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Communications of the ACM



Michele Visciola on online healthcare information
From Putting People First

Michele Visciola on online healthcare information

Michele Visciola, Experientia partner, gave a talk last Sunday on online healthcare information at the 16th IFHRO (International Federation of Health Records Organizations)...

Forbes on R Software
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forbes on R Software

In the Forbes blog.  Excellent article on the open source R statistical package. The visualization capabilities are emphasized.    I agree that it is the package...

Digital Coupon Use Soars
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Coupon Use Soars

In Progressive Grocer, an overview article on the increasing use of digital coupons, with quite a few useful statistics.  With the increasing use of smartphones...

Adjusting Your Google Privacy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Adjusting Your Google Privacy

In Ars Technica, an article about the many privacy settings available for Google users. I use many Google services and am concerned about the privacy I give up...

? RAND: Not So Reasonable
From Wild WebMink

? RAND: Not So Reasonable

Fair, Reasonable, Non-Discriminatory – surely that all has to be good stuff?

New Biometric
From Schneier on Security

New Biometric

Eye movements instead of eye structures. The new system tracks the way a person's eye moves as he watches an icon roam around a computer screen. The way the icon...

Wisdom in Lists
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Wisdom in Lists

Like a lot of people I have an affection for lists that condense a lot of wisdom into a brief set of statements or items. Some time ago I wrote a series of posts...

An Information Cascade
From The Noisy Channel

An Information Cascade

I’ve been reading Networks, Crowds, and Markets, a great textbook by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg. I’m very grateful to Cambridge University Press for surprising...

New Standard for Supercomputing
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Standard for Supercomputing

In the CACM: Sandia Labs will be delivering a new proposed set of standards for Supercomputing today which is more closely related to the kinds of tasks that are...

Brandery Opens New Start-ups
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brandery Opens New Start-ups

Thr Brandery launches six new startups in Cincinnati.  In Dave Knox's blog.

Japan Inc's Regrowth
From The Eponymous Pickle

Japan Inc's Regrowth

Bain Inc writes about the reenergization of Japan Inc.    I followed Japan in the 90's in the area of artificial intelligence ... A view of their direction and...

Curation vs Aggregation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Curation vs Aggregation

A good piece on the very idea of the human network. Remember us?  I think there is much to be said for linking together human and Internets in new ways.  There...

Pledge to Participate in and be a Supporter of Computer Science Education Week!
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Pledge to Participate in and be a Supporter of Computer Science Education Week!

Computer Science Education week is December 5-11, 2010 this year. ACM and the chair of CSed Week steering committer are asking people to sign up and pledge to support...

? H.264
From Wild WebMink

? H.264

My essay unpacking the meaning of ‘free’ H.264 licensing is now available in the Essays section. It provides a case study in why apparently fair “Reasonable and...

How data use and data visualisations can improve our lives
From Putting People First

How data use and data visualisations can improve our lives

Data use and smart human-centric data visualisations are becoming the “next big thing” in UX design. A number of posts this week delve into the matter: Data for...

The newest web users are changing the culture of the internet
From Putting People First

The newest web users are changing the culture of the internet

The newest billion people to venture online are doing so in developing countries rather than North America or Europe, writes Erik German in Globalpost, and they...

Security Haiku
From Schneier on Security

Security Haiku

These could surely be better. Anyone?

Cybersecurity Policy Discussion Will Include USACM Chair
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Cybersecurity Policy Discussion Will Include USACM Chair

On November 22, former national cybersecurity adviser Richard Clarke will discuss cybeersecurity and cybersecurity policy at the AAAS in Washington, D.C. As part...

Imagine Cup: Becoming a Computer Scientist
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Imagine Cup: Becoming a Computer Scientist

We all know there aren't enough women in computer science.  There have been several different approaches to encouraging them to consider it as a career, from fun...

A Robot's Body of Knowledge
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Robot's Body of Knowledge

An article in IEEE Spectrum showing robots doing common household tasks inspired me to think again about our own experiments with robots in the enterprise.  Like...
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