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What Does Watson Mean?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What Does Watson Mean?

Researchers at and working with IBM have created a computer and software that played and beat the best human players of the TV game show Jeopardy. This is an event...

? Microsoft Bans Its Own License
From Wild WebMink

? Microsoft Bans Its Own License

The rules for Microsoft’s Windows Phone Marketplace appear to mean that even Microsoft’s own open source license – the Microsoft Reciprocal License – is banned....

Kraft Advanced in-store Kiosks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft Advanced in-store Kiosks

I have not seen much about advanced kiosks of late.  We experimented with them in labs and stores.  The additional capability of having a kiosk or display 'look...

Media in the Drivers Seat
From The Eponymous Pickle

Media in the Drivers Seat

In Adage ... while platforms can impress people, get them looking, content has always been king: Call It a Comeback: Media to Thrive in World of New Devices, Technologies...

With the Score
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

With the Score

Decimated. Vanquished. Demolished. As you probably know by now, those are but a few of the words being used to describe how “Watson” — the IBM question-answering...

? Freedom In A Box
From Wild WebMink

? Freedom In A Box

Moglen on Freedom Box and making a free net Eben’s ideas on a zero-interaction home server (“FreedomBox”) to route internet traffic safely and effectively seem...

NIST Defines New Versions of SHA-512
From Schneier on Security

NIST Defines New Versions of SHA-512

NIST has just defined two new versions of SHA-512. They're SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256: 224- and 256-bit truncations of SHA-512 with a new IV. They've done this...

The business of personal data
From Putting People First

The business of personal data

The World Economic Forum just came out with a report, “Personal Data: The Emergence of a New Asset Class,” that surely is going to raise some controversy, as it...

What I have been reading lately
From Geeking with Greg

What I have been reading lately

Here are a few of the articles that have caught my attention recently:Googler and AI guru Peter Norvig on what artificial intelligence has been able to do and what...

Google Improves Social Search Tool
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Improves Social Search Tool

Google has changed its social searches so that when you are logged in with your Google account you will get interleaved results that include hits from your ownMuch...

Disrupting Your Industry
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disrupting Your Industry

I am in the midst of a consulting project where it looks like it will be very hard to disrupt the industry.  Most everything has been done already.   All the slack...

Procedural Rhetoric in Games
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Procedural Rhetoric in Games

In the Carleton Game Dev Club meeting last week, a member showed a video from the Escapist series Extra Credit. Called Narrative Mechanics, this episode was all...

On Backups
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Backups

Good defensive computing CW piece on backups, what they are and what they are not and how to make sure you don't lose really important things.

Catalog for Language Resources
From The Eponymous Pickle

Catalog for Language Resources

More resources that can help you do research with languages: " ... It has just become a whole lot easier to search the world's language archives. The new OLAC Language...

The business of Inclusive Design
From Putting People First

The business of Inclusive Design

Last year I wrote about the book “Innovating with people

Historical Study of the NSA Scientific Advisory Board
From Schneier on Security

Historical Study of the NSA Scientific Advisory Board

Recently declassified: "Historical Study: The National Security Agency Scientific Advisory Board 1952

links for 2011-02-17
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-02-17

Microsoft: Absolutely NO Free Software for Windows Phone and Xbox Apps Despite all the rhetoric from Microsoft's evangelists, they just can't get over their hatred...

New Software on DreamSpark
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

New Software on DreamSpark

Dreamspark is all about free development software for students. This week we added six new or updated products to the mix. This release included: KoduSmallBasic...

? Archives
From Wild WebMink

? Archives

I’ve not found a way to add a subject index page to my blog that’s automatically generated from the tags or extracts or even a word list, but I have added an archive...

Ramping Up Shopper Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ramping Up Shopper Marketing

Good overview article from Wharton which provides a statement of the direction of what we used to call merchandising: " ... Shopper marketing is gaining popularity...
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