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I2O PostDoc Fellowship- Deadlines February 1st and March 1st, 2021
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

I2O PostDoc Fellowship- Deadlines February 1st and March 1st, 2021

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is broadening its commitment to young scientists through a new Information Innovation Office (I2O) PostDoc...

Automating Material-Matching for Movies and Video Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Automating Material-Matching for Movies and Video Games

Towards an automation of many kinds of image context.Automating Material-Matching for Movies and Video GamesMIT News by Adam Conner-SimonsMassachusetts Institute...

Modern HPC and Big Data Design Strategies for Data Centers – Part 2
From insideHPC

Modern HPC and Big Data Design Strategies for Data Centers – Part 2

This insideHPC Special Research Report, “Modern HPC and Big Data Design Strategies for Data Centers,” provides an overview of what to consider when selecting an...

Recall: Size Isn’t Everything
From The Noisy Channel

Recall: Size Isn’t Everything

Recall is a key measure of search quality that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. But how does a search engine recognize when recall is a problem?Size...

Insights for AI from the Human Mind
From The Eponymous Pickle

Insights for AI from the Human Mind

Good thoughts by Gary Marcus, aiming at the difficulty of creating intelligence, even though we have very rich models around we can do testing with.  Insights for...

Data Science Can only do so much in the face of a Pandemic
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Science Can only do so much in the face of a Pandemic

A look at data tech vs Covid,    What worked and what didn't.   But this, though provocative is a very early look.   Before we know exactly what happened.  Then...

Ulriken Rail Tunnel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ulriken Rail Tunnel

An aside interest of mine,  rail supply chains.  Points to the first tunnel boring machine used in Norway for the Ulriken TunnelUlriken Tunnel –The first TBM Drive...

Deep Learning is Overused
From The Eponymous Pickle

Deep Learning is Overused

 Well put, always consider the simpler analysis that leads to better understanding first. Deep Learning Is Becoming OverusedUnderstanding the data is the firstBy...

Association Pattern Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Association Pattern Analysis

 Some of the very earliest work we did in the big enterprise used forms of this analysis.   A classic pattern analysis.    Good basic intro with code.  Is applicable...

Recursion–How and When to Teach
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Recursion–How and When to Teach

I’ll start with a confession. Recursion is one of those concepts that I struggled to understand in the beginning. Was it me or was it how it was taught? An open...

Will the FAA’s new Rules Speed Use of drones?  Google Responds.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Will the FAA’s new Rules Speed Use of drones? Google Responds.

Regulating commercial delivery.Will the FAA’s new rules speed commercialization of drones?   In RetailWire  by Tom RyanThe Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)...

India Bets Big on 5G
From The Eponymous Pickle

India Bets Big on 5G

Have yet to see any compelling arguments for new business models.    My new phone seems to have quietly dropped the option.India Bets Big on 5G Technology Going...

IKEA Catalog is Gone
From The Eponymous Pickle

IKEA Catalog is Gone

We used Ikea catalogs as examples of artistically done customer outreach.    Worth noting.   Ikea Just Quietly Killed Its Famous Catalog. It's a Brilliant Lesson...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Peter M. Neumann, 1940–2020

Memories from Oxford days Mathematical Institute src Peter Neumann, Professor of Mathematics at Queen’s College, Oxford University, passed away two weeks ago. Last...

Amazon Has Trucks Filled with Hard Drives and an Armed Guard
From Schneier on Security

Amazon Has Trucks Filled with Hard Drives and an Armed Guard

From an interview with an Amazon Web Services security engineer: So when you use AWS, part of what you’re paying for is security. Right; it’s part of what we sell...

Looking Forward to 2021 in CS Education
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Looking Forward to 2021 in CS Education

What a strange year it has been. The pandemic and more took a lot of the steam out of what I had hoped to dig deeply into in 2020. Surviving is success in these...

Peer-reviewed papers are getting increasingly boring
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Peer-reviewed papers are getting increasingly boring

The number of researchers and peer-review publications is growing exponentially.  It has been estimated that the number of researchers in the world doubles every...

Robots Dancing, Today
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots Dancing, Today

 From Boston Dynamics, now part of Hyundai.  At the link they outline each of the dancers background. Less scary than some views.  Or is it? 

Whats Next in Tech
From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats Next in Tech

An outline from HPEExploring What’s next in tech – Insights, information, and ideas for today’s IT and business leadersAccelerating the future.  The race to stay...

The Financial Times’ Gillian Tett on remote user research
From Putting People First

The Financial Times’ Gillian Tett on remote user research

From City of London traders to Indian rickshaw drivers, everyone uses a more intimate style of conversation on video calls.
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