.  " .... by  Andreas von der Heydt Country Manager Amazon BuyVIP, Leadership Coach, Founder...

Real Value of Twitter for Brands
From The Eponymous Pickle

Real Value of Twitter for Brands

In Clickz:   Good thoughts.  " ... For brands, the key objective on all social platforms remains consumer engagement. Because content-focused social promotions...

From Computational Complexity

Global Warming and the Axiom of Choice

Who was the first scientist to warn of Global Warning? These questions are complicated, but I would say it was Bing Crosby in a paper called White Christmas. Here...

How Antivirus Companies Handle State-Sponsored Malware
From Schneier on Security

How Antivirus Companies Handle State-Sponsored Malware

Since we learned that the NSA has surreptitiously weakened Internet security so it could more easily eavesdrop, we've been wondering if it's done anything to antivirus...

Interesting Links 2 December 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 2 December 2013

It was a short work week for me last week. Well as far as school was concerned. Only two days. I spent no time the rest of the week on school work. Not a completely...

Consumer Drones are Coming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumer Drones are Coming

This evening on 60 Minutes ... CEO Jeff Bezos said that Amazon quadro copter autonomous robot delivery drones will be here in about five years. GigaOm says consumer...

Uncanny Valleys of Human Interaction
From The Eponymous Pickle

Uncanny Valleys of Human Interaction

The 'uncanny valley' describes the uneasy reaction people have to robotics that look very similar to human beings, but they know are artificial.  A lengthy piece...

Fun With Meme Generator
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Fun With Meme Generator

Some things are hard to stop once you start. I’ve been having some fun with a site called A couple of my attempts are below. I first used it for...

Seeking Compliance Everywhere
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking Compliance Everywhere

Have now had a number of connections that deal with aspects of what is called 'compliance', or how entities like companies are in compliance with contracts they...

Continued Evolution of E-Mail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Continued Evolution of E-Mail

ReadWrite article on uses of email.  Its not dead yet, still in heavy use, but less it seems for personal use, replaced by texting and social media.    Also the...

iPad in Business at the Procter & Gamble Company
From The Eponymous Pickle

iPad in Business at the Procter & Gamble Company

Mark Lacy sends this along, nicely done.  A excellent example of how tablets can be used in the enterprise.  Congratulations to my former colleagues, see the full...

XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students Volume 20 Issue 2, Winter 2013

XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students Volume 20 Issue 2, Winter 2013

Forget about blenders

Forget about blenders

XRDS Staff



XRDS Staff

Getting dressed in tech

Getting dressed in tech

Terrell R. Bennett, Julia Seiter

Student chapters in Europe

Student chapters in Europe

Virginia Grande

How you can change the world

How you can change the world

Connor Bain

Maintaining ACM traditions: Professional development done right

Maintaining ACM traditions: Professional development done right

Michael Zuba

The Google technical interview: How to get your dream job

The Google technical interview: How to get your dream job

Dean Jackson
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