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OpenAI Monitors Machine Learning Efficiency
From The Eponymous Pickle

OpenAI Monitors Machine Learning Efficiency

For now,  the most measurable and definable kind of AI is machine learning,   It uses much data and compute cycles.   Useful to measure the advances in efficiency...

Google's Tsunami for Network Security Scanning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's Tsunami for Network Security Scanning

Here is a new and somewhat unexpected thing I was just introduced to by TWIT.    See their generalized writeup below.    Note still in pre-alpha form, but would...

The Hyperion-insideHPC Interviews: Ryan Quick on Putting Together the ‘Prometheus Fire’ where HPC, Hyperscale and AI Converge
From insideHPC

The Hyperion-insideHPC Interviews: Ryan Quick on Putting Together the ‘Prometheus Fire’ where HPC, Hyperscale and AI Converge

Ryan Quick works at the crossroads of advanced technology innovation, where hyperscale, HPC and AI come together. A principal and co-founder of boutique consulting...

Thoughts on Virtual Conferences - CSTA 2020
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Thoughts on Virtual Conferences - CSTA 2020

The first online CSTA Conference is now about 24 hours behind me. I was fortunate to experience it both as an attendee and a presenter. After mulling it over aThe...

Avatarin for Healthcare Robotics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Avatarin for Healthcare Robotics

We visited Japan in the 90s to talk robotics in retail.  Ended up mainly seeing eldercare and related home solutions.   Impressed, but did not see that many really...

Home Robotics with a Reaching Tele-Assistant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Home Robotics with a Reaching Tele-Assistant

What looks like a minimalist robot, but with a great reach.  Evidently primarily for tele-operation. And thinking about it, reach is a big component of convenience...

Thinking Decentralized Dependent Decision Problems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Decentralized Dependent Decision Problems

Struck me as quite interesting, how do we make societal decisions?  Can we learn the right information to support the right decisions?   You can usually state sub...

NSA on Securing VPNs
From Schneier on Security

NSA on Securing VPNs

The NSA's Central Security Service -- that's the part that's supposed to work on defense -- has released two documents (a full and an abridged version) on securing...

Samsung Talks Mobile Holograms and Digital Twins
From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Talks Mobile Holograms and Digital Twins

Piece in Venturebeat talks 6G and says it will fundamentally enable tech like holograms and Digital Twins.   Note the date, 2028 is a long way out to predict. Digital...

Amazon Trys a Re-Emergence of the Smart Cart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Trys a Re-Emergence of the Smart Cart

We looked at many applications of the smart shopping cart for work in our innovation centers.  The idea seemed to fade then, after 2010,  and none of them succeeded...

Radio Free HPC: The Persistence of Memory
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC: The Persistence of Memory

In this episode, we drill down on what Intel is doing with their cool Optane memory tech, shooting for speeds that remind you of memory, sizes that look like storage...

Algorithms for Optimized Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Algorithms for Optimized Supply Chain

An area we spent lots of time in, Fraunhofer provides an introduction. Combinations of available solutions that can be quickly chosen from can be a key approach...

2020 OpenFabrics Alliance Workshop Video Gallery
From insideHPC

2020 OpenFabrics Alliance Workshop Video Gallery

Welcome to the 2020 OpenFabrics Workshop video gallery. The OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) is focused on accelerating development of high performance fabrics. The annual...

CSTA Online Conference 2020–Day Two
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CSTA Online Conference 2020–Day Two

The first thing I did this morning was to prepare for my presentation. I may have made some last minute changes to my presentation deck. The first thing I attended...

Google Cloud and Procter&Gamble Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Cloud and Procter&Gamble Analytics

Using the Google Cloud,  aiming at personalized experiences.Google Cloud Helps Power More Personalized Experience for Procter & Gamble Consumers in PRNewswire CISION...

Flatiron Institute Expands beyond 1000 Nodes with Bright Computing Cluster Management Software
From insideHPC

Flatiron Institute Expands beyond 1000 Nodes with Bright Computing Cluster Management Software

The Flatiron Institute, New York, a community of scientists using modern computational tools to advance the basic sciences, is deploying a 320-node addition toFlatiron...

AI Enables Efficiencies in Quantum Information Processing.
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Enables Efficiencies in Quantum Information Processing.

Good general introduction.  Impressed by the approach being worked on.AI Enables Efficiencies in Quantum Information ProcessingU.S. Army Research LaboratoryJuly...

Maintaining the Measures
From The Eponymous Pickle

Maintaining the Measures

Like the general thought, measures are important, but what is driving and changing the measures?  Another example of maintaining the model in use.  Changes will...

On Automated Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Automated Machine Learning

Emphasizing the automated, inevitable that such method will be more broadly integrated with general IT analytics.  But will also require automated updating of their...

Reverse Engineering of 3D-Printed Parts by Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reverse Engineering of 3D-Printed Parts by Machine Learning

A new caution regarding how machine learning can lead to extraction of IP.Reverse Engineering of 3D-Printed Parts by Machine Learning Reveals Security Vulnerabilities...
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