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Sun gears up to try utility cloud again using somebody else
From insideHPC

Sun gears up to try utility cloud again using somebody else

Timothy Prickett Morgan reported at Channel Register on Friday that Sun is evidently gearing up to make a third run at selling cloud computing cycles to customers...

Smart Phone GPS
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Phone GPS

Have been experimenting with a number of walk tracking methods on my IPhone. There are many pedometer style applications, which work fine but need calibration....

Borders Backing from E-Commerce
From The Eponymous Pickle

Borders Backing from E-Commerce

In StorefrontBacktalk: Borders was originally trying to cleverly integrate online and bricks. Though that did not draw me there. Now they are pulling back, likely...

SDSC Hosts Two Workshops on Bridging HPC and
From insideHPC

SDSC Hosts Two Workshops on Bridging HPC and

The San Diego Supercomputer Center [SDSC] has announced that it will host two, 2-Day workshops designed to help begin to bridge the gap between high performance...

A Symposium on
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Symposium on

Ed Lazowska and Peter Lee on November 4 proposed a brainstorming exercise to identify about a dozen game-changing advances in computing research over the past 20...

Sweet Success of Smell
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sweet Success of Smell

On scents in environments: ...

Are you an HPC vendor with an academic
From insideHPC

Are you an HPC vendor with an academic

The response to the couple of recent posts I’ve done about academic freebies and specials has been great. So I thought I would gather them up and list them in an...

Saturday Link Roundup on March 14th
From Wild WebMink

Saturday Link Roundup on March 14th

THRU YOU - Kutiman mixes YouTube This is jaw-droppingly awesome. And impossible to achieve legally without Creative Commons everywhere.Plucky Brits win battle of...

Working Habitats : Office Evolution
From The Eponymous Pickle

Working Habitats : Office Evolution

Herman Miller, the creator of the widely praised, iconic Aeron chair, was one of the collaborators with our early innovation center projects. We tested officethey...

Web is 20
From The Eponymous Pickle

Web is 20

Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversaryAnalyst: A single paper written 20 years ago today became a great 20th-century idea.

NESTA launches innovation lab to improve UK public services
From Putting People First

NESTA launches innovation lab to improve UK public services

NESTA, the UK’s National Endowment for Science, Technology, and the Arts, has set up The Lab, a new UK innovation structure that will bring together all the players...

Beyond Minority Report Interfaces: Sixth Sense
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beyond Minority Report Interfaces: Sixth Sense

Very interesting TED talk presentation on gesture driven wearable devices by Pattie Maes. What I found particularly interesting is the inclusion of a projector...

HPC and cloud computing,
From insideHPC

HPC and cloud computing,

I don’t usually link to my own stuff, but you may find this interesting. I just finished an article/Q&A with Dan Reed, longtime HPC’er, science and computation...

From insideHPC


Sun’s CEO is doing a series on his blog about his company’s strategic imperatives: 1. Technology Adoption 2. Commercial Innovation 3. Efficiently Connecting 1....

Alan Cooper on the similarities between interaction designers and agile programmers
From Putting People First

Alan Cooper on the similarities between interaction designers and agile programmers

During the Agile 2008 conference, Amr Elssamadisy interviewed Alan Cooper, the father of Visual Basic and supporter of interaction design. He talked about his contact...

Google Voice is Coming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Voice is Coming

I have used Google-acquired Grandcentral for about a year now. It has been very useful, especially if you need to consolidate multiple numbers such as landlineGoogle...

Friday link roundup on March 13
From Wild WebMink

Friday link roundup on March 13

USDOJ: OPA: Publicly Distributed Documents The documents themselves are fascinating, but the fact they are being made available (at least initially) as PDFs ofIBM...

What Matters at McKinsey
From Putting People First

What Matters at McKinsey

Consulting firm McKinsey has just launched a new website, called What Matters, that is an extensive collection of essays and interviews with opinion formers around...

Designing the democratic
From Putting People First

Designing the democratic

Jamie Owen, a visual information specialist for a training arm of the USA Department of Veterans Affairs argues on Boxes and Arrows that thinking outside of our...

Neurofocus Expands
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neurofocus Expands

Nielsen funded Neurofocus has announced its purchase of European based Neuroco to form what is likely the largest company that is applying Neuromarketing concepts...
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