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Sight Seeing in Atlanta
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Sight Seeing in Atlanta

I arrived in Atlanta on Monday for this year's Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. The conference officially started on Tuesday night, so we had aAtlanta...

Neurofocus Announces own Standards
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neurofocus Announces own Standards

Nielsen associated Neuromarketing company Neurofocus sets up their own standards. They further offer to share these standards with companies. You can hardly set...

Future of Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Augmented Reality

Just received from Metaio. This is interesting because it talks about both a definition of AR and its direction. This is clearly a marketing piece, but it does...

Phones Nagging Patients
From The Eponymous Pickle

Phones Nagging Patients

In CACM: a study about using a cell phone to improve pharma compliance. Not a new idea at all. The general idea was demonstrated in the contextual innovation centers...

NSA Publications
From Schneier on Security

NSA Publications

There is an interesting list of NSA publications in this document, pages 30

? Unplanned Consequences
From Wild WebMink

? Unplanned Consequences

The “legal blackmail” business: inside a P2P settlement factory Very interesting article. The practice of “legal blackmail” extends further than this, of course...

From Computational Complexity

NRC Rankings

The NRC "rankings" of Graduate programs was released yesterday. I put up a Google spreadsheet of the CS rankings. will also generate rankings using various...

Creating a patient-centered future for health care
From Putting People First

Creating a patient-centered future for health care

Minneapolis firm Worrell looked at the future of health care through the patient’s perspective. Fast Company’s Co.Design site reports. “When it comes to designing...

Forrester Research: Many social networkers happy just to lurk
From Putting People First

Forrester Research: Many social networkers happy just to lurk

Online social networks are growing, but the percentage of users uploading content to sites like YouTube and Facebook has “plateaued” worldwide, according to a report...

PhD: Mobile phone use by young adults in India: a case study
From Putting People First

PhD: Mobile phone use by young adults in India: a case study

“Mobile phone use by young adults in India: a case study”, the PhD thesis of Priyanka Matanhelia at the University of Maryland, is available online. Abstract This...

UK campaign for inquiry into
From Putting People First

UK campaign for inquiry into

The potential transformation of our brains caused by intensive use of computers and the internet is a threat to our quality of life on the same scale as risks to...

US market research: Few Americans are consuming digital media
From Putting People First

US market research: Few Americans are consuming digital media

Connected devices are still having trouble finding a mass audience, a new report from market-research firm The NPD Group has found. But that is likely to change...

In study, children cite appeal of digital reading
From Putting People First

In study, children cite appeal of digital reading

Many children want to read books on digital devices, while parents worry that technology will distract young bookworms, according to a survey by the publisher Scholastic...

Open Questions in Neuroscience Symposium
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Questions in Neuroscience Symposium

Ongoing ... note also that founder Paul G Allen is now on Twitter ... ALLEN INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN SCIENCE2010 Annual Symposium: Open Questions in NeuroscienceSeptember...

Mission Control for Social Media and Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mission Control for Social Media and Retail

In AdAge: Gatorade has established an interesting 'mission control' room for tracking how their message is working. " ... In a room crammed with flat-screen monitors...

Stealing Money from a Safe with a Vacuum
From Schneier on Security

Stealing Money from a Safe with a Vacuum

Clever: The burglars broke into their latest store near Paris and drilled a hole in the "pneumatic tube" that siphons money from the checkout to the strong-room...

Eye Tracking Case Studies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eye Tracking Case Studies

Just brought to my attention for a study: A set of case studies from the eye-tracking vendor Tobii that covers a number of capabilities and study contexts. Previous...

Apple TV
From The Eponymous Pickle

Apple TV

Apple TV is to arrive by this Friday. Sounds like an interesting change is underway. " ... Apple's focus is on selling you 99

How Facebook Sells You
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Facebook Sells You

A very instructive piece in the current Bloomberg Businessweek on How Facebook Sells You.

Rise of Apps Culture
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rise of Apps Culture

Pew Internet on the rise of Apps culture. Or based on the stats, perhaps a non-apps culture: " ... Some 35% of U.S. adults have software applications or
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