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Social Dynamics of Wikipedia
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Dynamics of Wikipedia

The WikiDashboard is a system that analyzes the social dynamics of a Wikipedia entry. Good overview article about it in Tech Review. By examining the social dynamics...

Jan-Christoph Zoels talk at India
From Putting People First

Jan-Christoph Zoels talk at India

Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels is currently in Ahmedabad, India, for a client project. But he found time for an informal talk at the highly acclaimed National...

Germany goes
From insideHPC

Germany goes

Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) has a press release (in German) announcing that the Gauss Center for Supercomputing (GCS) (a co-orperation between the German national...

Interview with John Knight, user experience manager at Vodafone
From Putting People First

Interview with John Knight, user experience manager at Vodafone

John Knight, user experience manager at Vodafone’s UE Design Development team was interviewed by Giles Colborne of cxpartners. “One of the things I

Robin Wight and the Peacock's Tail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robin Wight and the Peacock's Tail

Met Robin Wight, president of the WCRS & Engine Group, at the recent Neurocon 2009. He passes along this fascinating video: An amazing theory called The Peacock's...

Make Recovery.Gov Web 2.0 Friendly
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Make Recovery.Gov Web 2.0 Friendly

All eyes are on one piece of legislation currently being considered by Congress -- The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This legislation is essentially a...

Cognitive Computing Project
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Computing Project

Cognitive Computing project, seeking to reverse engineer the mind. Quite an ambitious project. See also Dharmendra Mondha's cognitive computing blog. I had"...

Tony Tether DARPA Directorship to End in February
From CSDiary

Tony Tether DARPA Directorship to End in February

A quick news flash: Emails are floating around indicating that Tony Tether’s tenure as the Director of DARPA will end this month, with the two week notice on February...

Kindle 2
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kindle 2

Amazon introduces the Kindle 2. Again, I do not want to drag around another device. Put it on my phone.

Karlsruhe Selects
From insideHPC

Karlsruhe Selects

HPCWire: SiCortex, today, announced that they have gained the business of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology [KIT] in Germany.

Lamar University Jumps on the
From insideHPC

Lamar University Jumps on the

Lamar University announced today that a group of their faculty have been granted access to the Teragrid.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

An op-ed by the University of Washington’s Ed Lazowska and Sun Microsystems’ Bob Sproull appears today on the website of Scientists and Engineers for America.

Report from Cracow Neurocon Panel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Report from Cracow Neurocon Panel

From the Neuroconnections 2009 meeting. The Neurocon panel in Cracow was run live on the Polish CNBC affiliate on Saturday. The object of the debate was to itemize...

Sun Grid Engine Update
From insideHPC

Sun Grid Engine Update

Sun’s HPC blog has posted a video from the Sun HPC Consortium the weekend before Supercomputing 2008.

Roshydromet Weather Forecasting on
From insideHPC

Roshydromet Weather Forecasting on

Russia’s Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring [Roshydromet] have procured a series of SGI machines in order to improve the precision...

Voltaire Announces 40Gb/s Director
From insideHPC

Voltaire Announces 40Gb/s Director

Voltaire has announced the latest addition to their Infiniband switching product line.

Honesty is charisma
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Honesty is charisma

Honesty is charisma. Whenever you are honest, even if you are controversial, many people will respond positively to you.

Dan Ariely on a new type of economy
From Putting People First

Dan Ariely on a new type of economy

IdeasProject, an excellent Nokia site, interviewed behavioural economist, MIT Media Lab contributor and best-selling author Dan Ariely. He said that web technologies...

HPC seminar in
From insideHPC

HPC seminar in

The HPC Watercooler points to a perfect opportunity to redeem those Sky Miles you’ve been hoarding: head north for HPC in Vancouver Our friends at HPCVL are sponsoring...

Itanium upgrade
From insideHPC

Itanium upgrade

From Computerworld earlier this month Intel Corp. on Tuesday said it has delayed the release of the quad-core Tukwila chip, its next-generation 64-bit Itanium processor...
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