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Communications of the ACM



LinkedIn at RecSys 2012
From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn at RecSys 2012

LinkedIn is an industry leader in the area of recommender systems – a place where big data meets clever algorithms and content meets social. If you’re one of the...

From My Biased Coin


There's an interesting new article on the Gov 1310 case* on the Crimson yesterday, titled Students Accused  in Cheating Scandal Frustrated by Uncertain Process....

Honor Codes?
From My Biased Coin

Honor Codes?

A further interesting question that has come out of the as-of-yet alleged cheating scandal at Harvard is whether Harvard should have an honor code.  The question...

Max Flows in O(nm) Time by Orlin
From My Biased Coin

Max Flows in O(nm) Time by Orlin

Just saw Suresh point to this talk (and paper) about a new result for max flows in O(nm) time by James Orlin.  I'm listening to the talk he has on line this afternoon...

Academic Dishonesty Cases
From My Biased Coin

Academic Dishonesty Cases

I have a bunch of half-written blog posts, none of which I have felt pressed to finish, so the blog has languished over the summer.  But then, something has come...

Panos Ipeirotis talking at LinkedIn about Crowdsourcing!
From The Noisy Channel

Panos Ipeirotis talking at LinkedIn about Crowdsourcing!

Sharing knowledge is part of our core culture at LinkedIn, whether it’s through hackdays or contributions to open-source projects. We actively participate in academic...

Data Werewolves
From The Noisy Channel

Data Werewolves

Thank you Scott Adams for the free advertising. Of course, LinkedIn is the place to find data werewolves.   Want to find more data werewolves. Check out my team...

Matt Lease: Recent Adventures in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
From The Noisy Channel

Matt Lease: Recent Adventures in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation

Today we had the pleasure of hosting UT-Austin professor Matt Lease at LinkedIn to give a talk on his “Recent Adventures in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation“...

WTF! @ k: Measuring Ineffectiveness
From The Noisy Channel

WTF! @ k: Measuring Ineffectiveness

At SIGIR 2004, Ellen Voorhees presented a paper entitled “Measuring Ineffectiveness” in which she asserted: Using average values of traditional evaluation measures...

Important IP Case
From My Biased Coin

Important IP Case

For those of you not following the Apple-Samsung case going on right now, it's fascinating.  Since I do expert witness work, it's interesting to me from that perspective...

Mail Issue
From My Biased Coin

Mail Issue

Last week I had an issue where I sent an e-mail to someone (non-work-related), and a while later got the response forwarded to me from my wife, with a note that...

Distracting Videos
From My Biased Coin

Distracting Videos

Jeff Erickson gets the blame for pointing out this amusing/disturbing video on counting.  I feel like I should make it a background video before my undergraduate...

Article about DEC Folk
From My Biased Coin

Article about DEC Folk

Interesting Wired article talking about a bunch of people I worked with back when I was at Digital Systems Research Center, and their big effect on Google.  It's...

Like a Movie Meteor...
From My Biased Coin

Like a Movie Meteor...

The new semester is hurtling toward me.This semester I get to teach one of my graduate courses, the one I named Algorithms at the End of the Wire sometime over...

Hiring: Taking It Personally
From The Noisy Channel

Hiring: Taking It Personally

As a manager, I’ve found that I mostly have two jobs: bringing great people onto the team, and creating the conditions for their success. The second job is the...

Upcoming Conferences: RecSys, HCIR, CIKM
From The Noisy Channel

Upcoming Conferences: RecSys, HCIR, CIKM

Long-time readers know that I have strong opinions about academic conferences. I find the main value of conferences and workshops to be facilitating face-to-face...

Yale Daily News, continued
From My Biased Coin

Yale Daily News, continued

I pointed to this article in the Yale Daily News about computer science when it came out in April.  Giorgos just pointed me back to it again, and I'd have to say...

From My Biased Coin


I'm hanging out at MMDS -- the Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Datasets at Stanford.  The crowd is surprisingly huge, with a greater number of peopleProbabilistic...

HCIR 2012 Challenge: People Search
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2012 Challenge: People Search

As we get ready for the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval this October in Cambridge, MA, people around the world are working...

On NPR (Morning Edition)
From My Biased Coin

On NPR (Morning Edition)

Groupon is being discussed on NPR (Morning Edition), which means we get a phone call again.  Our graphs are reproduced on the site, and John Byers speaks for us...
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