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Communications of the ACM



Microchip Technology Inc.: Introducing First PCI Express 5.0 Switches
From insideHPC

Microchip Technology Inc.: Introducing First PCI Express 5.0 Switches

Chandler, Ariz., February 2, 2021 – Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP) today announced what it said are the first PCI Express (PCIe) 5.0 switch solutionsMicrochip...

Canonical Ubuntu Core 20: Securing Linux for IoT
From insideHPC

Canonical Ubuntu Core 20: Securing Linux for IoT

Feb. 2, 202 — Canonical’s Ubuntu Core 20, a minimal, containerised version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for IoT devices and embedded systems, is now generally available....

WekaIO Launches Hybrid Cloud ‘Limitless Data Platform’
From insideHPC

WekaIO Launches Hybrid Cloud ‘Limitless Data Platform’

WekaIO (Weka) today announced the Limitless Data Platform — described by the company as a simple, fast and scalable platform for running modern enterprise workloads...

Why insurers need to care more about customers and how to do it in the digital age
From Putting People First

Why insurers need to care more about customers and how to do it in the digital age

COVID-19 has accelerated the digital transformation of insurance companies. If insurers apply the e3 lens when assessing their touchpoints, they can create tailored...

Swiss Re Institute on how COVID-19 is transforming consumer behaviour
From Putting People First

Swiss Re Institute on how COVID-19 is transforming consumer behaviour

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing how we work, travel, communicate, shop and more, but which new habits are likely to stick permanently? The authors explore five...

Report: Security Firm Says HPC Clusters under Attack: ‘Level of Sophistication Rarely Seen in Linux Malware’
From insideHPC

Report: Security Firm Says HPC Clusters under Attack: ‘Level of Sophistication Rarely Seen in Linux Malware’

UK technology industry publication PCR published a story today stating that a British data security firm, ESET, has reported the identification of a malware called...

SingleStore Adds Schabenberger, Former COO & CTO of SAS
From insideHPC

SingleStore Adds Schabenberger, Former COO & CTO of SAS

San Francisco – February 1, 2021 – SingleStore, database software for cloud-native modern applications, has announced the addition of Oliver Schabenberger joins...

Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship Accepting Nominations
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship Accepting Nominations

Nominations are open for the 2021 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship through February 22, 2021. Eligible faculty will then be contacted in early March to submit...

Google and Ford Sign Deal to Put Android into Car, onto Plant Floor
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and Ford Sign Deal to Put Android into Car, onto Plant Floor

Perhaps unexpected partnership.  Recall we recently mentioned that Ford was the leader in Self Driving Car patents.  We worked with Ford and they were impressive...

The Dell Technologies HPC Community Interviews: From Narrow to General AI – Decoding the Brain to Train Neural Networks
From insideHPC

The Dell Technologies HPC Community Interviews: From Narrow to General AI – Decoding the Brain to Train Neural Networks

HPC veteran Luke Wilson lives at the forefront AI research. In this interview he talks about research whose goal is to move computer intelligence from “narrow”The...

Georgia’s Ballot-Marking Devices
From Schneier on Security

Georgia’s Ballot-Marking Devices

Andrew Appel discusses Georgia’s voting machines, how the paper ballots facilitated a recount, and the problem with automatic ballot-marking devices: Suppose the...

Odoo ERP System
From The Eponymous Pickle

Odoo ERP System

Odoo Python based ERP system, with free and subscription based versions.    Odoo is a suite of business management software tools including CRM, e-commerce, billing...

Google Cloud Workflow
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Cloud Workflow

 Brought to my attention and review, follow link for free trial:Google Cloud WorkflowsOrchestrate and automate Google Cloud and HTTP-based API services with serverless...

From Computational Complexity

Grading policies during Covid-No easy answers

 Because of COVID  (my spellecheck says covid and Covid are not works, but COVID is) various schools have done various things to make school less traumatic. Students...

Descriptive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Descriptive Analytics

 Always been a fan of the idea, of descriptive analytics,  an excellent predecessor to more complex work as needed. .   Here an overview of its value.The Value ...

Expansion of Amazon Ring Network
From The Eponymous Pickle

Expansion of Amazon Ring Network

The Verge reports on the considerable linking of Ring devices with police and fire departments.  Have had one installed since they emerged.    As usual the privacy...

Whats a Transformer?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats a Transformer?

A major advance in NLP capabilities?  Venturebeat does a good job of explaining and suggesting this will be one of the major AI advances of the year.  Essentially...

Printing Bone with Living Cells
From The Eponymous Pickle

Printing Bone with Living Cells

Considerable idea.   Scientists Use Novel Ink to 3D-Print 'Bone' With Living Cells,  By University of New South Wales (Australia),  January 27, 2021  New SouthA...

Microsoft's Quantum Chip
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft's Quantum Chip

Microsoft moves forward in quantum chip research. Microsoft’s new quantum chip could help control thousands of qubits  in Digital Trends by Luke Dormeh Microsoft...

See Who is Watching with Crowdsourced Maps
From The Eponymous Pickle

See Who is Watching with Crowdsourced Maps

 Clever idea, but how will it decrease the power of surveillance? Crowdsourced Maps Will Show Exactly Where Surveillance Cameras Are WatchingFast Company, MarkHuman...
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