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Communications of the ACM



Cosmetic Surgery Goldmine?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cosmetic Surgery Goldmine?

A look at consequences of behavior in pandemic, suggested by a former colleague.Zoom has turned into a goldmine... for the cosmetic surgery industryMartin Lindstrom...

Cambridge Quantum Computing with IBM Launches 1st Cloud-Based Quantum Random Number Generator
From insideHPC

Cambridge Quantum Computing with IBM Launches 1st Cloud-Based Quantum Random Number Generator

Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) has launched the world’s first cloud-based Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) Service with integrated verification for the...

CEO of NS8 Charged with Securities Fraud
From Schneier on Security

CEO of NS8 Charged with Securities Fraud

The founder and CEO of the Internet security company NS8 has been arrested and “charged in a Complaint in Manhattan federal court with securities fraud, fraud in...

SUSE Announces Third Quarter Financial Results
From insideHPC

SUSE Announces Third Quarter Financial Results

LONDON –SUSE, the world’s largest independent open source company, today announced financial results* and highlights from the third quarter of its fiscal year 2020...

Nihilistic Password Security Questions
From Schneier on Security

Nihilistic Password Security Questions

Posted three years ago, but definitely appropriate for the times.

3D Printing Poses a "Grave and Growing Threat" to Privacy
From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Printing Poses a "Grave and Growing Threat" to Privacy

Had never thought of the premise suggested here, but yes is a consideration.   Grave?  Also mentions watermarking which we also studied for retail applications....

The Story of 'Have I Been Pwned'
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Story of 'Have I Been Pwned'

Rather late saw this mentioned in TWIT Security Now.  Where Steve Gibson comments from a security point of view.  Deserves a read by people attempting to innovate...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Pointed out to me.  Book that links to my past technical life. With some interesting links into our current situation.  Probably a good read for those getting into...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Seems we have done little in the space since Freud.  Is interesting to see Nokia in the space.  Gathering data is again a good place to start.   AI I assume toInsights...

Accelerate Your Development of GPU Based Innovative Applications
From insideHPC

Accelerate Your Development of GPU Based Innovative Applications

In this sponsored post by our friends over at AMD, we take a deep into how GPUs have become an essential component of innovative organizations that require theAccelerate...

Fourth Industrial Revolution and Manufacturing’s Great Reset
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fourth Industrial Revolution and Manufacturing’s Great Reset

Manufacturing rushes towards a fourth industrial revolution.The Fourth Industrial Revolution and manufacturing’s great reset by McKinseyBy Francisco Betti, Enno...

IFTTT Lets You Set Price Forever
From The Eponymous Pickle

IFTTT Lets You Set Price Forever

And from IFTTT expands their offering, pricing, with demonstrations and a contest.....Set your price, foreverYou spoke, we listened. No more confusion on the length...

Amazon Delivery Drivers Hacking Scheduling System
From Schneier on Security

Amazon Delivery Drivers Hacking Scheduling System

Amazon drivers — all gig workers who don’t work for the company — are hanging cell phones in trees near Amazon delivery stations, fooling the system into thinking...

Approximately Correct is Useful
From The Eponymous Pickle

Approximately Correct is Useful

Brought to my attention, and made me smile.  Al, as all human decision making, is approximately correct.   Yes you can define problems tightly enough so that they...

Friday Squid Blogging: Nano-Sized SQUIDS
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Nano-Sized SQUIDS

SQUID news: Physicists have developed a small, compact superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) that can detect magnetic fields. The team l focused on...

Alibaba Blockchain Patents
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alibaba Blockchain Patents

How much are patents driving this competition?Alibaba on Track to Be the Largest Blockchain Patent Holder by End of 2020: StudyIn Coindesk by Paddy Baker Alibaba...

The Sciences of Reflection
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Sciences of Reflection

Another example of advanced sensory analysis that can improve 'seeing' in multiple complex  environments. Research reflects how AI sees through the looking glass...

insideHPC Special Report Optimize Your WRF Applications – Part 2
From insideHPC

insideHPC Special Report Optimize Your WRF Applications – Part 2

A popular application that simulates climate change is the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model. This white paper discusses how QCT can work with leading...

Robots Harvesting Coconuts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots Harvesting Coconuts

In earlier days I was introduced to harvesting coconut trees in south Florida.  Even knew people who could climb up them to do that.   Who then attempted to teach...

USAF Seeks Shift in How Jets, Missiles, Satellites Are Designed
From The Eponymous Pickle

USAF Seeks Shift in How Jets, Missiles, Satellites Are Designed

Makes sense to construct a digital model of any complex system. The robustness of the model will be important.  Also depends on contexts of use.  Risks. USAF Seeks...
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