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Communications of the ACM



Brought to my Attention: Gluu
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brought to my Attention: Gluu

Gluu  Infinite scale. Complete Privacy.Build your mission-critical service for SSO, 2FA and access management with GluModern Authentication for Digital Enterprise...

D-Wave Does 5000 Quantum Qubits
From The Eponymous Pickle

D-Wave Does 5000 Quantum Qubits

Recall we talked to D-Wave early on and followed them for a long time.  see many previous posts.D-Wave’s 5,000-qubit quantum computing platform handles 1 million...

Los Alamos Announces Details of New HPE Crossroads Supercomputer
From insideHPC

Los Alamos Announces Details of New HPE Crossroads Supercomputer

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Sept. 30, 2020—The Alliance for Computing at Extreme Scale (ACES), a partnership between Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories...

New Cloud Computing Infrastructure for European Research at CEA’s TGCC
From insideHPC

New Cloud Computing Infrastructure for European Research at CEA’s TGCC

September 2020 – The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) deployed new computing and storage resources and services in its TGCC computing...

Rescale Launches Intelligent Control Plane for Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Big Compute
From insideHPC

Rescale Launches Intelligent Control Plane for Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Big Compute

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 30, 2020 — Rescale Inc., the leader in enterprise big compute, announced the availability of the industry’s first hybrid and multi-cloud intelligent...

AI Chipmaker Hailo Launches M.2 and Mini PCIe AI Modules for Edge Devices
From insideHPC

AI Chipmaker Hailo Launches M.2 and Mini PCIe AI Modules for Edge Devices

Tel Aviv, Israel, Sept. 30, 2020 – AI chipmaker Hailo announced today the launch of its M.2 and Mini PCIe high-performance AI acceleration modules for empowering...

NSF Distinguished Lecture: Enabling the quantum revolution- pioneering advances to achieve quantum computing & impact at scale
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Distinguished Lecture: Enabling the quantum revolution- pioneering advances to achieve quantum computing & impact at scale

Krysta Svore, Microsoft, will present “Enabling the quantum revolution- pioneering advances to achieve quantum computing & impact at scale,” part of the National...

NSF Distinguished Lecture: Enabling the quantum revolution- pioneering advances to achieve quantum computing & impact at scale
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Distinguished Lecture: Enabling the quantum revolution- pioneering advances to achieve quantum computing & impact at scale

Krysta Svore, Microsoft, will present “Enabling the quantum revolution- pioneering advances to achieve quantum computing & impact at scale,” part of the National...

Registration for the ASC20-21 Student Supercomputer Challenge Now Open
From insideHPC

Registration for the ASC20-21 Student Supercomputer Challenge Now Open

 Beijing, China, Sep. 28, 2020 – The ASC, concerned for the health and safety of all ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge participants during the COVID-19 pandemic...

Intel Partners with Lightbits Labs for Disaggregated Storage
From insideHPC

Intel Partners with Lightbits Labs for Disaggregated Storage

Santa Clara, Calif., Sept. 29, 2020 – Intel Corp. and Lightbits Labs today announced an agreement to propel development of disaggregated storage solutions to solve...

Analyics and Data Scence Convergiing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analyics and Data Scence Convergiing

I would say that good analytics also requires just the same care about data use and results curation.  It has always been that way.  Automating aspects of analytics...

Omni-Path HPC Interconnect Reemerges as Intel Spin-out with $20M Investment Round from Intel Capital, Others
From insideHPC

Omni-Path HPC Interconnect Reemerges as Intel Spin-out with $20M Investment Round from Intel Capital, Others

Left for dead last year, Intel’s Omni-Path Architecture (OPA) high performance fabric may come back to life with a Series A $20 million venture round involvingOmni...

Rethinking human-AI interaction
From Putting People First

Rethinking human-AI interaction

This essay by AI specialist Jessy Lin explores some of the possibilities to rethink how humans and “intelligent” machines interact today.

[Essay] Helsinki Design Lab ten years later
From Putting People First

[Essay] Helsinki Design Lab ten years later

A survey of Helsinki Design Lab’s activities 2008–2013, with reflections on the three “bets” that the Lab made and their relevance today.

[Paper] Foresight and Design: New Support for Strategic Decision Making
From Putting People First

[Paper] Foresight and Design: New Support for Strategic Decision Making

Integrating design with foresight enables decision makers to contend with changes coming from the world (inbound change) and changes the organization creates to...

[Paper] Active consumer participation in smart energy systems
From Putting People First

[Paper] Active consumer participation in smart energy systems

Designing energy services with a human-centered approach will allow us to rely on consumers not only as executors of changes in energy consumption, but also as...

Numenta Research Meeting: A Look at GPT-3
From The Eponymous Pickle

Numenta Research Meeting: A Look at GPT-3

 Also a talk on GPT-3 of interest  ...Numenta Research Meeting: “Steve Omohundro on GPT-3”    by omohundro  On July 1, 2020, Steve Omohundro gave a talk on GPT-3...

Omohundro on AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Omohundro on AI

Steve Omohundro was interviewed for the Universal Pictures documentary film “We Need to Talk About AI” which was released in the United States on May 18, 2020.Here...

Chatbots Chatting
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chatbots Chatting

Now seen this a number of times, never very impressive.AI News  What happens when Google’s chatty bot chats with a chatbot?Google Duplex impressed and scared the...

VMware and Nvidia Partner on Hybrid Cloud Architecture
From insideHPC

VMware and Nvidia Partner on Hybrid Cloud Architecture

VMware and Nvidia announced today what the companies called “a broad partnership” in support of an enterprise platform for AI and a new architecture for data center...
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