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IBM Bullish on Homomorphic Encryption
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Bullish on Homomorphic Encryption

Yet more interest in this technique by major players.IBM bets homomorphic encryption is ready to deliver stronger data security for early adoptersBy Chris O'Brien...

WIFI Object Sensing
From The Eponymous Pickle

WIFI Object Sensing

Schneier reports on Wi-Fi Devices as Physical Object Sensors in the new 802.11bf standard.   He mentions this is reported in TheRegister, but also that there is...

Early Warning Systems for Self Driving
From The Eponymous Pickle

Early Warning Systems for Self Driving

Recognizing situations for warnings. Classic AI application.Early Warning System for Self-Driving CarsTechnical University of Munich (Germany),  March 30, 2021An...

Explanations and Contexts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Explanations and Contexts

An example of the need for explain-ability. Like in a conversation with a human, we could want the option of getting an explanation of a solution.  But the nature...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Relaxing the Primes

Although the prime numbers are rigidly determined, they somehow feel like experimental data—Tim Gowers Finnish Scientific Courage Award source Kaisa Matomäki is...

A Distributed Quantum Computing Prototype
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Distributed Quantum Computing Prototype

Although still very small this seems to demonstrate combined bits at a distance, assuming then that each is then operating as an independent computer, with theQuantum...

Echo has Zoom
From The Eponymous Pickle

Echo has Zoom

Good to see broader, business oriented capabilities.Amazon’s Echo Show 10 now has ZoomFor those pandemic-fueled video callsBy Ashley Carman@ashleyrcarman in TheVerge...

B to B Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

B to B Machine Learning

Type of companies and their goals and implications.Defensible Machine Learning    via O'Reilly  in Basecase.vcBy Ankur Goyal, Alana Anderson  March 3, 2021B2B machine...

CRA/CCC Announces CIFellows 2021 Program
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CRA/CCC Announces CIFellows 2021 Program

The Computing Research Association (CRA) and Computing Community Consortium (CCC) are pleased to announce a new Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows) cohort...

Phone Cloning Scam
From Schneier on Security

Phone Cloning Scam

A newspaper in Malaysia is reporting on a cell phone cloning scam. The scammer convinces the victim to lend them their cell phone, and the scammer quickly clones...

Silicon’s Successors: 2-D Materials Aim to Carry the Post-Moore’s Law Torch
From insideHPC

Silicon’s Successors: 2-D Materials Aim to Carry the Post-Moore’s Law Torch

Even as a flurry of new silicon has been launched recently by AMD and Arm, with more to come this week from Intel, silicon’s five decades of microprocessor dominance...

NCSA’s Delta Supercomputer to be Allocable by XSEDE this Summer
From insideHPC

NCSA’s Delta Supercomputer to be Allocable by XSEDE this Summer

Delta, a $10 million National Science Foundation-funded advanced computing system housed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University...

From Computational Complexity

Do any NP-reductions use deep mathematics? Non-rhetically

BILL: Lets say we didn't know that FACTORING NPC --> NP=coNP.then what direction would we think Factoring in P or NPC?  STUDENT: In P. After all, Number Theory...

Albertsons Partners with Google
From The Eponymous Pickle

Albertsons Partners with Google

Interesting out of market play,  but I do remember being shown a Google physical store mapped space that digitized the experience of shopping lists.  See my tags...

My programming setup
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

My programming setup

As my GitHub profile indicates, I program almost every single working day of the year. I program in C++, C, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, R, Swift, Rust, C#; even...

Key lessons from Digital Ethnography Summit
From Putting People First

Key lessons from Digital Ethnography Summit

In a year in which Covid-19 has forced researchers to resort to online research, what opportunities for the industry exist in digital ethnography? Liam Kay of ResearchLive...

New Ars Electronica video series on digital humanism
From Putting People First

New Ars Electronica video series on digital humanism

What does it mean on a practical level to become a digital humanist? 'User Manual for Digital Humanists' is a new Ars Electronica video series that focuses on re...

VR Brings Joy to Assistive Living Facilities
From The Eponymous Pickle

VR Brings Joy to Assistive Living Facilities

Perhaps a novel way of using VR.  Aims at creating artificial environments for treatment.  Seems odd, but perhaps a useful means of improving environments.   Manipulative...

Intro to Bayesian
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intro to Bayesian

Good intro to the idea  of Bayesian computation and modeling,   But ultimately does include math.  We successfully used the method for simulating relatively complex...

Building Multilingual, Multipurpose, Multi Context Wikipedias
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building Multilingual, Multipurpose, Multi Context Wikipedias

A long time user, and supporter of Wikipedia.  Have run into the problem that this describes,   Posts in different languages in the WP vary in their knowledge content...
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