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<i>The National Cyber Security Framework Manual</i>
From Schneier on Security

The National Cyber Security Framework Manual

This book is available as a free pdf download: The National Cyber Security Framework Manual provides detailed background information and in-depth theoretical frameworks...

Upcoming NSF/CISE CAREER Proposal Writing Workshops
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Upcoming NSF/CISE CAREER Proposal Writing Workshops

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer Information Science and Engineering (CISE) announced that it will hold two one-day CAREER proposal...

Facial and Tattoo Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facial and Tattoo Recognition

More on facial recognition, other biometrics and their use in App form by the FBI:  " ... What happens when FBI agents are in the field and want to tap into the...

Dictators Shutting Down the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Dictators Shutting Down the Internet

Excellent article: "How to Shut Down Internets." First, he describes what just happened in Syria. Then: Egypt turned off the internet by using the Border Gateway...

Programming With Blocks
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Programming With Blocks

Syntax is a royal pain in the neck for beginning programmers. It’s hard to teach both a new (programming) language and a new way of thinking and problem solving...

CDB Not Fit For Purpose
From Wild WebMink

CDB Not Fit For Purpose

I felt the report from the UK’s Joint Select Committee investigating the draft Communications Data Bill (CDB) needed a tl;dr summary, so wrote one in ComputerWorldUK...

Shopper Insight
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopper Insight

In Retailwire,  IBM/DemandTec sponsors an interesting paper: Shopper Insights: Actionable or Academic?  An overview of a survey on the topic.   Our innovation centers...

How I Am Celebrating CSEdWeek
From Computer Science Teachers Association

How I Am Celebrating CSEdWeek

This is Computer Science Education Week (CS Ed Week) i and I have been planning for this since August. This morning, I began my celebration with an audio announcement...

Cloud Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloud Augmented Reality

A correspondent from Metaio sends along this press release.   About their drag and drop augmented reality creation and management software, now usable via the cloud...

MLB Contest Taps Colleges Students for Tech Ideas
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

MLB Contest Taps Colleges Students for Tech Ideas

For the third year, Major League Baseball (MLB) has partnered with Syracuse University’s School of Information Sciences to give students real life experience, and...

Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication

Yet another way two-factor authentication has been bypassed: For a user to fall prey to Eurograbber, he or she must first be using a computer infected with the...

Third Platform
From The Eponymous Pickle

Third Platform

In CIO Insight:  Says that enterprise IT will embrace and move to the 'third platform' next year.  This was a new term for me, but includes mobile, social, cloud...

What Hadoop is and is Not
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Hadoop is and is Not

Good take by Mike Madsen.  Its about parallel data processing which is very useful for doing analytics quickly with big and volatile data sets.  It does not replace...

A simple trick to get things done even when you are busy
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

A simple trick to get things done even when you are busy

I have been overwhelmed with busy work for the last couple of weeks. Unavoidably, this has meant shorter emails, fewer follow-ups with collaborators and not as...

Buy Your Own ATM Skimmer for $3000
From Schneier on Security

Buy Your Own ATM Skimmer for $3000

I have no idea if this is real. If I had to guess, I would say no.

Interesting Links 10 December 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 10 December 2012

It’s Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek)! Are you celebrating? As part of the celebration I’ll be joining other tech and computing leaders in a CSEdWeekAlfredTwo...

Book: The Consumer Mind
From The Eponymous Pickle

Book: The Consumer Mind

In Neurorelay:   A review of The Consumer Mind, by Pepe Martinez of Millward Brown.   A company we worked with a few years ago in a conference on neuromarketing...

It’s Not Free If It Cost My Liberty
From Wild WebMink

It’s Not Free If It Cost My Liberty

Actually, your download is not "free" if to gain access I have to trade my personal details so you can spam me.— Simon Phipps (@webmink) December 09, 2012

Organizational Storytelling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Organizational Storytelling

Colleague Paul Smith is interviewed about organizational storytelling. The other links here provide more resources in this area. " ... A dialogue on the subject...

Another Cat
From Wild WebMink

Another Cat

My own cat is almost never this animated.
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