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Wikipedia: Good Faith Collaboration?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wikipedia: Good Faith Collaboration?

Cory Doctorow  review of Joseph Reagle Jr's Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia.  Many people now depend on Wikipedia for better or worse.  How does...

Group Dynamics Killing Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Group Dynamics Killing Innovation

Provocative thoughts, from Knowledge@Wharton: " ... To come up with the next iPad or Amazon, the pacesetters of the future need solitary brainstorming time, according...

Wal-Mart and Teradata
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and Teradata

Wal-Mart enhances its data warehouse agreement with Teradata.   In Consumer Goods Technology.

Value Creation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Value Creation

From Bain & Company's newsletter: Value creation becomes more important than ever by Bain partners Alan Hirzel, Charles Tillen and senior director of Bain's private...

Robotics Improving Egg Safety
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics Improving Egg Safety

A short piece on the increasing use of robotics for egg handling and examination, leading to fewer damage problems.

Music as a Gateway to AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Music as a Gateway to AI

Does avant garde music provide a gateway to artificial intelligence?

? Bite-Size Privacy and Anonymity
From Wild WebMink

? Bite-Size Privacy and Anonymity

A discussion broke out on recently where it became clear that the distinction between anonymity and privacy is not clear for some people. It led to the...

Recording the Police
From Schneier on Security

Recording the Police

I've written a lot on the "War on Photography," where normal people are harassed as potential terrorists for taking pictures of things in public. This article...

Pushing Game Narratives Beyond Linearity
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Pushing Game Narratives Beyond Linearity

I remember a student telling me the other week that she thought writing stories for games was easy, and wondered if there were jobs doing that.  I had been giving...

IBM Touts Predictive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Touts Predictive Analytics

Having worked in this area for years, I have to agree.  The emergence of search has sometimes inappropriately substituted fast and easy for 'right'.   Good article...

Book Review: <i>Cyber War</i>
From Schneier on Security

Book Review: Cyber War

Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to do About It by Richard Clarke and Robert Knake, HarperCollins, 2010. Cyber War is a fast and enjoyable...

A rich trove of articles in UX Magazine
From Putting People First

A rich trove of articles in UX Magazine

A rich trove of articles in UX Magazine: The importance of designing an experience culture By Cynthia Thomas / December 20th 2010 The outward focus on developing...

How not to teach programming
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How not to teach programming

Through the wonders of DZone I came across a blog post called Don't teach like you code. The target audience seems to be professional coders who are teaching beginners...

Facebook vs Twitter Infographic
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook vs Twitter Infographic

Colleague Stan Dyck sends along an infographic from digital surgeons of statistics about Facebbok versus Twitter in 2010.  Nicely done.  It catches your attention...

Nestle's Lok towards Health
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nestle's Lok towards Health

Nestle looks at deeper, health related aspects of food science.  Good detailed article in the WSJ.

On the Failure of Social Media
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Failure of Social Media

GigaOm on the failure of social media campaigns.  I agree that it is far to early to predict when these campaigns will succeed or fail. Some good directional thoughts...

Sharing Your Car
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sharing Your Car

In another innovative personal transportation market, reported in Wired, you can share your car for cash. : " ... RelayRides lets car owners set their own rates...

Computational Forensics
From Schneier on Security

Computational Forensics

Interesting article from IEEE Spectrum: During two years of deliberation by the National Academy's forensic science committee (of which I was a member), a troubling...

Learn C# Programing in a Social Gaming Environment
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Learn C# Programing in a Social Gaming Environment

Check out Pex for Fun ( for a challenging and engaging way for students to practice their programming skills. Pex for Fun enables programming...

From Computational Complexity

BREAKTHROUGH in algorithms: Improved algorithm for Metric TSP!!!!!!!!

BREAKTHROUGH in Algorithms: Improved Algorithm for Metric TSP, (Guest Blog by Mohammad Hajiaghayi) We all recently heard about the breakthrough complexity...
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