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Communications of the ACM



China: the new Scientific Superpower?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

China: the new Scientific Superpower?

From my experience,  the quality and the quantity of the scientific research articles from China has been increasing dramatically in the last five years. To verify...

Linkedin as the Login of Choice
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkedin as the Login of Choice

In ReadwriteWeb:  Short article and infographic about the rise of Linkedin as the Login of choice.    Facebook, though also moving toward more of a  B2B identity place...

Get the Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Get the Data

Nice idea.   Questions and anwers about getting data you need in the form you need it in.Every day, more and more data is being published on the web; but trying...

Experientia selected for second stage FredericiaC competition in Denmark
From Putting People First

Experientia selected for second stage FredericiaC competition in Denmark

A consortium made up of Arup, EFFEKT, Experientia, and consultants from NCC Management Group, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KA), Conceptura, and Ars Electronica...

Experientia pre-qualifies for FredericiaC competition in Denmark
From Putting People First

Experientia pre-qualifies for FredericiaC competition in Denmark

A consortium made up of Arup, EFFEKT, Experientia, and consultants from NCC Management Group, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KA), Conceptura, and Ars Electronica...

Cowans Sells Duveneck Girl Portrait
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cowans Sells Duveneck Girl Portrait

I have been doing work looking at the use of social networking in the auction world.  This past weekend Cowan's Auctions sold Frank Duveneck's portrait of a girl...

Is the Cloud Ready Yet?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Is the Cloud Ready Yet?

Hunter Richards asks for the opinion of accountants to see if they think that the cloud is ready yet.  Join in the survey and get the results.   With some interesting...

Making the Case for Becoming a Computer Science Teacher
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Making the Case for Becoming a Computer Science Teacher

Mark Guzdial asks the question What

? More Ratings Please
From Wild WebMink

? More Ratings Please

Given the interest in my earlier article about a scorecard for open source and my own rough-and-ready benchmark proposal, I’d be interested in seeing how well the...

CS and Science Fairs
From Computer Science Teachers Association

CS and Science Fairs

"We need to teach our kids that it's not just the winner of the Super Bowl who deserves to be celebrated, but the winner of the science fair and that success is...

From Computational Complexity

The Theory Postdoc Culture

FOCS Call for Papers posted. Deadline April 13. The CRA organized a committee that put together on a white paper on whether postdocs are healthy for Computer Science...

Scareware: How Crime Pays
From Schneier on Security

Scareware: How Crime Pays

Scareware is fraudulent software that uses deceptive advertising to trick users into believing they're infected with some variety of malware, then convinces them...

Passive magic, design of delightful experience
From Putting People First

Passive magic, design of delightful experience

Stefan Klocek, principal designer at Cooper, reflects on what it means to design for wonder and delight in the user experience: “Why is Google Maps on a mobile...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of February 7
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of February 7

February 10 Hearing: The Immigration Policy and Enforcement Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on the E-Verify program, an electronic...

Reflecting on usability and user-centred design
From Putting People First

Reflecting on usability and user-centred design

Two new articles have been published on the UX Matters site: Why don

SEE conference looks at Europe
From Putting People First

SEE conference looks at Europe

Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken will be heading to his home country of Belgium in March 2011, to chair the SEE conference on integrating design into regional...

Interesting Links 7 February 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 7 February 2011

I spent the weekend in Miami for a meeting of a joint ACM and IEEE committee working on a new/updated set of curriculum recommendations for four-year college computer...

Governance Benchmark Available
From Wild WebMink

Governance Benchmark Available

My article establishing an open-by-rule benchmark for checking the governance of open source communities is now available in the Essays section.

Cyber War Rules of Engagement
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cyber War Rules of Engagement

In the BBC:  On a proposal for a cyber war rules of engagement.  This deserves thinking about much more than it has been.   We now depend much on the Internet and...

Analytic Bridge on Facebook
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytic Bridge on Facebook

The AnalyticBridge social network now has a presence on Facebook.  It has been a useful space to be part of.
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