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Payment by SmartPhone at Starbucks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Payment by SmartPhone at Starbucks

Report of using a barcode based payment method via a IPhone at some Starbucks.  Once you have set it up you can use it to pay your bill via a displayed barcode. ...

? Imogen Heap at the Albert Hall
From Wild WebMink

? Imogen Heap at the Albert Hall

We were in London yesterday on our way back from a family celebration (congratulations Alastair!) and were lucky enough to have great tickets for Imogen Heap’s...

On Transforming the Healthcare Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Transforming the Healthcare Enterprise

Mark Montgomery of KYield on Transforming the Enterprise.  Read the entire newsletter at the link.  He provides his personal answer to the question:  How can information...

US News and World Report Drops Mailed Distribution
From The Eponymous Pickle

US News and World Report Drops Mailed Distribution

I recall reading USN&WR long ago and though I have dropped looking at it over the years.  I did have a fondness for it its existence.  That was not sufficient to...

Goodbye Google 411
From The Eponymous Pickle

Goodbye Google 411

I see that the Google 411 service is about to be dropped.  I had become accustomed to the ability to do  accurate hands-free local phone connections using it. Bing...

New Data Visualization Language
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Data Visualization Language

New to me in ReadWriteWeb:  A new data visualization language for non-programmers.  With the odd name: Impure.   The language is completely visual in natureIt's...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Costume
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Costume

Just in time for Halloween.

Content Strategy: no longer just the preserve of the web professional
From Putting People First

Content Strategy: no longer just the preserve of the web professional

Jeremy Baldwin, company director at Bright Blue Day, a full-service design and marketing agency in Dorset, UK, argues that we should stop talking about content...

The evolved user experience
From Putting People First

The evolved user experience

Alexander Negash, analytics and user experience manager at the American Cancer Society, discusses on UX Magazine how to adopt social technologies in user research...

Nine reasons smartphones are dumb remotes
From Putting People First

Nine reasons smartphones are dumb remotes

As the Internet and TV converge in living rooms, lots of folks, including the New York Times, have been drooling over the idea of smartphones as next-gen remotes...

Building a Homesense
From Putting People First

Building a Homesense

The London Tinker people have published a nice informal write-up of where things are with the Homesense project they are working on. Homesense is an epic piece...

Data Reciprocity with Google
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Reciprocity with Google

Very interesting article at GigaOM.   Google has changed some of its API agreements to try to force more data sharing between vendors.   This could make for more...

Ease of Blogging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ease of Blogging

Colleague Walter Riker pulls together some good comments in his always interesting Ease of Blogging space. Worth putting on your feed. 

Ed Felten Named FTC
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Ed Felten Named FTC

Our colleague Ed Felten, Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs and the founding Director of the Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) at Princeton...

Ovulation/Period App from Procter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ovulation/Period App from Procter

An IPhone App that tracks Ovulation from P&G.   As might be expected, also markets Always feminine protection products.

Social Media Strategy and LinkedIn
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Strategy and LinkedIn

At a local Business Intelligence meeting I met Crystal Thies, of Crystal Clear Buzz.  She does social media strategy.  In particular I liked some of her thoughts...

Uniting Towards Item Level RFID
From The Eponymous Pickle

Uniting Towards Item Level RFID

Something we looked at for years, moving towards the replacement of the barcode.  Some predictors had this happening by 2005.  Not yet, but some are still looking...

links for 2010-11-05
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-11-05

Good news, of a kind, from a dark world The truly awful nightmare at the end of this short article is the reason I strive to keep my personal life personal despite...

"A Social Network Approach to Understanding an Insurgency"
From Schneier on Security

"A Social Network Approach to Understanding an Insurgency"


Three New Chances to Get Involved in the Imagine Cup
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Three New Chances to Get Involved in the Imagine Cup

I talked about these new Imagine Cup events briefly on my links post on Monday but I wanted to pull them out and highlight them on their own today. The following...
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