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Communications of the ACM



NOAA Upgrades Global Weather Model
From insideHPC

NOAA Upgrades Global Weather Model

The U.S. National Oceanic and and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said today it is upgrading its Global Forecast System (GFS) weather model to improve hurricane...

Continued Worsening of Ransomware
From The Eponymous Pickle

Continued Worsening of Ransomware

Is there no solution?    A means of detecting the patterns left by this kind of malware?  The Worsening State of Ransomware   in the ACM    By Samuel GreengardCommunications...

AI Device to Spot Hidden COVID-19
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Device to Spot Hidden COVID-19

 What appears to be a unique solution. Cautions in the article say this does NOT claim to diagnose.FDA clears first AI device to spot hidden signs of COVID-19 in...

Microsoft Points to Future Disruptions of Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Points to Future Disruptions of Work

 Microsoft has done a good job in following the changes that have happened in the last year,  Now they need to make sure they protect that work by better securing...

Better Storytelling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Better Storytelling

Thoughts on better storytelling3 Ideas for Better Storytelling in Knowledge Management   By Mercy Harper  in the APQC BlogIn her role, Mercy works with APQC’s Principal...

WekaIO Announces Results with NVIDIA Magnum IO GPUDirect Storage in Microsoft Research Lab
From insideHPC

WekaIO Announces Results with NVIDIA Magnum IO GPUDirect Storage in Microsoft Research Lab

CAMPBELL, Calif., March 22, 2021 – WekaIO (Weka), the data platform for artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), life sciences research, enterprise technical...

BioNTech Chairman Helmut Jeggle Joins the Board of IQM Quantum Computers
From insideHPC

BioNTech Chairman Helmut Jeggle Joins the Board of IQM Quantum Computers

MUNICH – March 24, 2021 – IQM Quantum Computers (IQM) announced today that Helmut Jeggle, chairman of the BioNTech SE Supervisory board, has joined IQM ́s board...

MIT: Researchers’ Algorithm Designs Soft Robots that Sense
From insideHPC

MIT: Researchers’ Algorithm Designs Soft Robots that Sense

CAMBRIDGE, MA — March 22, 2021 — There are some tasks that traditional robots — the rigid and metallic kind — simply aren’t cut out for. Soft-bodied robots, onMIT...

Data Augmentation for Brain-Computer Interface
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Augmentation for Brain-Computer Interface

Very good piece that also connects with some of our neural explorations.  The linking to GANs is fascinating.    (See tag links)Data Augmentation for Brain-Computer...

Industry Veteran Karl Freund Launches Analyst Firm Cambrian-AI Research
From insideHPC

Industry Veteran Karl Freund Launches Analyst Firm Cambrian-AI Research

March 22, 2021 — Chip industry veteran Karl Freund has recently launched Cambrian-AI Research, a new firm specializing in helping providers of AI hardware and the...

Japanese Smart City Offers Residents Quake, Privacy Protection
From The Eponymous Pickle

Japanese Smart City Offers Residents Quake, Privacy Protection

Makes much sense given the higher likelihood of natural disasters in Japan.Japanese Smart City Offers Residents Quake, Privacy Protection  By Thomson Reuters Foundation...

Kick-off for the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre’s Quantum Integration Centre
From insideHPC

Kick-off for the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre’s Quantum Integration Centre

Munich, March 22, 2021-The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities has opened its Quantum Integration Centre, orKick...

Stop the Lab Worship: Commercial HPC is Sexy, Too
From insideHPC

Stop the Lab Worship: Commercial HPC is Sexy, Too

There’s a trend in the data storage world to call out a growing “divide” between HPC and enterprise storage. We believe that’s an oversimplification. What’s worse...

XSEDE HPC Workshop: Big Data and Machine Learning, April 6-7
From insideHPC

XSEDE HPC Workshop: Big Data and Machine Learning, April 6-7

XSEDE, the National Science Foundation’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment virtual organization that shares HPC, supercomputing and other advanced...

IOTA New Dawn Chrysalis Changes Announced
From The Eponymous Pickle

IOTA New Dawn Chrysalis Changes Announced

 Late to this but of interest, the IOTA Foundation, mentioned here a number of times,   was an interesting change in the idea of blockchains and how they were delivered...

Majorana Meltdown Jeopardizes Microsoft's Quantum Computer,
From The Eponymous Pickle

Majorana Meltdown Jeopardizes Microsoft's Quantum Computer,

This is an example of the danger of converting reported research results into working systems.  Without the complete validation of those results.    Large companies...

UK Protecting Critical Undersea Cables
From The Eponymous Pickle

UK Protecting Critical Undersea Cables

This piece made me think.  And consider from who, using what .... and what are the implications?New Royal Navy ship to protect 'critical' undersea cables  in the...

Consider the Humble Roundabout
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consider the Humble Roundabout

In my very early days of analytics, much involved with civil engineering data.    So this transcript of a Freakonomics article on the traffic roundabout was good...

Refining Audience Advertising Context Mixing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Refining Audience Advertising Context Mixing

 Interesting method altering acquired video and mixing it to change advertising context.  Would seem the same method could be used for advertising with augmented...

Wisdom of the trusted
From Geeking with Greg

Wisdom of the trusted

Flood-the-zone disinformation is a problem for crowdsourced data. Wisdom of the crowds, mass amateurization, and rejection of gatekeepers no longer works with coordinated...
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