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Communications of the ACM



Realities of Mind Control
From The Eponymous Pickle

Realities of Mind Control

In Mind Hacks:   A discussion of experiments in mind control.  All communications, and most specifically, advertising, are methods of influence.  So we are rightly...

Pay Attention Eye Tracking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pay Attention Eye Tracking

An interesting concept .... can eye tracking software force you to pay attention during company training? Intrusive, but for some specialized applications. perhaps...

Senator Feinstein Admits the NSA Taps the Internet Backbone
From Schneier on Security

Senator Feinstein Admits the NSA Taps the Internet Backbone

We know from the Snowden documents (and other sources) that the NSA taps Internet backbone through secret-agreements with major U.S. telcos., but the U.S. government...

Ethnography and speculative fiction
From Putting People First

Ethnography and speculative fiction

Two new articles on Ethnography Matters: Ethnographies from the Future: What can ethnographers learn from science fiction and speculative design? Laura Forlano...

Book: People-Centered Innovation
From Putting People First

Book: People-Centered Innovation

People-Centered Innovation: Becoming a Practitioner in Innovative Research by Pedro Oliveira Biblio Publishing, 2013 194 pages [Amazon] Written with a general audience...

Yelp Reviews News
From My Biased Coin

Yelp Reviews News

Giorgos Zervas is in the news again (with Michael Luca of Harvard Business School), this time for his work on filtered/fake Yelp reviews.  See also this piece in...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Dictionary For Reading Proofs

What those phrases really mean Eduardo Tengan is a mathematician at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Computation in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He has written...

Friday Squid Blogging: A Squid that Fishes
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: A Squid that Fishes

The Grimalditeuthis bonplandi is the only known squid to use its tenticles to fish: Its tentacles are thin and fragile, and almost always break off when it's captured...

Tesco Plans for 3D Printing in Supermarkets
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco Plans for 3D Printing in Supermarkets

Tesco as a center for 3D printing, to compete with office services stores, as opposed to printing some of their own products?  But certainly also small parts to...

Another Schneier Interview
From Schneier on Security

Another Schneier Interview

I was interviewed for Technology Review on the NSA and the Snowden documents.

Dina Katabi, MacArthur Genius
From My Biased Coin

Dina Katabi, MacArthur Genius

It's always nice to see a computer scientist be on the list for an award that spans over multiple disciplinary areas.   This year, we get to congratulate Dina Katabi...

Putting Your Data in the Vault
From The Eponymous Pickle

Putting Your Data in the Vault

I am not in particular endorsing this company,  EVault,  but was struck by their posing the question of how companies should store and protect their  'Big Data'...

Technology Hype Busting in Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology Hype Busting in Advertising

In Adage:  In the Advertising Age meeting, a number of sessions on how various advertising technologies link to hype cycles.  Hype or not?   Including some that...

2013 Blog Reader Survey
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2013 Blog Reader Survey

It’s been a while since I tried to collect any data about who reads my blog and why. When someone pointed out to me that Skydrive has the ability to create webquick...

Digital Societies and Social Technologies Summer Institute Helps to Bridge Common Interests Among Different Research Communities
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Digital Societies and Social Technologies Summer Institute Helps to Bridge Common Interests Among Different Research Communities

The following entry is a special contribution to this blog from John L. King, the W.W. Bishop Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan...

Sales and Marketing Misalignment
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sales and Marketing Misalignment

In E-Commerce Times:    Something I have seen first hand , the solutions shown are simplistic, but also powerful.    " ... For CRM data to be useful, it needs context...

3D-Printed Robot to Break Android PINs
From Schneier on Security

3D-Printed Robot to Break Android PINs

Neat project. The reason it works is that the Android system doesn't start putting in very long delays between PIN attempts after a whole bunch of unsuccessful...

Hammers and Nails and Writing Complicated Code
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Hammers and Nails and Writing Complicated Code

The ability of students to find complex solutions to simple problems is a constant source of amusement and amazement. I’m probably neither the first or last teacher...

An ethnography of interaction design practice (PhD dissertation)
From Putting People First

An ethnography of interaction design practice (PhD dissertation)

Delivering Design: Performance and Materiality in Professional Interaction Design is the title of the PhD dissertation Sarah Goodman defended last year to obtain...

Mapping Tutorials for Knowledge Capture
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapping Tutorials for Knowledge Capture

From Biggerplate, a set of tutorials on mind mapping.  Also related, from the IHMC site: Concept Maps, their theory and how to create them.   Examining for use...
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