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Communications of the ACM



Body Imaging: Poikos
From The Eponymous Pickle

Body Imaging: Poikos

Stan Dyck sends along a link to Poikos,  " ...  Poikos means 3D body measurement, on any device, in seconds. Thanks for dropping by. After a successful closed beta...

From Computational Complexity

Turing Award to Shafi and Silvio

The 2012 ACM Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science, will be given to MIT cryptographers Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali. From the press release...

thank you SXSW
From Apophenia

thank you SXSW

Last night, I was inducted into the SXSW-Interactive Hall of Fame in a whirlwind awards ceremony. I only had a flash of a moment to reflect so I want to take a...

Hacking Best-seller Lists
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Best-seller Lists

It turns out that you can buy a position for your book on best-seller lists.

Lecturing or Conversing
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Lecturing or Conversing

I was reading one of those articles about Bill Gates talking about education again. I should stop that. The man is a genius in many areas but education is not one...

Consumers Want More Information
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumers Want More Information

In POPAI: Also a discussion of standards, which ultimately gets you to comparable information.  Accessing an extended package, like using a barcode reader, or image...

From Computational Complexity

What if they gave an exam and nobody came?

A professor tells the class that he will use the highest grade to set the curve. The students all conspire to NOT take the exam, so the highest score is 0, so they...

Cisco IP Phone Hack
From Schneier on Security

Cisco IP Phone Hack

Nice work: All current Cisco IP phones, including the ones seen on desks in the White House and aboard Air Force One, have a vulnerability that allows hackers...

A Second Life for our Groupon Paper
From My Biased Coin

A Second Life for our Groupon Paper

Groupon has been in the news lately -- something about their CEO leaving, I hear.  And Giorgos Zervas has been out giving talks.  (He's a great speaker.  You should...

The Press
From My Biased Coin

The Press

Harvard's name, obviously, still sells newspapers.  The "e-mailgate" scandal of the past few days has been appearing everywhere.  I was contacted multiple times...

NSF CISE Directorate Launches Search Committee for CCF Division Director
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CISE Directorate Launches Search Committee for CCF Division Director

The following was submitted by Farnam Jahanian, NSF Assistant Director for CISE. Dear Colleagues, CISE is pleased to announce the formation of a search committee...

Forget the Tech
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forget the Tech

Its to easy too just see the technology.  You still have to implement good ideas with it.  Marc Pritchard, P&G's Global Brand Building Officer speaks about...

Algorithms and Humans in Big Data Decisions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Algorithms and Humans in Big Data Decisions

A good overview.  Certainly you want to make automatic anything you  can.   Algorithms are rules for doing that.   It can be cheaper and faster than using a human...

Real Time Sales Support and Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Real Time Sales Support and Data

The idea of real time sales support has emerged in recent conversations.  E-Commerce Times article on the subject. What kind of sales support is key to a particular...

"The Logic of Surveillance"
From Schneier on Security

"The Logic of Surveillance"

Interesting essay: Surveillance is part of the system of control. "The more surveillance, the more control" is the majority belief amongst the ruling elites....

Book: Instruments de Design Management [French]
From Putting People First

Book: Instruments de Design Management [French]

For French readers: Instruments de design management – Théories et cas pratiques Cabirio Cautela, Francesco Zurlo, Kamel Ben Youssef, Stéphane Magne Préface : Gilles...

Book: Service Design – From Insight to Implementation
From Putting People First

Book: Service Design – From Insight to Implementation

Service Design – From Insight to Implementation by Andy Polaine, Lavrans Løvlie & Ben Reason Rosenfeld Media – March 2013 (book will be published tomorrow) We have...

2013 CSTA National Survey on High School Computer Science
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2013 CSTA National Survey on High School Computer Science

The Computer Science Teachers Association is conducting their annual computer science survey right now. CSTA members should have received notice in our email. I...

Coherent Emergent Stories
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Coherent Emergent Stories

My thesis project is moving forward, which I'm thrilled about. Here's a high-level abstract that summarizes the system I am working on.Crafting satisfying narratives...

House Hearings on Litigation Abuses
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

House Hearings on Litigation Abuses

Two Congressional hearings relevant to patent reforms, which were canceled last week due to “snowquester,” are scheduled for this week. House Hearing on “Examination...
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