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McKinsey Ecosystem2 .0
From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey Ecosystem2 .0

 Good points from McKinsey.   Is this the ideal time for re-drawing the essential ecosystem?Ecosystem 2.0: Climbing to the next levelSeptember 11, 2020 | Ecosystem...

Active Archive Alliance Names Rich Gadomski and Betsy Doughty Co-Chairpersons of the Board
From insideHPC

Active Archive Alliance Names Rich Gadomski and Betsy Doughty Co-Chairpersons of the Board

Boulder, Colo.—January 19, 2021—The Active Archive Alliance today announced that Rich Gadomski, head of tape evangelism at FUJIFILM Recording Media U.S.A., Inc....

Scratching the Programming Itch
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Scratching the Programming Itch

Programming is fun for me. It always has been.I’ve always written code to scratch a personal itch. That is to say that I like to write programs that interest me...

10 Questions to Ask When Starting With AI
From insideHPC

10 Questions to Ask When Starting With AI

In this insideHPC Guide, "10 Questions to Ask When Starting With AI," our friends over at WEKA offer 10 important questions to ask when starting with AI, specifically...

Argonne’s Rick Stevens named ACM Fellow
From insideHPC

Argonne’s Rick Stevens named ACM Fellow

Rick Stevens has been named a Fellow of the Association of Computer Machinery (ACM). Stevens is associate laboratory director of the Computing, Environment andArgonne...

From Computational Complexity

The Ethics Board

Back in 2014 I recommended a TCS ethics board mainly to deal with plagiarism and who should get credit for a result. It went the way of most suggestions I makeasked...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Edmund Clarke, 1945–2020

If only model checking could fight the virus Edmund Clarke passed away due to COVID-19 complications. Ed will be missed. He was a winner of the 2007 Turing award...

Injecting a Backdoor into SolarWinds Orion
From Schneier on Security

Injecting a Backdoor into SolarWinds Orion

Crowdstrike is reporting on a sophisticated piece of malware that was able to inject malware into the SolarWinds build process: Key Points SUNSPOT is StellarParticle...

Ensemble Methods for Combining Methods
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ensemble Methods for Combining Methods

Ensemble methods are not new, they have long been around to use combine multiple kinds of techniques.  But we have more methods now.   Here a good mostly non technical...

Women in HPC: Jan. 20 Online Panel Discussion on Data, AI, Bias and Ethics
From insideHPC

Women in HPC: Jan. 20 Online Panel Discussion on Data, AI, Bias and Ethics

The Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium (RMACC) Women in HPC Chapter will host the second of a two-part program on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1-2 p.m. ET, onWomen...

Three Ways Visual AI Can Optimize Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Three Ways Visual AI Can Optimize Supply Chain

Visual interaction with data can strongly drive decisions, before and after.   Again had not heard it called that specifically,  But see the point  You can enhance...

Efficiency via AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Efficiency via AI

 Like all of analytics, AI can be an excellent means to provide leverage via efficiency.   Has to be done right and applied to real process.  Do something better...

Webinar: Transform Your Data Center with Our IPU-POD Scale-out Technology
From insideHPC

Webinar: Transform Your Data Center with Our IPU-POD Scale-out Technology

Don't miss Graphcore's upcoming webinar "Transform Your Data Center with Our IPU-POD Scale-out Technology" on January 27, 2021 at 16:00 GMT, 8:00 PT, 11:00 ET.Webinar...

Berlin exhibition features Experientia work
From Putting People First

Berlin exhibition features Experientia work

The exhibition, curated by ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, presents exemplary built projects and outstanding conceptual models by architects and planners...

How AI Will Change Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

How AI Will Change Marketing

The point is made that predictive, forecasting and other forward looking capabilities and alerting will be the key to improving marketing.   Those who know more...

Improving Language AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Improving Language AI

Improving, heating up, getting more useful.   But I still think there are considerable problems with not only interpreting/delivering language, but also managing...

On the Power of Work Ecosystems
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Power of Work Ecosystems

Much experience in this space.  Though many companies will say they have a well designed ecosystem and processes, it is often not the case,  especially as suchThe...

Siri and Wolfram Alpha
From The Eponymous Pickle

Siri and Wolfram Alpha

I had to use Siri recently, and was reminded that she is also connected to the Wolfram Alpha Knowledge base.  Here are some general examples of that.   Works well...

Alexa Skills Update
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Skills Update

 From the Amazon Ops site, gives some indication of what they are heading towards regards skills development.  A many page list of examples follows at the link....

Discussing Differential Privacy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Discussing Differential Privacy

Thoughts on a topic I had not heard of until recently,  as usual is its in the implications of the measure."..As privacy violations have become rampant, and calls...
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