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Communications of the ACM



Code Monster and teaching programming to kids
From Geeking with Greg

Code Monster and teaching programming to kids

I recently launched Code Monster from Crunchzilla. It helps parents teach a little programming to their kids. A lot of parents want their kids to learn a little...

Artificial Intelligence for Developing Technology for Older Adults – AI for Gerontechnology Symposium
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Artificial Intelligence for Developing Technology for Older Adults – AI for Gerontechnology Symposium

The following is a contribution to this blog from Parisa Rashidi, Assistant Professor in the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. In this blog...

Full Scale Virtual Research Continued
From The Eponymous Pickle

Full Scale Virtual Research Continued

I made another working visit to John Milby's Full Scale Virtual Research laboratory today and remain very impressed by their abilities and direction.  He has taken...

How cultural differences affect mobile use
From Putting People First

How cultural differences affect mobile use

CNN reports on mobile phone culture and how use differs starkly across cultures. Whereas the article is rather superficial, the “open mic” videos from New York...

My Processing Workshop Materials
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

My Processing Workshop Materials

Last weekend I taught a one-day workshop called 'Create Interactive Art and More! Learn to Program with Processing.'  I developed the materials from scratch for...

Funding of Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Funding of Innovation

In Technology Review:   On the funding of innovation.  The thoughts of Nathan Myhrvold.

Find The Bug
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Find The Bug

The big problem I have with using professional quality sample code in class is that it is too professional. By that what I mean is that it is too complete and often...

Free Speech, Context, and Visibility: Protesting Racist Ads
From Apophenia

Free Speech, Context, and Visibility: Protesting Racist Ads

On Tuesday, Egyptian-American activist Mona Eltahawy was arrested for “criminal mischief” – or “the willful damaging of property” – when she responded to disturbingly...

Microsoft Groundbreaking Speech and Report on CS Education
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Microsoft Groundbreaking Speech and Report on CS Education

Today Microsoft's General Counsel Brad Smith spoke at the Brookings Institution at an event on education and immigration reform and the presentation (and the report...

Vanishing Electronics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Vanishing Electronics

Research into disappearing electronics.  Electronic 'pills' that dissolve inside the body after their function is done.

Analytics in Action Talk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics in Action Talk

Analytics In Action:  What do Jeopardy, Pampers and Major League Baseball have in Common?A number of my former colleagues will be presenting.  October 24, 2012Full...

NPR on Biometric Data Collection
From Schneier on Security

NPR on Biometric Data Collection

Interesting Talk of the Nation segment.

Smartphones Provide Economic Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartphones Provide Economic Data

An economist looks at how smartphones are a gold mine of economic data.  " ... An economist taps into payment apps for their every financial transaction ... "

GNS Healthcare and Aetna Collaborate to Make Use of Big Data
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

GNS Healthcare and Aetna Collaborate to Make Use of Big Data

GNS Healthcare, a healthcare analytics company and Aetna, an American managed health care organization, are collaborating to make use of GNS’ supercomputer “REFS”...

Shopper Tracking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopper Tracking

One of the first technologies we experimented with in the enterprise retail laboratory was ShopperTrak.    To understand how we could use analytics generated by...

Replacing Alice and Bob
From Schneier on Security

Replacing Alice and Bob

A proposal to replace cryptography's Alice and Bob with Sita and Rama: Any book on cryptography invariably involves the characters Alice and Bob. It is always...

From Computational Complexity

Things a Complexity Theorist Should Do At Least Once

A few weeks ago, Suresh wrote a post Things a TCSer should have done at least once with the caveat This list is necessarily algorithms-biased. I doubt you'll need...

Cisco Location Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco Location Analytics

In another move, Cisco is acquiring mobility analytics and Wifi network location player Thinksmart Technologies of Dublin.  The company tracks the location of people...

MySQL FUD Claim Needs Action, Not Words
From Wild WebMink

MySQL FUD Claim Needs Action, Not Words

  A chance encounter at the OFE Summit in Brussels, coupled with a provocative statement by an Oracle VP, lead me to believe it’s time for Oracle to come out of...

Creativity In Computer Science
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Creativity In Computer Science

I was reading a blog post titled Creating creative portfolios by Deepa Muralidhar the other day that really got me thinking of this whole notion of creativity in...
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