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A Technology Driven World
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Technology Driven World

In Forbes:  How to Be an Optimist in a Pessimistic Time: A Techonomy Manifesto ..   The conference mentioned is now over, but the thoughts are interesting:   ...

Tricks of Holiday Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tricks of Holiday Marketing

Martin Lindstrom is interviewed in Bloomberg on the complexity of holiday retail marketing. " ...  In an interview with

ACM Names Its 2011 Fellows
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

ACM Names Its 2011 Fellows

ACM is out with its 2011 Fellows, 46 of its members

From Computational Complexity

A Great Time to be a Computer Scientist

Ask your friends if they'll be driving an electric car in ten years. The answer: No, cars will be driving us. Today is the 105th anniversary of the birth of computing...

Can Coding Really Change the World?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Can Coding Really Change the World?

Is there any question that technology-based innovations like PCs, the world-wide web, social media and smart phones have fundamentally changed the way we work,...

Why I
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why I


IBM to Acquire DemandTec: Delivers Analytics via the Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM to Acquire DemandTec: Delivers Analytics via the Cloud

I see in a press release that IBM has agreed to acquire DemandTec.    Our enterprise retail innovation center was an early evaluator of DemandTec, which brought...

In Defense of Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

In Defense of Gamification

In Gigaom:   " ... Gamifications can have a bad rap, admits Gabe Zichermann, CEO of Gamification.Co. He said people think it means turning everything into Angry...

IARPA Seeking Machine Learning Breakthroughs
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

IARPA Seeking Machine Learning Breakthroughs

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is out with a request for information (RFI) this month, seeking input on “a possible future IARPA investment...

Opportunities not to miss
From Apophenia

Opportunities not to miss

Over the last six weeks, I’ve posted various opportunities for students, academics, and other scholars that I’m co-directing/hosting, many of which have deadlines...

Lockable USB Hard Drive
From Schneier on Security

Lockable USB Hard Drive

Just in time for Christmas, a USB drive housed in a physical combination lock.

Why I’m Still Excited about Computer Science
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why I’m Still Excited about Computer Science

It’s computer science education week and that has me thinking about what I’d like to tell students about computer science. So I decided to record something on the...

It Is All About the Celebration
From Computer Science Teachers Association

It Is All About the Celebration

CSEdWeek is all about the celebration. We celebrate the teachers who share the challenge and the excitement of the discipline with their students, we celebrateDecember...

NY Times Keeps Talking Computing
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NY Times Keeps Talking Computing

In addition to Tuesday’s special Science Times describing the future of computing, The New York Times

DARPA Unshredding Contest
From Schneier on Security

DARPA Unshredding Contest

DARPA held an unshredding contest, and there's a winner: "Lots of experts were skeptical that a solution could be produced at all let alone within the short time...

Why service design is the next big thing in cultural innovation
From Putting People First

Why service design is the next big thing in cultural innovation

Rohan Gunatillake, the lead producer of festivalslab (the Edinburgh Festival Innovations Lab) gives four reasons why new thinking and tools can produce better experiences...

Computer Science Education Blog Roll
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Education Blog Roll

I’m a firm believer that blogs are a great way for teachers to share ideas and builds community. Supporting that sort of community is why I have many blogs listed...

Higher Education Bubble
From The Eponymous Pickle

Higher Education Bubble

I have been hearing this term used more and more.  It has a Wikipedia entry.  I am still old school on this, but can see some of the symptoms.   It is likely better...

Siri Changing Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

Siri Changing Education

Received, interesting thoughts. " ... We at recently came across your blog and were excited to share with you an article

Rethinking the Funnel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rethinking the Funnel

A very good article on the innovation funnel.  We actively used the concept in new business development efforts to think about work planned and underway.  I like...
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