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Grand Transitions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Grand Transitions

Makes you think.A Theory of (Almost) EverythingA new book / Podcast  analyzes the seven grand transitions that have formed the modern world  By Steven CherryWe’ve...

A New Approach to Storage and Data Management
From insideHPC

A New Approach to Storage and Data Management

In this sponsored post, Olivier Multon, Storage & Data Management Product Manager, Atos, BDS - Big Data & Security, believes that with the expansion of data-intensive...

CCC Announces New Council Members Starting July 2021
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Announces New Council Members Starting July 2021

The Computing Research Association (CRA), in consultation with the National Science Foundation (NSF), has appointed five new members to the Computing Community...

Superforecasting Update
From The Eponymous Pickle

Superforecasting Update

For some time have followed GoodJudgment  and their 'superforecasting' services.   Most recently got a new overview with considerable efforts and claims.    Since...

Learning From My Students
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Learning From My Students

Being back in the classroom has been a learning experience for me. For one thing I have had to learn a bit of Processing (the IDE) as students had been using it...

Apple Censorship and Surveillance in China
From Schneier on Security

Apple Censorship and Surveillance in China

Good investigative reporting on how Apple is participating in and assisting with Chinese censorship and surveillance.

Adding a Russian Keyboard to Protect against Ransomware
From Schneier on Security

Adding a Russian Keyboard to Protect against Ransomware

A lot of Russian malware — the malware that targeted the Colonial Pipeline, for example — won’t install on computers with a Cyrillic keyboard installed. Brian Krebs...

Amazon Echo Tries Smart Glasses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Echo Tries Smart Glasses

A number of companies have tried the wearable assistant idea, announced originally in December, now Amazon will try the idea in earnest.  Will the idea work this...

Using the Rust Language for Code Safety
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using the Rust Language for Code Safety

In a recent dev oriented conversation someone mentioned Rust as a programing Language to improve code safety.   I heard about it again today re Facebook's usage...

Google Machine Learning Glossary
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Machine Learning Glossary

 Ajit Jaokar Sends along his AI Newsletter, he writes: Open this article on LinkedIn to see what people are saying about this topic. Open on LinkedInEdition 4:Our...

Converting binary integers to ASCII characters: Apple M1 vs AMD Zen2
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Converting binary integers to ASCII characters: Apple M1 vs AMD Zen2

Programmers often need to write integers as characters. Thus given the 32-bit value 1234, you might need a function that writes the characters 1234. We can useContinue...

Upcoming NSF CISE Deadlines
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Upcoming NSF CISE Deadlines

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate has some upcoming solicitation deadlines. Check them out...

Microsoft Teams now for Friends, Family, Fun, Slack  .... and Free too
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Teams now for Friends, Family, Fun, Slack .... and Free too

Players have decided that free group software in all contexts is the way to win big and broadly post pandemic.Microsoft Teams is ready for 'friends and family'After...

Critical US Infrastructure and Fair Fights
From The Eponymous Pickle

Critical US Infrastructure and Fair Fights

Recent direct attacks on critical US infrastructure lead us to ask:  How much of that is there?Bruce Schneier asks:Is 85% of US Critical Infrastructure in Private...

Building AIs that Feels Emotion, Empathy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building AIs that Feels Emotion, Empathy

Work by Microsoft's  'Human Understanding and Empathy' group.  New to me but likely useful as a component of other sensory measures.   In context, as always.  Building...

Are Flexibles the Future?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Are Flexibles the Future?

 Samsung seems to think so, but have still not seen the argument made that they are more convenient overall.  Samsung teases its next generation of flexible displays...

IBM and AWS Colaboration
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM and AWS Colaboration

 Was unaware of the depth of this, especially the connection of SAP, who we worked with extensively. IBM’s and AWS’ five-year anniversary shows maturing relationship...

Future of Data Visualization and Agile Business Intelligence
From insideHPC

Future of Data Visualization and Agile Business Intelligence

The biggest trends we’ve seen in data over the past decade are; the sheer growth of data set sizes, coupled with the increasing complexity of analysis and dataFuture...

Is 85% of US Critical Infrastructure in Private Hands?
From Schneier on Security

Is 85% of US Critical Infrastructure in Private Hands?

Most US critical infrastructure is run by private corporations. This has major security implications, because it’s putting a random power company in — say — Ohio...

Improving Digital Images with Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Improving Digital Images with Machine Learning

Akin to somethings we experimented with in a startup years ago.  Taking it much farther, it seems.   Need to see more about this!   A sort of knowledge extraction...
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