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Where do presidents and prime ministers go to school?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Where do presidents and prime ministers go to school?

In his most recent essay, After the credentials, Paul Graham tells us that in South Korea where “college entrance exams determine 70 to 80 percent of a person’s...

Decrease in Comparison Site Visits
From The Eponymous Pickle

Decrease in Comparison Site Visits

StorefrontBackTalk reports that there has been a sharp decrease in price comparison site visits, despite the economy. The post and comment show how complex the...

LibraryThing Runs a uClassify Contest
From The Eponymous Pickle

LibraryThing Runs a uClassify Contest

Always interesting LibraryThing is running a contest using free online uClassify to classify text. I mentioned uClassify a short time ago and used it to classify...

Link roundup to December 22
From Wild WebMink

Link roundup to December 22

FauxliageI somehow missed this collaboration between Leigh Nash and the Delerium guys when it came out - just heard it on Lush on Soma FM and loved it. And I see...

Too Many Business Intelligence Tools
From The Eponymous Pickle

Too Many Business Intelligence Tools

CW reports that Forrester has released a report that managers believe they have too many BI tools in house. Although I have not read the full report yet, I agree...

Women at the Brazil National Database Conference
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Women at the Brazil National Database Conference

Another small

Addressing the Crisis in Computer Science Certification
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Addressing the Crisis in Computer Science Certification

We can all agree that it is essential that computer science teachers have adequate preparation and professional development to teach computer science successfully...

Robotic Bike Parking in Japan
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Bike Parking in Japan

An interesting 'robotic' bike parking system in Tokyo. I agree with one of the commenters on traveling in Tokyo, I rarely had a perspective of where I was in the...

Computing research challenges for the 21st
From insideHPC

Computing research challenges for the 21st

Peter Lee and Ed Lazowska posted at the CCC’s blog last week on an initiative they have going to collect short idea pieces on the future of computing research from...

HPCwire: Top 10 hits and misses in
From insideHPC

HPCwire: Top 10 hits and misses in

One of the things I learned during the time that I was blogging for InfoWorld was that web readers love lists. I just wasn’t very good at writing them. But HPCwire’s...

900 million processor-hours awarded in 2009 DOE INCITE
From insideHPC

900 million processor-hours awarded in 2009 DOE INCITE

Last week the United States Department of Energy announced their sixth annual round of large HPC allocation awards

U of Houston Installs New Sun
From insideHPC

U of Houston Installs New Sun

The University of Houston Research Computing Center [RCC] in collaboration with the Texas Learning and Computation Center [TLC2] recently purchased and installed...

Green HPC in Scientific Computing
From insideHPC

Green HPC in Scientific Computing

Twitter user erincollopy points us to this article at (a subsite of Scientific Computing World) on the greening of HPC HPC suppliers are addressing...

From insideHPC


Last week Rackable announced a new “data center enclosure” for your gear. You can slot in either AMD or Intel servers, but they’ll have to be Rackable’s, since...

Sun Compute Cluster part of new Rapid Solutions
From insideHPC

Sun Compute Cluster part of new Rapid Solutions

Sun announced last week a new services offering tied to its hardware and designed to help customers get their installation done faster. Mostly this is done by pre...

New computer memory possible with good old-fashioned pencil
From insideHPC

New computer memory possible with good old-fashioned pencil

Scientists at Rice have found a way to create a new kind of memory from a strip of graphene, the stuff that in bulk is called graphite, and drives No 2 pencils...

Merry Christmas!
From CSDiary

Merry Christmas!

The semester is over, but there is still enough work to do on various proposals, recommendation letters, and think pieces that I am in my office instead of at home...

Seeing 1859 Stereo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeing 1859 Stereo

I enjoy discussions linking the history of a technology to its current state. This article looks at the stereographic technology of 1859 and how it relates to"...

Behind the Way We Shop
From The Eponymous Pickle

Behind the Way We Shop

National Public Radio (NPR) audio recording on Buyology/Neuromarketing: The Buyology Behind the Way We Shop

Open Source Maturity
From Wild WebMink

Open Source Maturity

There's an interesting comment from 451 Group's Matthew Aslett on the five stages of community open source engagement that's worth reading. I've been using a model...
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