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Eugene Spafford Answers Questions on
From Schneier on Security

Eugene Spafford Answers Questions on

Excellent interview.

Wisee Body Gesture Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wisee Body Gesture Recognition

A UK correspondent sends along a BBC article on the use of Wifi for gesture recognition.  We explored how gestures might be used in the store aisle.   The simpler...

FTC Looks at Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

FTC Looks at Internet of Things

An upcoming FTC workshop that looks to be of interest.     The emphasis in consumer applications: " ... The workshop aims to help the FTC get to grips with this...

Security and Human Behavior (SHB 2013)
From Schneier on Security

Security and Human Behavior (SHB 2013)

I'm at the Sixth Interdisciplinary Workshop on Security and Human Behavior (SHB 2013). This year we're in Los Angeles, at USC -- hosted by CREATE. My description...

How To Video: Hello World in TouchDevelop
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How To Video: Hello World in TouchDevelop

I’ve decided that a tool as visual and touch enabled as TouchDevelop lends itself to video instructions more than text based ones even with a lot of pictures. So...

White House Task Force on High-Tech Patent Issues: Legislative Priorities and Executive Actions
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

White House Task Force on High-Tech Patent Issues: Legislative Priorities and Executive Actions

The White House today released a report on the impact of patent trolls on innovation and announced five executive actions the USPTO and the U.S. Intellectual Property...

The Challenge of Teaching Computer Science (in Brazil)
From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Challenge of Teaching Computer Science (in Brazil)

I just got back from a week in Brazil. My Portuguese isn't very good (I need to take a Portuguese word, figure out its Spanish equivalent, and then try to translate...

On Exiting Unprofitable Businesses
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Exiting Unprofitable Businesses

In the HBR:  A video.  This is fundamental.   I would further ask:  How can your predict when a business is declining fundamentally?    " ... Rita Gunther McGrath...

Taking a vacation? Take an email sabbatical!
From Apophenia

Taking a vacation? Take an email sabbatical!

This post was originally written for LinkedIn; see comments there. Have you ever returned from vacation more stressed out than when you left? Is the reason because...

Handwashing Compliance Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

Handwashing Compliance Gamification

A good example of the use of gamification to change employee behavior. Also in this article, the use of the term 'engagement science' whose definition is obvious...

The Problems with CALEA-II
From Schneier on Security

The Problems with CALEA-II

The FBI wants a new law that will make it easier to wiretap the Internet. Although its claim is that the new law will only maintain the status quo, it's reallyeverything...

Wearable Existance
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wearable Existance

Thad Starner, wearable computing pioneer, who we talked to regarding wearable computing in manufacturing settings, his comments on the emergence of wearable computing...

COBOL is still here
From The Eponymous Pickle

COBOL is still here

The early programming language COBOL is still here and used in many key systems.  I was last informed of that twenty years ago during an audit of important systems...

From Computational Complexity

STOC is Burning

Bill and I are in Palo Alto this week for the co-located meetings of STOC and Complexity. In a new ACM policy, the STOC 2013 papers are freely downloadable by all...

The Security Risks of Unregulated Google Search
From Schneier on Security

The Security Risks of Unregulated Google Search

Someday I need to write an essay on the security risks of secret algorithms that become part of our infrastructure. This paper gives one example of that. Could...

Side by Side Programming Language Comparisons
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Side by Side Programming Language Comparisons

For fun this week I am working on a side by side programming language reference for Alice 3.1, C#, Scratch 2.0, TouchDevelop, Small Basic and Visual Basic. Keeping...

Without opt in, Google Glass will generate hostility
From Putting People First

Without opt in, Google Glass will generate hostility

“Google and friends should not be trying to make these things acceptable in polite society,” writes Roger Kay in Forbes. “If they persist, they can expect a wave...

A beautiful kids’ book that combines interactivity with good old-fashioned text
From Putting People First

A beautiful kids’ book that combines interactivity with good old-fashioned text

The Jörgits and the End of Winter, an indie fantasy novel for kids nine and up, uses interactivity as a supplement to the story, not a stand-in for it, and shows...

Understanding people core strategic goal of World Bank financial inclusion group
From Putting People First

Understanding people core strategic goal of World Bank financial inclusion group

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) is an independent policy and research center, affiliated with the World Bank, dedicated to advancing financial...

The case for preserving the pleasure of deep reading
From Putting People First

The case for preserving the pleasure of deep reading

The deep reading of books and the information-driven reading we do on the web are very different, both in the experience they produce and in the capacities they...
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