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On IBM Factsheets
From The Eponymous Pickle

On IBM Factsheets

 On IBM Factsheets, their overview:  Looking more closely.Why IBM’s AI Fact Sheets should be the industry standard ...

Finnish Data Theft and Extortion
From Schneier on Security

Finnish Data Theft and Extortion

The Finnish psychotherapy clinic Vastaamo was the victim of a data breach and theft. The criminals tried extorting money from the clinic. When that failed, they...

Cambridge Quantum Reports Progress toward ‘Meaning Aware’ NLP
From insideHPC

Cambridge Quantum Reports Progress toward ‘Meaning Aware’ NLP

UK-based Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC), a quantum software and algorithm specialist, today released researcher papers on its use of quantum computing to develop...

IBM Delivers New AI Capabilities
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Delivers New AI Capabilities

New developments from IBM, and based on this it seems they are attempting to make AI easier to use and deliver.   Notably things like delivering FAQ is the simplest...

UK Quantum Company Phasecraft Announces Seed Funding Round
From insideHPC

UK Quantum Company Phasecraft Announces Seed Funding Round

London – 10 December 2020 – Quantum software company Phasecraft today closed what it said is a record seed round for a quantum computing company in the UK. ItsUK...

Learning Better with Shape-Shifting
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning Better with Shape-Shifting

 Like the example of modifying objects to address specific elements of training.   Unusual application, uses outside of sports?Better Learning with Shape-Shifting...

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Nominations Sought for New CCC Council Members

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and advance major research...

Coronavirus Apps Show Promise but Prove a Tough Sell
From The Eponymous Pickle

Coronavirus Apps Show Promise but Prove a Tough Sell

Good to see an experiment of this type, at very least to see how people react to permitting monitoring , and what it takes for them to trust it and its use. ...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The Future of Mathematics?

Proving proofs are proven Kevin Buzzard is Professor of Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London. Wikipedia says that he specialises in algebraic number theory...

Updating AI Product Performance
From The Eponymous Pickle

Updating AI Product Performance

Nicely done piece from NVIDIA Developers.Updating AI Product Performance from Throughput to Time-To-SolutionBy Shar Narasimhan | November 23, 2020  Tags: data center...

Overcoming the Complexities of New Applications & Technologies in the New Era of HPC
From insideHPC

Overcoming the Complexities of New Applications & Technologies in the New Era of HPC

In this contributed article, Bill Wagner, CEO of Bright Computing, discusses how as more organizations take the leap into HPC, Bright Computing aims to be the company...

Security Flaws in IOT Devices Wont Get Fixed.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Security Flaws in IOT Devices Wont Get Fixed.

Was pointed out to me early as the classic security problem with edge devices lost in the field, they will never be updated to be secure, and they are attachedCritical...

Amazon Wants Smart Neighborhoods
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Wants Smart Neighborhoods

Amazon has received much hammering of late on their smart home capabilities. Giving openings to hackers, listening in on private conversations  and through itsAmazon...

Obfuscating the Indistinguishable in Cryptography
From The Eponymous Pickle

Obfuscating the Indistinguishable in Cryptography

 Below is something I had heard mentioned before, but was unclear of the implications.    Here are a number of statements and article give a good overview.   IComputer...

MIT Researchers: Promise for Nonsilicon Computer Transistors
From insideHPC

MIT Researchers: Promise for Nonsilicon Computer Transistors

For decades, one material has so dominated the production of computer chips and transistors that the tech capital of the world — Silicon Valley — bears its name...

Object Matrix Joins the Active Archive Alliance
From insideHPC

Object Matrix Joins the Active Archive Alliance

Boulder, Colo. – December 9, 2020 – The Active Archive Alliance today announced that Object Matrix has joined the organization, which promotes modern strategies...

Signal Encryption Protocol
From The Eponymous Pickle

Signal Encryption Protocol

More attempts to decrease surveillance?Hacker Lexicon: What Is the Signal Encryption Protocol?As the Signal protocol becomes the industry standard, it's worth understanding...

SambaNova Systems Announces SambaNova DataScale — Built for AI 
From insideHPC

SambaNova Systems Announces SambaNova DataScale — Built for AI 

Palo Alto, CA, Dec. 9, 2020 — SambaNova Systems, builder of systems platform for artificial intelligence and data-intensive applications from the data center to...

From Computational Complexity

Shuffling Around

In the fall of 1983 as a junior at Cornell I took CS 481, Introduction to the Theory of Computing, from Juris Hartmanis. Needless to say this was the course that...

Xsight Labs Announces Sampling of 25.6T Data Center Switch with 100G SerDes
From insideHPC

Xsight Labs Announces Sampling of 25.6T Data Center Switch with 100G SerDes

Tel Aviv and San Jose — December 9, 2020 — Xsight Labs announced today the sampling of X1, the industry’s first 25.6T and 12.8T Data Center Switch with 100G SerDes...
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