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News Roundup
From Wild WebMink

News Roundup

I just posted an open source news roundup over on ComputerWorldUK, covering UK government procurement, Microsoft and Samba, LibreOffice and IBM’s MQTT.

Real scientists never report fraud
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Real scientists never report fraud

Diederik Stapel has been a psychology professor at major universities for the last ten years. He published well over 100 research papers in prestigious journals...

GS1 Annual Report
From The Eponymous Pickle

GS1 Annual Report

See the extensive GS1 Annual Report.   In particular their sections on B2C progress in the last year.   It is a time when the consumer is increasingly empowered...

Beauty of Near Misses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beauty of Near Misses

Todd Henry in Accidental Creative on the Beauty of Near Misses.  " ... how often do I curse my fate when things don

Share of Wallet Isn't Enough
From The Eponymous Pickle

Share of Wallet Isn't Enough

Professor Byron Sharp,  Director of the   Ehrenberg-Bass Institute sends along a link to his post on this subject.  I also like his comment:    "... One of the...

Journal Article on Cyberwar
From Schneier on Security

Journal Article on Cyberwar

From the Journal of Strategic Studies: "Cyber War Will Not Take Place" (full article is behind a paywall): Abstract: For almost two decades, experts and defense...

Digital product strategy, gamification, and the evolution of UX
From Putting People First

Digital product strategy, gamification, and the evolution of UX

Greg Laugero writes about two trends that have recently entered the realm of digital product development. First is the incorporation of gaming concepts into products...

From Computational Complexity


What is the purpose of an academic journal? To provide a permanent vetted record of a specific research endeavor. The ways we communicate scientific research...

Analytics in Action: Office Depot Price and Promotion Optimization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics in Action: Office Depot Price and Promotion Optimization

An excellent example of the use of business analytics to improve business process.   I gave a talk to a  corporate client just yesterday on the integration of data...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Most of us have sat down to dinner and wondered just how many calories we are about to consume. Now, thanks to undergraduate researchers at Harvard University,...

Analytics Magazine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Magazine

The latest Analytics Magazine from Informs. Full of useful articles including:  The Value of Business Analytics, Strategic Data Management Yields Competitive Advantage...

Jawbone releases UP, a wristband for tracking your wellness
From Putting People First

Jawbone releases UP, a wristband for tracking your wellness

Priced at $100, the device is a leap for Jawbone. And its aimed at nothing less than making its wearers happier and healthier. Fastco Design reports. “The UP wristband...

Underage Children on Facebook
From Schneier on Security

Underage Children on Facebook

Interesting research on how parents help their children lie about their age to get onto Facebook. One reaction to our data might be that companies should not be...

Twenty Five Dollar Computer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Twenty Five Dollar Computer

A very minimalist, business card sized, computer.  Aimed at technical education.    The way I understand it monitor and keyboard are extra.    I have been intrigued...

Jim Goodnight of SAS on Business Analytcs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Jim Goodnight of SAS on Business Analytcs

Always interesting Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS, spoke at the Kelly School of Business.  Some of my past colleagues were on the included panel." ... Mark Zozulla said...

Museum Street Views
From The Eponymous Pickle

Museum Street Views

Streetview lets you look into some museums and look at the art.   An interesting move forward in virtualizing real spaces.

Course Blogs vs Wikis
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Course Blogs vs Wikis

If you're a professor or TA for a course and want to use online technology for the betterment of your students, which is superior: a course wiki or a course blog...

This Week, We Were Doing Security
From My Biased Coin

This Week, We Were Doing Security

If you look on Yelp's engineering blog (, you'll see Yelp's VP of Engineering, Michael Stoppelman...

Customized Subscriptions to Staples
From The Eponymous Pickle

Customized Subscriptions to Staples

In Mashable: Something we looked at in the early years of cell phone based shopping lists.   Subscriptions to staples can be a powerful concept.

Better to Call than E-Mail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Better to Call than E-Mail

In the HBR Blog, email may be easier, but it is less impactful:" ... But the bigger need is just for more live conversations to occur, period. This is especially...
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