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Buyology Thinking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Buyology Thinking

Fairly extensive look in ResearchTalk at the claims behind Buyology: Buyology: Sound Science or Wishful Thinking?. the final claim comes down to the well exercised...

What Would Google Do?
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Would Google Do?

Steve Baker, author of The Numerati, which I reviewed takes a look at an upcoming book by Jeff Jarvis called What Would Google Do?

BOXX Tech Releases Core i7
From insideHPC

BOXX Tech Releases Core i7

BOXX Technologies of Austin, TX has announced the release of its latest workstation series, the 3DBOXX 4850 Extreme.

A View of Twitter vs Linkedin
From The Eponymous Pickle

A View of Twitter vs Linkedin

Always astute Jerry Michalski sends along a link to a very nice description of why Twitter is useful. Although I am still learning about this tool, I am becoming...

In Car Spamming
From The Eponymous Pickle

In Car Spamming

Via correspondent Richard James. We have long been promised the idea of networked automobiles, now this seems to be imminent. Though along with the concept may...

Still a men
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Still a men

I would like to start the January Blog by wishing you all a happy, healthy, and successful New Year! My name is Maria Knobelsdorf and I

Itsme concept evaluation
From Putting People First

Itsme concept evaluation

Some months ago I wrote on Core77 about Itsme, a new “design-driven” way of organizing the contents of a PC, covering both the hardware and the software of the...

Experience design for interactive products
From Putting People First

Experience design for interactive products

Experience design for interactive products: designing technology augmented urban playgrounds for girls (pdf) is the long title of an interesting paper by Aadjan...

Major Science Funding Called for in House Stimulus Plan
From CSDiary

Major Science Funding Called for in House Stimulus Plan

I’ve just finished a meeting of the NRC CSTB, held at Google in Mountain View. I shouldn’t say too much about what went on, but it’s worth noting that I detected...

Selling vs Order Taking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Selling vs Order Taking

Correspondent Herb Sorensen of TNS-Sorensen has a great piece in his Views series about Selling vs Order Taking which links to the history of retail itself andwrote...

Smiley Award: Call for Nominations
From CSDiary

Smiley Award: Call for Nominations

Nominations are due on January 31, 2009, for the second annual Smiley Award for innovation in technology-assisted person-to-person communication. Details can be...

Enterprise Use of Social Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise Use of Social Networks

IBM provides some interesting work in this area. I spoke to some of their people involved in this work last year and was impressed how they were leveraging all...

Resources for Addressing Equity Issues in 2009
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Resources for Addressing Equity Issues in 2009

As we begin a new year, we can only imagine what new technological innovations will be created this year that will change the way people live their lives. InGotta...

Irrational Product Placement
From The Eponymous Pickle

Irrational Product Placement

I am a late student to product placement. Around since 1896 when Sunlight Soap was featured in a number of Lumiere silent movies. A frame at the right. Here....

IBM Leads Patents
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Leads Patents

IBM Leads US patent count 16th year in a row, openly publishes patent innovations, seeking to "...balance open and proprietary innovation ... " .

Science and Technology Have Piece of Stimulus Pie
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Science and Technology Have Piece of Stimulus Pie

While the stimulus has not been finalized, the House Appropriations Committee has circulated a summary of the major components. From the committee summary: Scientific...

Tuomas Sandholm Named ACM Fellow
From CSDiary

Tuomas Sandholm Named ACM Fellow

I’m writing today from the Google campus in Mountain View. However, the news today isn’t about Google — it’s about Tuomas Sandholm. The Association for Computing...

Just say
From insideHPC

Just say

Feature article at HPCwire with a great title, “HPC@Intel: When to Say No to Parallelism.” As a software developer, you are faced with a range of options as you...

Eli Lilly using cloud
From insideHPC

Eli Lilly using cloud

Here’s a pointer to an article that looks interesting that I found at HPCwire. Eli Lilly’s Dave Powers talks compellingly about how the pharmaceuticals company...

Rackable lays off
From insideHPC

Rackable lays off

Joe Landman alerted us to the weight reduction plan at Rackable following a Q4 sales downturn. From the story at El Reg Going public has not been as much fun for...
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