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Communications of the ACM



DOE Announces $30M for Quantum Information Science Research
From insideHPC

DOE Announces $30M for Quantum Information Science Research

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced it will provide $30 million for Quantum Information Science (QIS) research that helps scientists...

Ionir: Combating Data Gravity with Kubernetes Native Storage and Data Management Platform
From insideHPC

Ionir: Combating Data Gravity with Kubernetes Native Storage and Data Management Platform

NEW YORK — March 10, 2021 — ionir today announced expanded availability of its Kubernetes native storage platform. By eliminating complexity in Kubernetes dataIonir...

WekaIO Awarded 3 Patents, Wins ISO 27001 Certification
From insideHPC

WekaIO Awarded 3 Patents, Wins ISO 27001 Certification

CAMPBELL, Calif., March 10, 2021 – WekaIO (Weka), maker of a data platform for artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), life sciences research, enterprise...

Intel Works with Johnson Controls and Sensormatic for Digital Transformations in Retail.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Works with Johnson Controls and Sensormatic for Digital Transformations in Retail.

We talked with Intel on their Movidius vision sensor systems for related applications. This appears to be a considerable advance and direction. “By leveraging Intel...

Atos Delivers BullSequana X410 Supercomputer to Swansea University
From insideHPC

Atos Delivers BullSequana X410 Supercomputer to Swansea University

Swansea, Wales; London, Paris; March 10, 2021 — Atos today announced it has signed a contract with Swansea University to deploy its BullSequana X410 supercomputer...

Tetrate Raises $40 Million for Cloud-Native Application Networking Platform
From insideHPC

Tetrate Raises $40 Million for Cloud-Native Application Networking Platform

SAN FRANCISCO — March 10, 2021 — Tetrate has raised $40 million in a Series B funding round led by Sapphire Ventures. Other new investors, Scale Venture Partners...

HPE Adds Greenlake Cloud Services, Expands Ecosystem
From insideHPC

HPE Adds Greenlake Cloud Services, Expands Ecosystem

HPE has announced updates to its GreenLake cloud services and additional partnerships within the Greenlake ecosystem. Updates include: New HPE GreenLake cloud services...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Making Algorithms Fair

We don’t need to be good. But let’s try to be fair. —Holly Black FairVis source/personal website Jamie Morgenstern is an assistant professor in Computer Science...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Making Algorithms Fair

We don’t need to be good. But let’s try to be fair. —Holly Black FairVis source/personal website Jamie Morgenstern is an assistant professor in Computer Science...

Join the UASG at ICANN70
From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Join the UASG at ICANN70

The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) will be hosting two sessions during ICANN70 Prep Week and ICANN70 Virtual Community Forum, providing updates on UA...

Future of Logistics:  Autonomous High Speed Transporting
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Logistics: Autonomous High Speed Transporting

New Efforts in the future of logistics:An Autonomous High-Speed Transporter for Tomorrow's Logistics  By Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (Germany)  March 9, 2021Able to...

More on the Chinese Zero-Day Microsoft Exchange Hack
From Schneier on Security

More on the Chinese Zero-Day Microsoft Exchange Hack

Nick Weaver has an excellent post on the Microsoft Exchange hack: The investigative journalist Brian Krebs has produced a handy timeline of events and a few things...

On the Insecurity of ES&S Voting Machines’ Hash Code
From Schneier on Security

On the Insecurity of ES&S Voting Machines’ Hash Code

Andrew Appel and Susan Greenhalgh have a blog post on the insecurity of ES&S’s software authentication system: It turns out that ES&S has bugs in their hash-code...

Security Analysis of Apple’s “Find My…” Protocol
From Schneier on Security

Security Analysis of Apple’s “Find My…” Protocol

Interesting research: “Who Can Find My Devices? Security and Privacy of Apple’s Crowd-Sourced Bluetooth Location Tracking System“: Abstract: Overnight, Apple has...

Metadata Left in Security Agency PDFs
From Schneier on Security

Metadata Left in Security Agency PDFs

Really interesting research: “Exploitation and Sanitization of Hidden Data in PDF Files” Abstract: Organizations publish and share more and more electronic documents...

Fast Random Bit Generation
From Schneier on Security

Fast Random Bit Generation

Science has a paper (and commentary) on generating 250 random terabits per second with a laser. I don’t know how cryptographically secure they are, but that can...

Registration Opens March 15 for RMACC HPC Symposium, May 19-20                                         
From insideHPC

Registration Opens March 15 for RMACC HPC Symposium, May 19-20                                         

BOULDER, CO – Registration for the Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium’s (RMACC) 11th annual High Performance Computing Symposium – offered online andRegistration...

Using Synthetic Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Synthetic Data

Worked with elements of the idea for some time the enterprise. In fact after a while we learned that its often very useful to have synthetic data alongside 'real'...

FHE Encryption Getting Support from DARPA
From The Eponymous Pickle

FHE Encryption Getting Support from DARPA

The approach is getting more support.    Will post quantum decryption threaten it?Intel will develop a fully homomorphic encryption chip for DARPA  BY MARIA DEUTSCHER...

Announcing New ICMI 2021 Blue Sky Papers Track
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Announcing New ICMI 2021 Blue Sky Papers Track

The 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2021) will be held in Montreal, Canada October 18-22, 2021. ICMI is the premier international...
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