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Communications of the ACM



The poverty of user-centered design
From Putting People First

The poverty of user-centered design

Andrew Dillon, dean of the School of Information (”iSchool”) at the University of Texas, writes on his blog InfoMatters that he finds “the term

User-centred approach drives the design of Intel
From Putting People First

User-centred approach drives the design of Intel

In December last year, Intel design researcher Daria Loi made a very strong presentation at the UPA Europe conference showing how people in different cultures “keep...

Cisco CTO: The future of collaboration will be all about user experience
From Putting People First

Cisco CTO: The future of collaboration will be all about user experience

In a series of predictions on the future of collaboration, Padmasree Warrior, the chief technology officer of Cisco Systems, points out that it’s the user experience...

New Communications Forum Presentations
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Communications Forum Presentations

A link to presentations from the New Communications Forum meetings. About social media and their implications.

Clear Thinking With Digital Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Clear Thinking With Digital Data

Jonathan Salem Baskin writes about digital data and having a clear vision about how the data is ultimately used. It is about the data, but it is also about the...

Data Advantage
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Advantage

An article just pointed out to me from Consumer Goods Digital: The Digital Advantage. Good overview piece on using data for category management. Specifically a...

Got Hate Tweets?
From The Noisy Channel

Got Hate Tweets?

I had the novel experience today of discovering that someone set up a Twitter account for the sole purpose of harassing me personally. I’m not sure what exactly...

Got Hate Tweets?
From The Noisy Channel

Got Hate Tweets?

I had the novel experience today of discovering that someone set up a Twitter account for the sole purpose of harassing me personally. I’m not sure what exactly...

Hand Scanning at Giant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hand Scanning at Giant

A short piece in the Washington Post on the use of scanning devices at Giant grocery stores. " ... A total of 250 Giant and Stop & Shop locations carry the scanners...

COLFAX intros new series of Tesla
From insideHPC

COLFAX intros new series of Tesla

Today COLFAX has announced their Tesla cluster offering, following NVIDIA’s announcement yesterday of their Preconfigured Tesla Cluster program. The Colfax CXT6000...

Randy Pausch:
From CSDiary

Randy Pausch:

In his Last Lecture, Randy Pausch explained that one of his childhood dreams was to be Star Trek’s Captain James T. Kirk. Well, J.J. Abrams, the director of the...

The SGI bankruptcy proceeding: do your own deep dive into the original court
From insideHPC

The SGI bankruptcy proceeding: do your own deep dive into the original court

Randall over at VizWorld got a reader tip about a substantial number of court documents and case filings from the SGI bankruptcy proceeding being available online...

AMAX announces new Tesla cluster
From insideHPC

AMAX announces new Tesla cluster

On the heels of yesterday’s announcement by NVIDIA of their Preconfigured Tesla Cluster program AMAX has announced their entrant in the category. AMAX is offering...

PSSC  Labs closes in on 1,000 clusters
From insideHPC

PSSC Labs closes in on 1,000 clusters

PSSC Labs sent us an email this week to let us know they are nearing an interesting milestone: 1,000 clusters shipped. According to the company they are shipping...

? Governance, Copyright Bullying and Making Things Work
From Wild WebMink

? Governance, Copyright Bullying and Making Things Work

Java Cloud Dispute Is a Tempest in a Teapot The most rational and useful summary of the Java-for-Cloud and GAE/J discussion that...

Lustre 2.0 Video
From insideHPC

Lustre 2.0 Video

Sun HPC Watercooler: The folks within the Lustre group at Sun have posted more videos from the Lustre User Group meeting.

Going to ISC in June? Share your
From insideHPC

Going to ISC in June? Share your

If you are going to ISC in Hamburg this June, your colleagues need your help. We can’t go, but we want to share what happens with insideHPC’s readers around the...

Introducing the personal supercomputer
From insideHPC

Introducing the personal supercomputer

On May 4 NVIDIA announced its latest accessible supercomputing initiative, Tesla Preconfigured Clusters. The clusters bring together Tesla's S1070 rackmount GPU...

ScaleMP Announces SLES 11
From insideHPC

ScaleMP Announces SLES 11

ScaleMP, today, announced support for Novell’s SuSE Linux Enterprise Server version 11 with their vSMP Foundation product.

Wolfman vs. Googzilla
From The Noisy Channel

Wolfman vs. Googzilla

What’s not to love about a good fight? Check out David Talbot’s “Wolfram Alpha and Google Face Off” in Technology Review. I don’t come away with a sense that I’ll...
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