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HPE Cray EX with AMD CPUs-GPUs to Deliver 552PFLOPS for Finland’s CSC
From insideHPC

HPE Cray EX with AMD CPUs-GPUs to Deliver 552PFLOPS for Finland’s CSC

The HPE-AMD supercomputing tandem has had a bang-out week for systems wins and installations – and it’s only Wednesday. On Monday, Australia’s Pawsey Supercomputing...

Extending Insight from Neural Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Extending Insight from Neural Networks

 Some thoughts about how trained networks can be used to further analyse chemical structure.Opening the Black Box of Neural NetworksPacific Northwest National Laboratory...

Driverless in San Francisco
From The Eponymous Pickle

Driverless in San Francisco

And yet more cars without drivers.     A tipping point?GM to Run Driverless Cars in San Francisco Without Human Backups    Associated Press, Tom KrisherGeneral...

NSF Wants Your Ideas! Requesting Future Topics for the NSF Convergence Accelerator
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Wants Your Ideas! Requesting Future Topics for the NSF Convergence Accelerator

The following is an announcement from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF Convergence Accelerator issued a Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-21-012): Request...

SpaceX and Microsoft
From The Eponymous Pickle

SpaceX and Microsoft

Here Comes the Space Cloud.   Faster anywhere, even in space. Microsoft, SpaceX Team Up to Bring Cloud Computing to SpaceNextgov. Frank KonkelMicrosoft has partnered...

SoftIron Appoints Greg Bruno Chief Architect
From insideHPC

SoftIron Appoints Greg Bruno Chief Architect

San Diego – Oct. 21, 2020 – SoftIron Ltd., the leader in task-specific data center solutions, continues on its growth trajectory in both technical and geographic...

NSA Advisory on Chinese Government Hacking
From Schneier on Security

NSA Advisory on Chinese Government Hacking

The NSA released an advisory listing the top twenty-five known vulnerabilities currently being exploited by Chinese nation-state attackers. This advisory provides...

Hewlett Foundation on Security Cyber Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hewlett Foundation on Security Cyber Design

Been a long while since I looked at anything by the Hewlett Foundation.  Attended their meetings.  Now back connected.  Visuals are a good thing for communication...

Expanding AI's Impact with Organizational Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Expanding AI's Impact with Organizational Learning

I participated in the below study, they make the point that it will be available only for a short time.  Here is the start of the document:MIT Sloan: EXPANDINGMost...

Practical Hardware Design Strategies for Modern HPC Workloads – Part 2
From insideHPC

Practical Hardware Design Strategies for Modern HPC Workloads – Part 2

This special research report sponsored by Tyan discusses practical hardware design strategies for modern HPC workloads. As hardware continued to develop, technologies...

Sonos Makes a Small Smart Home Move
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sonos Makes a Small Smart Home Move

Not expected, intriguing. Hoping to compete with other players in the space?Sonos speakers can now communicate with GE AppliancesThey can notify you when the oven...

API Security
From The Eponymous Pickle

API Security

Pointed out to me recently.   Have not been involved in API security, seems there are useful tips here.Tips To Strengthen API Security  By Bill Doerrfeld in DevOps...

Attend the Upcoming Departmental BPC Plan Workshop Starting on October 29
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Attend the Upcoming Departmental BPC Plan Workshop Starting on October 29

The following is a guest blog from Resource Portal.  The Computing Research Association (CRA) is hosting the third workshop in its series of Departmental...

Los Alamos Stands up HPE Cray EX for COVID-19 Fight
From insideHPC

Los Alamos Stands up HPE Cray EX for COVID-19 Fight

Los Alamos National Laboratory reported it has completed the installation of “Chicoma,” based on AMD EPYC CPUs and the HPE Cray EX supercomputer architecture. The...

Bletchley Park Contribution Over-Rated?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bletchley Park Contribution Over-Rated?

 Am a student of this effort, so this suggestion was surprising.Bletchley Park’s contribution to WW2 'over-rated'By Gordon Corera, Security correspondentCode-breaking...

A GPU can Brute Force Your Passwords
From The Eponymous Pickle

A GPU can Brute Force Your Passwords

Faster GPUs are eroding security.  Using a password manager, which give you a larger number of characters,  and/or a multifactor link up makes much sense.   The...

Focus Music
From The Eponymous Pickle

Focus Music

Amazon Alexa Music has been pushing what they call 'Focus Time Music'   With claims for 'perfect sound when you are studying, working, reading or writing '.   They...

Ridiculously fast unicode (UTF-8) validation
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Ridiculously fast unicode (UTF-8) validation

One of the most common “data type” in programming is the text string. When programmers think of a string, they imagine that they are dealing with a list or an array...

Atos Wins Northumbrian Water Cloud Computing Transformation project
From insideHPC

Atos Wins Northumbrian Water Cloud Computing Transformation project

London, 20 October 2020 – Atos has been awarded a leading role on a new cloud computing initiative to help deliver operational efficiencies and enhance customer...

On Synthetic Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Synthetic Data

 Was asked about this, seems it has not come up for some time.   We used it to set up software and analyses for coming real data.  Some MIT thoughts.The real promise...
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