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Communications of the ACM



Parental Fears vs. Realities
From Schneier on Security

Parental Fears vs. Realities

From NPR: Based on surveys Barnes collected, the top five worries of parents are, in order: Kidnapping School snipers Terroristsknows,...

Will the Smartphone be the Computer?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Will the Smartphone be the Computer?

In Gigaohm: A question I have been asking myself for a few years. Will the computer of the future be the little device we carry around today? True, the keyboards...

Visualizations and Sorting
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Visualizations and Sorting

I love visualizations. One of my all time favorites are the programs that show how different sorting algorithms work. I was reminded of this by a recent post by...

Nike IPhone Running App
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nike IPhone Running App

You may remember much earlier in the days of the Web Nike had experimented with this idea, but without Apps or GPS. Our New Business Deveopment team talked todetailed...

Review and Advertising Policy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Review and Advertising Policy

Readers, Publishers, Vendors,I have had an increasing number of requests to have advertising links placed in this blog.In general I do not take advertising that...

Study Habits
From The Eponymous Pickle

Study Habits

A good piece in the NYT Views on study habits. Are people left brain vs right brain? Visual versus analytical learners? This is important not only for kids in school...

Robotics Newsletter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics Newsletter

NASA has a new robotics newsletter, via IEEE. In the most recent edition they point to a piece by Marvin Minsky on Telepresence. We met with Minsky and read lots...

Back to School (If You Ever Left)
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Back to School (If You Ever Left)

Today is the first official day back to school, even though classes don't start until Thursday. I used to get very excited about this new beginning, but lately...

IPad Review by Small Biz Labs
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPad Review by Small Biz Labs

The Small Business Labs blog looks at and and reviews the IPad from the perspective of the small business. In particular about its value as a means to consume rather...

From Computational Complexity

How to Write Up Major Results

First some conference news: FOCS conference and hotel registration available on line, early deadline is September 30. STOC 2011 website is up with the CFP, deadline...

Consumerization and Corporate IT Security
From Schneier on Security

Consumerization and Corporate IT Security

If you're a typical wired American, you've got a bunch of tech tools you like and a bunch more you covet. You have a cell phone that can easily text. You've got...

links for 2010-09-07
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-07

Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory…Ain't Good pointer here by Glyn to an action we can take to check the effects of pro-patent lobbying in Europe. He misses...

Slouching Toward Creepiness
From The Noisy Channel

Slouching Toward Creepiness

One of the perks of blogging is that publishers sometimes send me review copies of new books. I couldn’t help but be curious about a book entitled “The Man Who...

Clean Water for a Billion People
From The Eponymous Pickle

Clean Water for a Billion People

Our enterprise did considerable work in clean water projects, and won an Amex competition on delivering clean water. I acted as an analyst for the World Bank on...

How Censoring Craigslist Helps Pimps, Child Traffickers, and Other Abusive Scumbags
From Apophenia

How Censoring Craigslist Helps Pimps, Child Traffickers, and Other Abusive Scumbags

[Originally posted at Huffington Post] For the last 12 years, I’ve dedicated immense amounts of time, money, and energy to end violence against women and children...

URGENT: Has Your MEP Signed The ACTA Written Declaration?
From Wild WebMink

URGENT: Has Your MEP Signed The ACTA Written Declaration?

Here is a list of MEPs for UK constituencies. As of now, none of these MEPs has signed the Written Declaration on ACTA.It’s entirely possible one of them is representing...

Debating a Signaling Model of Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

Debating a Signaling Model of Education

In the enterprise we used to talk about how many people joined our company simply to 'get their ticket punched'. Based on my own conversations with some people...

How reliable is science?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How reliable is science?

It is not difficult find instances of fraud in science: Ranjit Chandra faked medical research results. He pocketed the money meant for running the experiments....

Doodling at Google
From The Eponymous Pickle

Doodling at Google

CS Lessons From Facebook
From Computer Science Teachers Association

CS Lessons From Facebook

As teachers, we are continually faced with the chicken-egg dilemma. Beginning computer scientists need to start with small, manageable problems in order develop...
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