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Why of Buy, How of Buy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why of Buy, How of Buy

IMedia Connections interviews Donna Sturgess of Buyology Inc. about what her company does to understand the non conscious interactions of consumer to media and...

What's Our "Brand"?  Do We Need a New Promotional Plan?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

What's Our "Brand"? Do We Need a New Promotional Plan?

Almost every day I receive electronic newsletters with articles discussing STEM and robotics competitions, but I rarely see a mention of Computer Science. So,ACTE...

Surviving a Terrorist's Nuclear Attack
From Schneier on Security

Surviving a Terrorist's Nuclear Attack

Interesting reading, mostly for the probable effects of a terrorist-sized nuclear bomb. A terrorist bomb is likely to be relatively small -- possibly only a fraction...

? Indemnity
From Wild WebMink

? Indemnity

A Walled Wide Web for Nervous Autocrats I have been making the core point that this good WSJ article makes in my discussions with governments all over the world...

From Putting People First

Sherry Turkle, has been an ethnographer of our technological world for three decades, hosted all the while at one of its epicenters: MIT. A professor of the social...

Global Economy in 2011
From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Economy in 2011

A good piece in Knowledge at Wharton about key aspects and directions of  of the global economy in countries  such as India and China.  Particularly useful for...

Watson Outpaces Jeopardy Wizards in Sneak Preview
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Watson Outpaces Jeopardy Wizards in Sneak Preview

“What is Jericho?” Those were the first words from “Watson,” the IBM supercomputer system that’s taking on Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter — the two winningest players...

Social Media Field Guide
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Field Guide

I see that former colleague Krista Neher's new book:  The Social Media Field Guide, is now out.  Much more here and ordering information.  Also see her excellent...

Stealing SIM Cards from Traffic Lights
From Schneier on Security

Stealing SIM Cards from Traffic Lights

Johannesburg installed hundreds of networked traffic lights on its streets. The lights use a cellular modem and a SIM card to communicate. Those lights introduced...

From Computational Complexity

Are you a Ringer? A Reverse Ringer?

A ringer is an impostor, especially one whose pretense is intended to gain an advantage in a competition. This definition is from Wikipedia and agrees with what...

Locating and Engaging  the In-Store Shopper
From The Eponymous Pickle

Locating and Engaging the In-Store Shopper

Newly alerted to ZuluTime,  they have an online video that is worth looking at, more exploration and comments  to follow: " ... Locate and Engage the In-Store Shopper...

New Tools for Understanding the Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Tools for Understanding the Brain

In Science Daily via Stan Dyck: " ... UCLA neuroscientists have now collaborated with physicists to develop a non-invasive, ultra-high-speed microscope that can...

Smart Fabrics are Now Washable
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Fabrics are Now Washable

Baseline article on the washability of smart fabrics.  This had always been a barrier for the broader us of this technology.

The Security Threat of Forged Law-Enforcement Credentials
From Schneier on Security

The Security Threat of Forged Law-Enforcement Credentials

Here's a U.S. Army threat assessment of forged law-enforcement credentials. The authors bought a bunch of fake badges: Between November 2009 and March 2010, undercover...

links for 2011-01-13
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-01-13

The Document Foundation joins OpenDoc Society

Registration now open for the Microsoft bliink Web Design Competition
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Registration now open for the Microsoft bliink Web Design Competition

I told you it was coming. Yes, Bliink the web design competition is now open across the US. With registration now open for the Microsoft bliink Web Design Competition...

UX design in the financial services industry
From Putting People First

UX design in the financial services industry

Harald Felgner alerts us to a presentation by Amir Dotan of LAB49 where he shares his experiences working as a user experience architect in the financial services...

Innovation Speed Dating at Kimberly Clark
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Speed Dating at Kimberly Clark

In Consumer Goods Technology (CGT):  A major competitor of my former enterprise is doing some intriguing innovative work:  " ... Kimberly-Clark recently used an...

Exploring Intersections Between Semantics and the Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

Exploring Intersections Between Semantics and the Cloud

Forging an interesting relationship between an SAP supported research institute and semantic data management and search.  How the Cloud is specifically brought...

What should a reasonable person believe about the Singularity?
From Michael Nielsen

What should a reasonable person believe about the Singularity?

In 1993, the science fiction author Vernor Vinge wrote a short essay proposing what he called the Technological Singularity. Here’s the sequence of events Vinge...
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