From Schneier on Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been billed as the next frontier of humanity: the newly available expanse whose exploration
B. Schneier| February 29, 2024
Justin Thaler went to FOCS, and managed to arrange for various people to write up their thoughts on various parts of the conference. So Justin is the famed Editor...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | November 1, 2012 at 12:57 PM
Due to inclement weather, the deadline for STOC submissions has been extended to Monday, November 5, at 5:00 pm EST. Check the STOC web page for more detailsMichael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 31, 2012 at 08:49 PM
The list of papers accepted to WSDM 2013 is now up. Looks like the usual fun mix of papers.Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 30, 2012 at 12:14 PM
The Harvard Crimson just finished a four-part series looking at the Harvard Ad Board since the reforms a couple of years ago. I must admit I didn't find the articles...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 28, 2012 at 11:28 PM
Last year, I had the pleasure of co-organizing the CIKM 2011 Industry Event in Glasgow. This year, I’m honored to be part of the CIKM 2012 Industry Event program...Daniel Tunkelang From The Noisy Channel | October 27, 2012 at 05:14 AM
I was asked to post the following regarding STOC 2013 submissions:1) Please read the Call for Papers carefully and pay special attentionto length and formatting...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 24, 2012 at 04:22 AM
The nice folks at Texas A&M asked me to give a teleseminar as part of their series. So instead of flying all the way to Texas to give a talk, I did so from the...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 22, 2012 at 04:56 AM
Harvard's CRCS is looking for postdocs! Please apply....We're very interested in theorists (and, of course, non-theorists as well!) in all of the areas listedhttp...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 16, 2012 at 07:05 PM
Human-computer information retrieval (HCIR) is the study of information retrieval techniques that integrate human intelligence and algorithmic search to help people...Daniel Tunkelang From The Noisy Channel | October 8, 2012 at 07:34 AM
This year was the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (website). Hard to believe it's been around that long. I think my first...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 7, 2012 at 10:03 PM
Tenure Track Position Open. Here's the official blurb:Tenure-track Position in Computer ScienceThe Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) seeks...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | October 1, 2012 at 03:40 PM
I’ll be in Cambridge, MA this Thursday and Friday for the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR 2012). Hope to see many...Daniel Tunkelang From The Noisy Channel | October 1, 2012 at 01:57 PM
It’s the event you’ve been waiting for: the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval! HCIR 2012 will take place October 4th and 5th...Daniel Tunkelang From The Noisy Channel | September 21, 2012 at 01:00 PM
Always worth bragging about my students...Justin Thaler's paper "Cache-Oblivious Dictionaries and Multimaps with Negligible Failure Probability" (with me, Michael...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | September 17, 2012 at 02:06 AM
LinkedIn showed up in force at the 6th ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012)! Here are the slides from all of our presentations. Daniel...Daniel Tunkelang From The Noisy Channel | September 16, 2012 at 07:56 PM
I spent the past week in Dublin attending the 6th ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012). This young conference has become the premier...Daniel Tunkelang From The Noisy Channel | September 14, 2012 at 04:28 PM
Pretty much matching my predictions....My graduate course has 50 enrolled right now, fairly close to 50-50 between undergrads and grads.Salil's introductory complexity...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | September 12, 2012 at 08:39 PM
NSF saying yes to your grant... (Isn't that one of the lyrics?)Once again, thanks to the NSF, I get to remain in business* for the next 3-4 years or so. (Arguably...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | September 10, 2012 at 03:54 PM
This is keynote presentation I delivered at the Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web, held as part of the 6th ACM International Conference on Recommender...Daniel Tunkelang From The Noisy Channel | September 9, 2012 at 02:52 PM
First day of lecture for CS 222, Algorithms at the End of the Wire. They stuck me in a classroom that holds 20 comfortably, and 25 or so can be done. I'm pretty...Michael Mitzenmacher From My Biased Coin | September 5, 2012 at 03:32 AM