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Communications of the ACM



We Want You!
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

We Want You!

Today the Computing Community Consortium

Google Enables SSL by Default for Search
From Schneier on Security

Google Enables SSL by Default for Search

This is a good thing.

Radical Openness in Lyon
From Wild WebMink

Radical Openness in Lyon

Next week I will be speaking at the fOSSa conference in Lyon, France. The theme for the day is “openness” and I have the day’s closing slot. Here’s the abstract...

HCIR 2011: We Have Arrived!
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2011: We Have Arrived!

If you followed the #hcir2011 tweet stream, then you already know what I have to say: the Fifth Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval...

Hyatt House Extended Stay
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hyatt House Extended Stay

In 2003 I participated in a brainstorming innovation workshop for the hotel industry in Helsinki.  We went far and wide to construct some new ideas about the social...

Crowdsourcing for Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing for Intelligence

In the CACM:  University studies crowdsourcing for intelligence.  " ... The U.S. intelligence community is studying how to tap the power of crowdsourcing through...

3M Visual Attention Service Update
From The Eponymous Pickle

3M Visual Attention Service Update

We examined the 3M VAS Attention Service scanning tool several times,  some new developments.  Press release. An Explanatory video.  Worth looking at  closely,...

Customer Base Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Customer Base Analysis

I see that long time correspondent Professor Peter Fader at Wharton has an upcoming workshop on Probability analysis of the customer base. This is an area I did...

DemandTec Research on Social Networks for Business Plans
From The Eponymous Pickle

DemandTec Research on Social Networks for Business Plans

I reported previously about DemandTec developing collaborative, social networking based interaction for business plans.   They are about to reveal some business...

Hybrid Media
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hybrid Media

Like the article says, I am also becoming tired of social media marketing.  Yet, there are lots of people assembling 'there', so it makes sense to be there as well...

Circles of Trust
From The Eponymous Pickle

Circles of Trust

In Visual Complexity:  An intriguing visualization about circles of trust.  I have been experimenting with a related topic that deal with 'circles of competencies'...

New Nanotechnology Strategy Touts Big Data, Modeling
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New Nanotechnology Strategy Touts Big Data, Modeling

During a webinar earlier this afternoon, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) — spanning 25 Federal agencies engaged in nanotechnology research –

Philips launches
From Putting People First

Philips launches

Today Philips presented its latest forward looking design project

Beating Humans
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beating Humans

Wired: A Lego NXT and a smart phone beat a human in solving the Rubiks cube.   Intelligence advances.

An Apple a Day
From My Biased Coin

An Apple a Day

Reviewing papers for a conference is a slow, time-consuming process.  Suppose you had 20 reviews due and about 4 weeks to do them.  What's your approach?I take...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

In today’s IEEE Spectrum: Imagine if you could conjure up a key piece of knowledge you had forgotten by having a computer summon everything you were seeing, hearing...

Random Passwords in the Wild
From Schneier on Security

Random Passwords in the Wild

Interesting analysis: the hacktivist group Anonymous hacked into several BART servers. They leaked part of a database of users from myBART, a website which provides...

From Putting People First


In a long interview, Matias Duarte, Android

Metamemory and the user experience
From Putting People First

Metamemory and the user experience

When people expect to be able to access information in the future, they tend to have reduced memory for the actual information, but enhanced memory for where to...

Cadillac User Experience (CUE)
From Putting People First

Cadillac User Experience (CUE)

Last week, Cadillac launched its new “CUE” vehicle infotainment system. The name is an acronym that stands for Cadillac User Experience
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