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Communications of the ACM



Ant Algorithm for Commercial Fleets
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ant Algorithm for Commercial Fleets

This kind of bio behavior mimicry was experimented with in some yard applications, found to work better for some path variability.Ant Algorithms Help Fleet Operators...

Risk Dashboards for Power Grids
From The Eponymous Pickle

Risk Dashboards for Power Grids

Like the idea of a risk dashboard ( or graph) to address this kind of problem.Risk Dashboard Could Help the Power Grid Manage RenewablesAn ARPA-E project uses data...

SC20 Drops Hybrid Hopes, Goes All Virtual; HPC User Forum Events Cancelled
From insideHPC

SC20 Drops Hybrid Hopes, Goes All Virtual; HPC User Forum Events Cancelled

Two HPC industry conferences have announced their decisions to change the status of their events: one will go virtual, the other is cancelled. SC20, which was to...

Numbers, Mathematics and the Reality of Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Numbers, Mathematics and the Reality of Science

Why can numbers do such a good job of describing reality?   Can they describe all of reality?Recently republished:

BMW Takes Android Auto Forward
From The Eponymous Pickle

BMW Takes Android Auto Forward

Continue to be a student of in-car use of assistants, here advances in Android Auto.  Have been using Echo Auto for some time.   Disappointed in its lack of advance...

Google Assistant vs Samsung Bixby
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Assistant vs Samsung Bixby

We were early testers of Bixby for general appliance assistance.   I see less of it there now.   But have not since experienced it brould on the phone.  Indication...

CNet Looks at Alexa Event
From The Eponymous Pickle

CNet Looks at Alexa Event

I attended, good overall.  Here a genera overview.Amazon's Alexa event shows the future of the Echo's voice assistantAmazon hasn't revealed any major new Alexa-powered...

SAP to Take Qualtrics Public
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP to Take Qualtrics Public

Another large cloud competitor.  Previously mentioned here.  A key means of gathering customer data to drive emerging analytics?CustomerThink:  SAP Takes Qualtrics...

Talk: Creating Generalizable AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk: Creating Generalizable AI

Looks to be a good piece, I am attending,  will be available after the talk. August 11 Talk with Anima Anandkumar: "How to Create Generalizable AI"Register now,"...

Intersect360: HPC Industry Down 3.7% in 2020 Due to COVID-19, First Decline in 10 Years
From insideHPC

Intersect360: HPC Industry Down 3.7% in 2020 Due to COVID-19, First Decline in 10 Years

Industry analyst firm Intersect360 has announced its forecast for the HPC industry for this year and next, predicting a 3.7 percent decline for 2020 with a market...

Blue Sky Conference Track at ACM HT2020
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Blue Sky Conference Track at ACM HT2020

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT’20),...

CEO Moment: Leadership in a New Era
From The Eponymous Pickle

CEO Moment: Leadership in a New Era

McKinsey's look at what the new leadership may look like.The CEO moment: Leadership for a new eraJuly 21, 2020 | ArticleBy Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller, Kevin Sneader...

Survey of Supply Chain Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Survey of Supply Chain Attacks

The Atlantic Council has a released a report that looks at the history of computer supply chain attacks. Key trends from their summary: Deep Impact from State Actors...

Zagat Looks at the Future of Dining
From The Eponymous Pickle

Zagat Looks at the Future of Dining

The Small Business Lab looks at Zagats future of dining study.  Some instructive thoughts about where this is all moving to."...Zagat, the restaurant review site...

Do We Need a Theory of Everything?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Do We Need a Theory of Everything?

Nicely put.  The math does not to be easy, or visual or nice.   Just predict real things correctly.Do We Need a Theory of Everything? in NautilusPosted By  Sabine...

Amazon Testing more Delivery with Scout
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Testing more Delivery with Scout

More testing underway.Meet Scout: Amazon Is Taking Its Prime Delivery Robots to the SouthUSA TodayDalvin BrownJuly 22, 2020Amazon has announced the deployment of...

SAS: How AI Changes the Rules
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS: How AI Changes the Rules

As usual, SAS does a good job when talking the impact of analytics of many kinds.  Good non technical depth.  Requires free sign up:How AI Changes the RulesNewAbout...

Postdoctoral Networking Tour in Artificial Intelligence
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Postdoctoral Networking Tour in Artificial Intelligence

Are you a Postdoc in Artificial Intelligence? Then you might consider applying to the Postdoctoral Networking Tour in Artificial Intelligence (Postdoc-NeT-AI)....

Toward Quantum Rainbows at Room Temperature
From The Eponymous Pickle

Toward Quantum Rainbows at Room Temperature

Starting to see some of these efforts link to my own work.  Here one of interest.Quantum Rainbow'—Photons of Switching Colors Allow Room-Temperature Quantum Computing...

Images in Eye Reflections
From Schneier on Security

Images in Eye Reflections

In Japan, a cyberstalker located his victim by enhancing the reflections in her eye, and using that information to establish a location. Reminds me of the image...
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